Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 493: Are you making a grave for yourself?

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"Azkakis, our blood family has the honor of our blood family, and this honor is the purity of blood!" At this time, the tall man among the three blood families grabbed the other two blood families and said.

"Noble? Antar. Are you sure your blood is still pure?" Azkakis sneered as if he heard some joke.

When Antalton fell silent, the other two blood races did not hesitate too much, and took the pure blood given by Azkakis and drank a few sips. Suddenly, the blood-red hair of the two blood races quickly turned pale, and then two bends grew on their foreheads, their height was more than a foot taller, and their feet turned into two hooves, and they all turned into Vampire demon.

"That's right. Hahahaha..." Azkakis laughed wildly, "How do you feel?"

The two newly transformed vampire demons glanced at each other, frowned, and said, "There is nothing wrong with our blood, Azkakis, dare you lie to us?!"

Azkakis was taken aback when he heard the words, and said unbelievably: "How is this possible! Our blood-sucking demons, after transforming order creatures into vampires, all feed on the blood of that race, your state is fundamentally It's the blood that was touched by someone!"

"Huh. Transforming into a pure blood demon, I clearly feel that I have begun to hate the blood of chaotic creatures. This is simply too bad!" The newly transformed vampire demon coldly snorted and turned to look at another transformed demon. The latter was silent for a moment, and said: "No matter what, chaotic creatures grow fast and have strong power. We will increase their blood very quickly by sucking their blood."

At this time, Antar also nodded: "Visa, Mai Aron, since you have transformed into demons, has our blood been touched by anyone?"

Visa was silent for a moment, and said: "It has been moved. But this definitely cannot be a reason for us to rebel against my lord. Take us for example, if we feed on human blood, it will take at least a thousand years for our strength to reach the present level. Kind of degree."

·I also nodded and said: "Yes. But Azkakis, your words still remind us. This time the Lord asked us to support the front line, and our two transformed blood-sucking demons will stay together to guard the Star Soul. , Anyway, the Lord did not come to this planet himself, if he asks, Gural, you say that we are responsible for entering the worm army and keeping track of their movements at all times."

"That's it." Gulaer's ethereal and slightly hoarse voice sounded, and a pair of bone arms suddenly came out of white light, and Antar and himself disappeared here together.

"Master Azkakis." Visa's eyes flickered, hesitated for a moment, and said: "My lord. Are we really so obediently helping these rotten guys to guard the house?"

Azkakis was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Visa, and laughed after a moment: "It's really good, just shortly after the transformation, I started to use the idea of ​​this undead star soul."

McAron looked at Azkakis as if he heard some joke: "Hahahaha...Azkakis, you misunderstood. Not now, we had this purpose from the beginning, but Due to strength and status, no rebellion was launched."

Azkakis looked at the two blood races, frowned, and said, "You want to devour your star soul? Are you afraid of backlash?"

McAron didn't give much explanation when he heard the words. He flipped his hand and took out a jar and opened it: "Don't think that you have the pure blood of a vampire devil!"

Azkakis looked down, a familiar smell of blood came over his face, his complexion changed slightly.

"Very good. Even me, a veteran vampire demon nobleman, did not expect you to be so insidious. You are simply born to be a family of vampire demons. You are welcome to join!" After watching for a moment, Azkakis recognized this. It is the pure blood of a vampire demon.

"So, boss, what are your plans?" McAron asked.

Azkakis’ metallic voice sounded: “You only need to find the location of the star soul. I have a way to set up a large enchantment. Then we will be able to wonder if we have absorbed this undead star soul. The strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds!"

"We have vaguely heard the dialogue between Gural and the Lord of the Undead. The star soul seems to be sealed with his phylogeny. Every time he gives an order to guard the star soul, he is to let other undead guard the phylogeny. It's just the area, we don't know exactly where it is." Visa said with a frown.

"Very well, as long as I reach that area, I have my own way to find out." Azkakis said in a low voice, "Then, according to intelligence, that human should also come to this muddy water. We set a trap. , After trapping him, then absorbing the Star Soul, and finally handing over his corpse to Gural, arousing conflicts between humans and the undead, it is considered to have completed the task."

The two new vampire demons glanced at each other, nodded, and then disappeared here under a burst of dark green energy surrounded by dark green energy. After watching Mai Aron and Visa leave, Azkakis was silent for a moment, as if thinking about something, then a dark green light flashed and left here.


A week later, Li Luo and Hobby had already flew to a large area of ​​dead wood. The gray-white necromantic airflow was like smog, and a rancid smell came over them, making them a little breathless.

"Put these worms into the formation, Hobby, you also go in." Li Luo indifferently ordered.

"Good!" There was a flash of black and white light in Hobby's hand, and the space where the many worms behind him was distorted, one by one disappeared out of thin air.

Soon, Habi also disappeared into a white light, and the formation was taken by Li Luo Xukong and included in his sleeve robe.

Immediately, Li Luo took out the phantom fan tracksuit, turned into bubbles and slowly dissipated in the void.

Li Luo flew all the way to the rotten land, constantly comparing the map information given to him by the undead clone, and stopped in front of a dead wood tree entwined with dark green vines.

He gently pushed his hand to the dead wood, and the dead wood fell in response, and under the dead wood tree with its roots down, a package appeared in front of him.

After opening the package, what caught his eye was a compass. After Li Luo had penetrated some mana, a red spot on the compass appeared.

Li Luo collected the compass and continued to flee towards the red spot.

After escaping for more than three days, he gradually came to a gray-white necromantic flower bush. He observed it left and right for a while, feeling the pressure of the necromancer that was almost substantial, Li Luo's eyes lit up with dazzling purple light, towards Look around.

Looking at this necromantic flower bush in front of him, Li Luo looked sad. There was no reason for him. The area was really too big. It was fifty square kilometers by visual inspection!

"Here! Let me dig three meters into the ground and dig up the entire flower bushes? Are you kidding me!" Li Luo looked at everything in front of him speechlessly, and was about to walk inside, but raised his eyebrows slightly, holding him up. Shaped into bubbles and dissipated.

"Then, human, welcome. Welcome to our back garden." At this moment, not far away, Azkakis and other three vampire demons appeared out of thin air, all looking at Li Luo with ridicule.

Li Luo saw that he had been exposed, his face was as usual, and he put away the Phantom Mistake clothes~www.readwn.com~ Now he has the help of Hobbit, and there is nothing to be afraid of. He just looks at the three vampire demons indifferently.

"Huh ha ha ha. Very good, so calm, really surprised me." Azkakis sneered, and continued: "So, now?"

Azkakis easily pressed a dark green fel holy artifact, and suddenly a dark green fel enchantment enveloped all of them.

"Today, your whole body of blood can be dedicated to the deity. I will transform you into the most powerful warrior of our clan, Lord Li Luo!" Azkakis sneered, and thrust his hand into the ground. , Suddenly, dark green lines of fel energy spread from the ground far away, Li Luo only felt the energy of his whole body collapse for a while, and the whole person felt that his strength was rapidly losing.

But he didn't panic at all, and looked at the three vampire demons mockingly: "Are you making a grave for yourself?"

The three vampire demons were taken aback, among them Azkakis narrowed his eyes slightly, as if thinking of something.

Li Luo didn't hesitate too much, the four-xiang two-yi array compass in his hand flashed, and his figure and the figures of three blood-sucking demons disappeared out of thin air between the heaven and the earth.

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