Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 484: Super Worm King Corpse

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  The area inside the cave is very large, which is as large as a thousand meters.


   One meter thick black stone pillars stand on both sides of the cave. At the end of the cave, there are eight tall worms.


They sit on eight seats. The middle seat is a middle-aged man wearing a golden armor. On both sides are the Void Insect Man, Centipede Man, Frost Insect Man, Flame Ant Man, Black Armor Giant Insect, Toad Man, and A woman with a pretty appearance, I don't know which kind of bug it is.


   "Kill them!" The headed middle-aged man looked at Xiao Jin with an abnormal flushing color on his face.


   "Huh. Zhengshou can't find the same kind. I didn't expect you to be the king of the mountain on this planet." Xiaojin felt the atmosphere of the worms around him, his face was calm, and he sneered.


   Li Luo glanced at this insect king and lost interest. Although it has transformed, it is just like Xiaojin, only at the fourth-order level, and the threat to the two is very limited.


   Xiao Jin narrowed his eyes, and his whole person suddenly turned into a golden light flashing away. The worms around him fell to the ground instantly under the flash of Li Luo's sword light.


   After Li Luo killed all the worms casually, he looked at the corpses on the ground in amazement, and said suspiciously: "Hey, there are actually Tier 4 Frost Worms and Void Worms."


"Fortunately, my basic knight swordsmanship is a group attack skill. Otherwise, it is really possible to be attacked by the two of you." Li Luo's face changed slightly, and he put away his contempt, covered with a layer of diamond armor, and began to absorb the two. The corpse of a bug.


  In the distance, the Void Insect King saw it here, and he screamed loudly: "Asshole. Dare to kill my nephew, and you will die for me!"


After   , it disappeared into the void, and the Frost Worm who exuded a biting chill was following him, yelling: "Ghost cubs, pay my son's life!"


   But the next moment, the body of the Sky Devouring Insect King beside them stiffened, and the whole head rolled down from the body. Xiao Jin did not move slowly, and swallowed the body of the Insect King in a few mouthfuls.


   Immediately, the insect marks on Xiao Jin's body gradually increased, and a powerful spatial force instantly swayed towards the surroundings.


   At this moment, there was a ripple in the void, and the previous Void Insect King popped out of thin air.


   Li Luo narrowed his eyes, and the newt sword flashed in his hand, and his figure interlaced with the two insect kings, and immediately cut off the heads of the two insect kings.


   Suddenly, the entire cave became silent, and several insect kings became shivering under Xiaojin's insect power.


   "Visit the new king of insects!"


   The remaining few insect kings seemed to have reached a consensus and quickly bowed down.


   Li Luo motioned to Xiaojin to sit on the main seat, and he began to absorb four corpses, and the totems on his body began to blend with his own blood.


   So, it took a full seven days before Li Luo's totem changed.


   Feeling the totem on his lower body, Li Luo showed a hint of clarity.


   "This is the real horror of the mystery totem. It is directly connected to the bloodline and strengthens a person's bloodline talent!"


   With a deep sigh, Li Luo retracted his gaze and turned to look at Xiaojin alone in the cave.


   "Xiaojin, how are the wars these days?"


   Xiaojin said, "That star soul puts a lot of pressure on me, so I instruct all bug people, including the bug king, to strengthen the defense on the front line and wait for you to wake up."


   Li Luo gave a hum, and took out the experimental instruments one by one. After all the experimental instruments were placed neatly, he took Xiaojin and hurried towards the front line.


   By the time the front line was full of insect nests, it was already three days later.


Looking at the insects whose auras continued to increase, Li Luo thought to himself whether the Moffel fish in the sea had some kind of mutation, and with the urge to return to check immediately, Li Luo took Xiaojin into the insect king’s house. Meeting place**.


   "His Royal Highness, King King." Several insects bowed their heads respectfully.


   Xiaojin raised his brows when he heard the words, and under a ill-intentioned expression, he sternly said: "Why don't you kneel down when you see this insect king."


   Li Luo silently flicked Xiaojin's head and said, "Don't do that."


   The few insect kings watched Li Luo teach Xiaojin so, their eyes flashed, and they knelt down and said, "I have seen the insect king."


   "Yeah." Xiaojin danced after hearing the words, and looked at Li Luo with a funny look: "Well, I took in a large group of subordinates as soon as I came."


   Li Luo glared at Xiao Jin, walked directly to a sandbag, and said through the spirit: "How many Neisser fruit trees are there on the frontline? How many bugs and wizards are there in total?"


Several insect kings glanced at each other and screamed: "Report to the insect king. Those responsible for cultivating the Neisser fruit tree are all void insects. You killed their insect queen a few days ago, and all these insect wizards gave up. Up."


   Li Luo nodded, watching the small dirt bag in front of him and using saliva to condense small skeleton warriors, zombies and gargoyles, and finally stopped his sight in front of several lakes.


"If you let me go, I will say that I have a way to make other bug people have the ability to cast spells. I especially warn the void bug people and the frost bug people to compete for a new bug king as soon as possible and come here to stand by." After speaking, Li Luo took Xiaojin. Flew away towards the lakes in the distance.


   flew for a week. The first few lakes were all raised by undead leeches. Finally, in the last lake, the goal of Li Luo's trip emerged, the weeping water ghost.


   Looking at the heavily guarded zombie army in front of him, Li Luo frowned slightly.


   Xiaojin also stepped forward, and said with some doubts: "Boss, these zombies have all reached Tier 5, why haven't they acted on the worms on the frontline?"


   Li Luo also looked puzzled: "I don't know, just take a look."


   The two continued to hide their figures~www.readwn.com~, flew past zombies and landed on the island in the middle of the lake.


   After going all the way, the two finally came to the center of the island, in front of a rocky forest.


   Feel the power of the horrible necromancer inside, both of them showed a solemn color.


   "Boss, there seems to be an air defense restriction in this." Xiao Jin whispered.


   Li Luo looked into the chaotic stone forest for a moment, and the inside was hazy, and a gray-white necromantic spirit spread, isolating the mental power.


   "You are meeting me outside, I will go in and see what these undead are doing."


After   , Li Luo began to slowly dive into it.


   entered the chaotic stone forest, but there were fewer zombies guarding him. When Li Luo walked to a clearing, his expression suddenly changed.


   In the center of the clearing, there are eight witches exuding Tier 5 fluctuations. The necromantic aura on them is close to the substance, forming a circle, standing in front of a huge altar.


   Li Luo looked along, and when he saw the things on the altar, his face changed drastically!


   What caught the eye was a huge corpse of a bug, even if it was dead, it gave Li Luo an illusion of the power of law. Not only that, under the strong aura of the dead spirits, the breath of this corpse of insects also began to become nonexistent! Seeing is about to be resurrected!


   Right now, a super bug king is about to be resurrected!



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