Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 490: Legacy of the Wizard

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I don't know how long it took before Li Luo gradually woke up, feeling a soft back, but then, looking around, there were blazing flames everywhere, and the violent fire elements surged towards him like boundless.

Li Luo was taken aback, but immediately felt the mask opened by Hobbi, and his tight face was slightly loosened.

"Wake up?" Hobby asked with a yawn.

"Yeah." Li Luo hummed, frowned slightly, sighed, and continued: "It seems that we didn't escape."

Hobby stuck out a pink tongue, licked his nose, and said, "Yes. This is bad news."

Li Luo felt Hobby’s tone, and naturally knew from his experience, this kind of casual tone, there is something in the words! Immediately, he asked: "Is there any good news?"

Habi laughed and said: "The good news is that I have absorbed the three basic element vortexes. Both the mana recovery speed and the ranks have gone through a big leap. Not only has the strength reached the seventh rank, but even this kind of Under consumption, the recovery speed can also keep up with the consumption speed of the energy cover."

Li Luo fell silent when he heard the words, then his eyes condensed a dazzling purple light, and he looked in different directions.

At this time, the four-image array in front of him has undergone some changes in the four different element fields. Now he is in the south, turning into the fire element field, the north into the water element field, and the west into the earth element. Realm, the East has become the realm of wind elements.

Not only that, the chaotic area at the center is continuously spreading to the surrounding area, Li Luo calculated the speed, and it is expected that within a week, it will inevitably spread to all areas!

"Hobby, will you transmit mana to others?" Li Luo asked quickly.

"Yes." Hobby said.

Li Luo received Hobby’s reply, he was a little relieved, and said: "It should not be too late, we are marching towards the central area. With your energy perfusion, the energy shields of the two of us should be able to hold up to enter the hall again. ."

Hobby's fat head glanced back, revealing a touch of cunning, and said, "Are you afraid of the master here?"

Li Luo was silent when he heard the words, shook his head, and said, "I'm afraid. I don't know how many years this old monster has lived. I'm still not sure about defeating him, but Hobby, you have a chance to fight him."

Hobby nodded, and said: "That wind vortex is mine too, as a price for the shot." "Good." Li Luo did not refuse, but agreed.

The two immediately walked towards the central area. When they reached the chaotic area, Li Luo opened the energy shield, and the two traveled for about 100 kilometers before entering the hall again.

However, the hall at this time was already in ruins, and the chaotic torrent of elements was constantly raging here, rushing towards the two with howling sounds.

"Hey, I'm the boss. There seems to be something wrong here, it's suitable for you to play!" Li Luo patted Hobby on the shoulder and joked.

"What to play?" Hobby was taken aback, and then showed a touch of sorrow, and said: "How do you play to eat your leftover food?"

Li Luo is a little speechless when he hears this, give you food? My food for a month is definitely not enough for you to eat in a day!

"It's the whirlpool of eating wind!"

Li Luo shook his head and walked towards the west side of a hall. Habi quickly followed.

Soon, one person and one beast came to the west entrance of the main hall. Looking at the gate where the runes were still shining in front of him, Li Luo walked to the groove and took out the wind vortex.

Immediately, the door began to close slowly. After Li Luo handed the wind whirlpool to Hobby, he looked at a wall at the end of the hall and slowly walked over.

After swallowing the wind whirlpool, Hobby didn't fall asleep again, but a black and white light flashed all over his body, turning into a panda-eyed pudgy young man, and sat down cross-legged.

Looking at the patterns on the murals in front of me, all of them depict the four element vortexes of earth, water, wind, fire, but the order of arrangement is quite different, but they are all rotating clockwise one after another, which seems to confirm Some kind of law.

Li Luo didn't know how long he watched, even when the protective cover on his body was about to burst, he didn't move. Or Hobbit walked to Li Luo's side and poured some of his mana into Li Luo's mind. Come.

"What did you find?" Hobby asked with two dark circles under his eyes.

Li Luo fell silent after hearing this, and after a while he said, "I found a secret. If I guess it is correct, this hall, and even the energy hub of the entire array, is most likely the star soul of this planet. "

"Star Soul?" Hobby was taken aback, and then exclaimed.

"Yeah." Li Luo nodded and explained: "These permutations and combinations, according to the depiction on the mural, every time people who come to explore here have got the elemental vortex I just gave you just now. Look at this picture, it's obvious The weathered age is shorter than that of other patterns. It is a wizard who obtains the four element vortex and leaves it as a memorial."

"And some of the murals behind this are also left by wizards. It seems that this array can not only extract the origin of the star soul and create the four element vortex, but most of the people who come in are more fortunate than fortune."

Hobby listened to Li Luo's explanation, rolled his eyes, didn't seem to understand too much, and asked, "Why, they are all dead?"

Li Luo narrowed his eyes and touched the mural, and said, "We humans raise wild boar cubs. Generally, we wait until the wild boars evolve into pigs or mountain beasts before slaughtering them. I said that, you should understand."

Habib nodded angrily, eh, as if hesitated, and asked: "You won’t do anything to me in the future~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo gave Habi a white and ignored him, but Two purple lights lit up in the eyes, and the hand slowly moved towards a certain part of the mural. As the hand moved, a stream of elements flowed into the mural. Gradually, under a flash of light from the mural, a moment of light and shadow Emerges in front of the mural.

Light and shadow is a scene of a wizard and elemental creatures fighting. The difference from Li Luo is that this wizard is extremely powerful, almost crushing the existence of four elemental creatures. Under the vortex of the four elements, he is also like Li Luo and quickly found this hall.

Since the wizard didn't get any prompts, he didn't know how to start the entire array teleportation at first, and he swallowed all the four element vortices, and they were not installed in the four element slots of the main hall.

After he was teleported out, he was just like Li Luo, and was restricted and strangled by the entire formation, and even under the realm of the fire element, he was almost turned to ashes.

But this wizard, relying on his own powerful strength, killed another round of element lords and obtained four element vortexes. This is the end of the screen.

The wizard gradually zoomed in and turned to look at Li Luo.

"Later, if the picture you see ends here, then it proves that after I installed the four element vortex, I must have encountered a powerful opponent, I am afraid I am dead."

The wizard light and shadow gradually walked towards Li Luo, "Don't be afraid. I'm just an afterimage, I have something to tell you."

Guangying said something, but there was no sound, but Li Luo's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, because of the excessively clenched fist, the fingertips were deeply embedded in the flesh and blood.

After a while, the light and shadow dissipated, and with a strong punch, the mural broke apart, revealing a hole the size of a human head and a box full of cobwebs.

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