Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 475: Zerg World

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???? "Boss." Pepper flew out of Li Luo's arms and shouted: "My grandfather's grandfather's grandfather used to be in the Zerg World. Several plants here are necessary for wizards. , Is also the main material for refining super blood acid mixture. They are Corrosive Grass, Acid Flower and Neisser Fruit."

???? "Boss, these worms belong to the void worm race. They are also very noble in the zerg. They attacked you just now, ignoring the coercion of the worm." Xiao Jin's childish voice came over. Continued: "However, these guys are as smart as our sky-eaters, and they are also extremely high. I asked them, and they said there were stocks of the other two medicinal materials in the nest."

???? At this time, Li Luo turned his head to look at Xiaojin, who understood him, flew over, neighed on the shoulder of a praying mantis, and flew back.

???? Under a scramble, a few mantis people each took a Nesser fruit and swallowed it down.

???? Li Luo's eyes flickered for a moment when he heard the words, took out a few Neser Fruits and threw them over.

???? "Boss, they said that it has been a long time since they had eaten Nesser fruit, and they are almost... maggots." Xiaojin said in a speechless tone.

???? "Zizizi!" Immediately, under Xiaojin's sharp neighing sound, the few praying mantises in front of him actually knelt down.

???? "Xiao Jin, ask them, I have no intention of being an enemy of them, why should I sneak attack on me!" Li Luo glanced at Xiao Jin on his shoulder and said.

???? Li Luogang wanted to get rid of these worms, and then raised his eyebrows, spreading the blue light in his hands.

???? Several praying mantis suddenly showed extremely horrified expressions and screamed.

???? "Second-order creature..." Li Luo scanned the surrounding circle and muttered to himself, the cyan light in his hand condensed, and an extremely fierce aura spread at this moment.

???? These few figures Li Luo saw really, they turned out to be a few fine mantises! Why do you say that, apart from the sickle-shaped arms and the head resembling a praying mantis, these guys are almost the same as humans in other parts!

???? A few figures are very fast. Although Li Luo's eyes can keep up with their movements, because of the pressure on the interface, he can only cover himself with a layer of diamond armor. Flew out.

???? As a result, just after walking out less than fifty meters, the surrounding woods suddenly resounded. At this moment, seven or eight figures wearing exoskeletons swept out and rushed towards Li Luo.

???? "The interface here is too powerful to suppress it. It will take me a few years to assimilate the breath of my body so that I can not be suppressed." Li Luo said lightly, taking back his gaze: "Let's get out of here soon. The main materials of the other two medicinal materials were found, and the super blood acid mixture was refined as soon as possible."

???? Li Luo looked along, and saw the dense forest in the distance...

The densely packed bone **** scattered all over the place, and there were hundreds of them by visual inspection. At the fragmented skull, the faint bone fire spread out into the void.

???? "Boss, why are you slowing down?" Xiaojin quickly asked after turning into a few golden shadows and flew back from a distance.

???? Under the sound of swooshing through the air, a few white arrows emitting a little light passed by him and settled on the ancient trees not far away.

???? After Li Luo collected the fruit, he was about to lift his foot and leave. Suddenly, there was a tingling pain in his eyebrows, and he made a wrong step and slid sideways.

???? After a while, several puppets flew back with a few golden fruits.

After that, Li Luo patted the space pocket around his waist, and suddenly a few golden spider puppets with wings on their backs emerged and flew towards the small island in the lake.

???? Li Luo nodded and said, "I can't go there, but it doesn't mean that I won't get these Nesser fruits."

???? "Boss, it seems that the undead has indeed come to this world. Most of the lake is contaminated by these dead bodies. We are afraid that we have to find another way."

???? Li Luo looked at the scene in front of him, and a strange feeling of deja vu arose in his heart. When he was in a trance, he heard Xiao Jin suddenly speak:

???? And on the ground of this small island, there are layers of Zerg bones piled up, and wisps of green mist dissolve around the trees, and some bones even have a faint soul fire in their eyes. The corpse is about to change!

???? There is a small island in the center of the lake. In the center of the island, a small emerald tree about five meters high stands alone there, and the edge is blocked by a layer of faint fog.

???? He looked forward at the same time and frowned.

???? Li Luo didn't know how many eye-opening giant insects were killed all the way, and came to a lake with sparkling water.

???? About half a month later.

???? Step by step carefully, **** vines constantly attacked him. Because he was in the forest, Li Luo didn't dare to release fire spells. You know, at his level, any fire spell can cause forest fires! He had to rely on his natural talent to continuously release acid splashes to dissolve all the surrounding vines~www.readwn.com~ The plants here, even the trees, have grown a pair of big mouths that open and close like a fan. It looks like a piranha, constantly attracting mosquitoes and small insects, swallowing these poisonous insects and flies while opening and closing. The entire forest stretched out, Li Luo thought, under this circumstance, Xiao Jin should be able to handle the number of parasites. And judging from the scale of the forest, there should be no civilization born, and there should be just a few bugs.

???? In order for Xiaojin to concentrate on protecting against parasites, Li Luo did not release Hobbi, but walked towards ten o'clock on foot.

???? "I didn't expect the interface suppressing power here to be so powerful." Li Luo wiped the sweat from his forehead and flew down.


???? While flying away, Li Luo only felt chest tightness, an inexplicable pressure all over his body, causing him to breathe a little.

???? "I forgot your identity." Li Luo raised his eyebrows slightly, sensing the level of the surrounding giant insects, and then flew away safely.

???? "With me, how can it be impossible for you to be parasitic!" Xiao Jin fell on Li Luo's shoulder, and continued to transmit his voice: "The boss can rest assured to collect it. Our Sky Devourers are on this plane. High bloodlines, there shouldn't be any bugs that don't open their eyes to trouble us."

???? Peppa sniffed hard, and said, "It doesn't seem to be around here, there seems to be a faint scent of Nesser fruit in the direction of... ten o'clock."

???? "It's so good. You talk to them, I think of a way to transplant the Neisser fruit tree to their nest, to exchange the other two materials with them." Li Luo slowly commanded, turning around and returning to the lake. before.

???? As a result, the next moment, the sudden change!

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