Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 500: doubt



The two huge worm figures flashed a few times and appeared on the ancient tree not far away.

Li Luo concealed his figure, but then a thin layer of frost formed on his body.

Atuoye's elliptical head suddenly showed an unexpected look, and turned to Li Luo's side.

"Splitting Ants!" Frost Insect Man Atuye smiled and turned to look at Karis who was not far away.

Under Li Luo's mana roll, all the frost shattered, and slowly walked towards the two worms.

"Ant-Cracker?" The expression on Karis's face was a little surprised.

Li Luo didn't say much, and asked directly: "Then, tell me what is in the depths of this **** forest."

Li Luo stood still not far from the two worms, controlling his breath at the fifth-tier peak.

"When you come here, it proves that you have reached the level of Tier 5." Karis said hoarsely, "Then as you guessed, in the depths of the **** forest, there are high-level blood wolves, which are also born. The place of the sixth-order insect people!"

"Is it just the place where the high-rank worms were born?" Li Luo moved his lips slightly, and asked, "It's just the high-rank blood wolf?"

"Not bad." Atuo Yeah paused, and added: "But no one has approached in the deepest part. Once you get close to it, no matter what level of insect you are, you will soon lose consciousness."

Li Luo nodded, didn't ask any more, but focused on some other things in his heart.

"Did the zerg swallow each other?" Li Luo looked towards the depths of the blood-filled forest, "I am afraid that these worms have evolved into high-level worms. Entering here, they will also become high-level blood wolves."

"Well, it's not the time to go in, let's have a rest." Karis' figure flashed and jumped onto an ancient tree, and then the voice came over.

Li Luo didn't ask any more, he also jumped up to an old tree, but then Atuo Ye's figure also jumped up to his old tree.

At this moment, Li Luo turned into a wind. Under the cyan light of the two pliers arms, a cyan wind blade glowing with a faint purple light flashed in front of this Atuoye.

At such a close distance, it was obviously too late for Atuoye to do any more dodge.

But immediately, Atuoye seemed to be prepared, and a thick layer of ice armor appeared on his body, and a sound of clambering gold and iron rang out. It was only that the exoskeleton on his body was somewhat cracked, and the wind blade dissipated. Come.

When the wind blade disappeared, not only Li Luo didn't expect it, but Atuoye was also shocked. You know, even the opposite Ares can't easily break its defense!

Immediately, a burst of blue light condensed above Atuoye's head, and a two-meter-long, deep blue cone of ice shot out, bursting toward Li Luo with a biting chill.

But seeing that a layer of diamond armor appeared on Li Luo's body, he didn't retreat but moved forward, and he rushed towards Atuoye against the ice cone.


There was an explosion, Li Luo's entire chest was covered with frost, but turned into two giant pincers' hands, one of them pinched Atuoye's neck.

Click! Screamed.

The frost on Li Luo shattered instantly, and a pair of pliers instantly smashed the exoskeleton around Atuoye's neck.

This series of actions was flowing like water, without any delay, even Karis who was not far away was taken aback, and then he looked surprised.

Li Luo took Atuye's corpse in front of Karis and ran towards the distance.

But Karis didn't mean to come to chase at all, until Li Luo ran away, Karis didn't leave here for half a step.

After Li Luo found a temporary cave, he withdrew the transformation technique, the purple light in his hand suddenly brightened, and Atuoye's body suddenly melted.

In this way, Li Luo stayed in the cave for three days before coming out.

Soon, Li Luo found Karis again, but at this time, there were dozens of Tier 5 bugs in front of Karis.

"This **** forest is really weird. So many high-level insects were born so soon..." Li Luo muttered to himself, standing on the side of the Frost insects.

"You are the ant man who killed Atuoye?!" At this moment, a group of fifth-order insect people came around.

Ma Jialuo was obviously looking a little ugly. He was a noble of the split ant tribe, the eldest son of the patriarch, and a pivotal member of the ice city.

Originally hunting and killing each other here, it would be fine to die some nobles, but it was the Insect King leader of Bingcheng who died, which was different.

You must know whether it is the Frost Faction or the Void Faction Insect Man, until now, there is only one Tier 6 Insect Man in the two forces.

Now that the top master of the Ice City faction is dead, you can imagine what it will mean in the next trial!

All the worms in the ice city showed a look of resentment, and each of their eyes was shining with red light, and a fierce aura rose up, making the **** fog even more intense.

"What's your name, why did you shoot at Atuoye?" The leader was Alazan, the son of the Bingcheng City Lord. He moved his eyes, and he asked coldly, saying: "Did you take our Bingcheng Worms, are they all sent into the mouth of the Void Worms?"

"I killed Atuoye?"

Li Luo showed a sneer on his face and said: "He was the one who shot at me first, I just fought back!"

"Counter-attack? Even if Atuoye wants to attack you, you should contribute your body!" Arazan sneered and said with his eyes narrowed.

A cold light flashed in Li Luo's eyes, and he slowly walked towards this Arazan. The palm of his hand slammed his body hard and slammed his body out, causing Arazan to spit out a mouthful of blood, and he couldn't help but let out a painful grunt.

"You..." Alazhan looked ugly. He wanted to say something cruel, but he had no confidence. The reason was simple, because just now, when he wanted to do something to dodge, he was enveloped by a powerful force field. Get up, according to his guess, Li Luo should be just a strongman of the fifth-order peak, who killed Atuoye in a sneak attack.

But now, he obviously underestimated Li Luo's strength.

"Okay, sir, this is a misunderstanding, let my brother go." Dora said with a hollow voice, and said slowly, "My name is Dora, what is your name?"

"Crack Dove. UU Reading www.ukanshu.com"

Li Luo faintly replied, and he didn't say more. As he guessed, as long as he showed the strength of Tier 6 and replaced Atuoye as the leader of the Frost Worms, these Worms would definitely obey him.

As a result, these Tier 5 Ice City Sect Worms can not only help him hunt down blood wolves, but they can also become the most powerful cannon fodder for exploring this **** forest.

Li Luo stood there, and several other worm nobles stood together and looked at the front and kept talking. Obviously they knew some of the secrets in the **** forest.

They waited quietly on the tree trunk. After a full two days, the air suddenly became dry. After a while, the fog became extremely thin. Through the thin fog, Li Luo saw one. Only blood-red eyes, densely floating in the blood-red forest.

"Let's go." Karis took the Void Wormman and shot towards the depths of the forest.

Li Luo looked at the disappearing figures of these worms, his brows were slightly clustered, and the expression on his face suddenly seemed a little puzzled.

"Why don't these blood wolves take the initiative to attack?"

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