Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 480: Totem upgrade

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???? With the most basic mystery totem, Li Luo decomposed and absorbed all the corpses of the Frost Worm and Void Worm that had been killed during this period.

???? Under a few wind blades, the frost giant worm was cut into several segments immediately, Li Luo came forward, the mysterious witch pattern on his body shimmered with dim light, and several worm corpses began to slowly melt down.

???? Stabbed!

???? "Has it grown to Tier 4? It's time to harvest."

????Looking at a few frost giants crawling in the distance, Li Luo nodded.

???? At this time, his eyes seemed to be full of vicissitudes, and his eyes seemed to penetrate thousands of miles, becoming deep and bright.

???? So, it took another year before Li Luo walked out of the laboratory.

???? Li Luo's eyes gleamed slightly with purple light, and he constantly scanned his arm and the bug's arm, his fingertips lit up with a purple light, and he began to modify the witch formation on his arm.

???? "This is not just the insect pattern, it is called the mystery witch pattern on my body, and it can also be called the mystery totem!"

???? "Moreover, this kind of insect pattern is evolvable! Although weaker than the witch formation, it can evolve and strengthen, and eventually it can surpass the witch formation!"

???? Li Luo sketched out the analytic pattern and muttered to himself: "The worm patterns of these worms are all artificial. After constantly imprinting witch formations on ordinary worms, the worms that survived If people evolve successfully, they will give birth to worm patterns similar to the witch formation!"

???? "Unexpectedly. These insect patterns have such a connection with the witch formation!"

???? After Li Luo analyzed these insect patterns one by one, he showed a very shocked look.

???? So, after another month, the wounds began to heal gradually as the insect man's strength improved, and at the same time a new type of insect pattern was born!

???? Li Luo looked at the healing part of their wound, poured a test tube of medicine on it, and then he muttered words, under the smoke, one by one runes appeared in the air, which was recorded by Li Luo one by one. Down.

???? Ten days later, these worms all exudes waves of vitality, and the cracks on the arms have healed some!

???? On this day, Li Luo woke up early, and the first thing was to take the refined vitality potion to several Frost Worm and Void Worm.

???? So, another seven years have passed.

???? Next, Li Luo did not continue the experiment. In addition to routinely treating more than a dozen bugs’ arm injuries every day, he waited for his vitality to grow, and began to try to refine vitality potions.

???? Li Luo took a deep breath and returned to his laboratory again.

???? "So, it will be almost in ten years."

???? The huge sea fish stirred up a huge wave, and then spit out the sea water at Li Luo's head...

, Then plunged towards the depths of the seabed.


???? After a full hour, Li Luo stopped the curse, picked up the giant marine fish, flew to the depths of the sea, and threw it down.

???? Immediately, he murmured an unknown spell, the red glow on the test bench flashed slightly, and the Murphy sea fish began to dry out quickly, and the sea fish began to tremble and struggle violently.

???? When he returned again, there was already a huge marine fish on the test bench of the University of Science and Technology. Li Luo fixed it and placed the Murphy marine fish on the side of the marine fish. A piece of magic stone came out and inserted into the groove of the test bench.

???? With that said, Li Luo hurriedly flew out of the house he built using magic techniques, and flew toward the depths of the sea.

???? Li Luo made a rare tick at the corner of his mouth and murmured: "Although it is very weak, it shows that the number of these Murphyll fish has reached 3% of all the fish in this plane."

???? "This is... vitality!"

???? After a while, Li Luo raised his brows and stood up, his hands stretched out slightly, his eyes brightened!

???? Li Luo shook his head. I don't know how many times it has failed this time. He sat on the chair with a tired expression and closed his eyes, as if lost in some kind of contemplation.

???? "Huh. It failed."

???? But the next moment. With a bang, the worm man's entire arm burst and open, and the exoskeleton shattered in all directions, deeply embedded in the leather armor on Li Luo's chest.

???? After carefully observing a few worms for a moment, Li Luo's fingers lit up with a dazzling purple light, and lightly tapped the worms' arm in front of him, sneer! With a bang, an arcane rune inscription was printed on the crack, emitting a little purple shimmer.

???? At this time, the arms of these worms are all engraved by Li Luo with the decomposition of the witch formation, and the exoskeleton has cracks of varying degrees. The gurgling green insect fluid flows out along the wound, as if the arteries were severely damaged. Cut open in general.

???? Looking at a few dying insects not far away, Li Luo walked over, fed them a bottle of healing potion, and cast a sleeping spell to make them fall asleep.

???? Looking at the decomposition of the witch formation on his arms, Li Luo muttered to himself: "The totem and the magic formation are inextricably linked. After such a long period of experimentation, I finally have some eyebrows... ..."

???? So, Li Luo waited patiently while studying the totem on his body. It was only in the seventh year that Li Luo stopped.

???? After flipping his hands and taking out a large vessel, Li Luo sent the bunches of roe inside it into the sea. This is Murphy's fish roe, and it has been strengthened by the Wizarding World. These Murphyll marine fish grow up to have second-order strength, and the growth rate and reproduction speed are relatively fast. Li Luo estimates that there should be very good results in a few years~www.readwn.com~Li Luo I closed my eyes and felt it, then opened my eyes after a while.

???? At his current speed, on this small planet, he arrived in front of a pale green sea in less than a week.

???? Li Luo muttered to himself, a moment later, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he rose into the air and flew away in one direction.

???? "Then. Since I'm here. Let's help the creatures on this planet do some evolution. As for the hidden undead star soul...it should be the moment when all creatures here begin their life transition, It releases a strong spirit of death..."

???? "A world where vitality has not yet been born..." Li Luo spread his mental power, retracted it after a while, and shook his head: "It is already very slow to advance to the third level of the biological level. ."

???? Although Li Luo is now recovering his strength, he doesn't want to engage with the worms here too much. After all, his purpose is to invade the undead star souls in this world.

???? Today's Void Wormmen have evolved to Tier 3. According to Xiaojin, they have reached the level of the birth of the Worm King. By then, in order to improve their strength, these Void Wormmen can't keep attacking him.

???? Finally, he glanced at the Void Worm in the nest, Li Luo packed up the experimental equipment, and left with Xiaojin.

???? His mystery totem level has also reached the second level, the quality is no less than the two kinds of insect patterns, and even higher.

???? After a while, Li Luo retracted his arm and took a deep breath. The totem on his body began to spread slightly and thicker, and an icy breath began to fill his body, spreading towards the surroundings.

???? Obviously, at this moment, his mystery totem has been upgraded!

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