Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 503: Mummy

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"Huh?" Li Luo's eyes darkened, he didn't even look at the bear man, only his arm was blurred, and he flicked at the bear man in front of him.

The bear man grabbed it with his thunder light arm, with a fierce aura. According to common sense, facing a small figure like Li Luo, it was definitely a spike rhythm.


An astonishing scene happened. After the thunder pulp hit Li Luo's body, only a flash of electricity was stirred up, and then a thick electric current flashed like mud into the sea, and all disappeared.

Not only was Li Luo slightly surprised at this scene, even the bear man in front of him was taken aback.

Under a loud noise, the bear man's entire chest sank, and he backed away.

Li Luo followed his gaze and saw the extremely terrified look on the bear man's face.

"Huh? Reasonable. It's a Tier 6 creature!" Li Luo raised his brows, and his figure flashed towards the bear man.

"Your power belongs to me." A sneer appeared on Li Luo's face.

With a brush, Li Luo's hand moved, and the newt thunder sword emerged out of thin air, turned into a brilliant purple light, and instantly rushed out, slashing towards the bear man in front of him.

The bear man's body slammed into the passage as hard as a cannonball, making a loud sound. Before he stood up, Li Luo's body shook, he already appeared in front of it.

With a muffled sound, the crimson blood blossoms bloomed, like a flashing cold star submerged in the bear man's eyes, the bear man struggled a little bit, and there was no more movement.

Li Luo slowly drew out the newt thunder sword, following his movements, the bear people on the ground quickly vaporized, turning into a stream of silvery milky white air currents, and penetrated into his body.

Li Luo's expression changed slightly under a flash of electric arc.

"This is..." Li Luo looked at the silver totem, slightly surprised.

"I didn't expect the power of thunder to fit me so well." Li Luo's eyelids drooped slightly, thinking of something.

In fact, from the beginning of the trial, the energy of the dead worms strengthened the folding space left by the ancient wizards. At that time, the blood mist only played a catalytic role, but in fact, the red mist only promoted the worms. People's fighting, when the savings reach a certain level, the conditions for opening the folding space are reached.

In contrast, after entering the folding space, the prohibition will definitely leave one or two livelihoods for the insects. As for the other worms, I am afraid that they are just like him. When they encounter such a powerful half-orcs, they will be killed directly on the spot, and they will become the food for the advanced half-orcs.

The worms will indeed evolve into a super worm king, and the power they have gained is real, but under the influence of the blood fog restriction, they have to fight continuously. The hostility on their bodies is getting heavier and heavier, and they lose me a little bit. Until the end, there were only one or two worms left alive.

The half-orcs here don’t know how many worms have been killed, and how much their talents have been strengthened. Although the worms are strong, fighting with these half-orcs is the end of being killed. Even if they can escape temporarily, it’s because of the restriction. , Will only gradually get lost in the maze, trapped and killed by a half-orc.

Li Luo was surprised. Undoubtedly, this is a trap full of fat, but the insects are very happy about it.

What a cruel and **** malice.

Li Luo couldn't help thinking like this. At this time, he had already lifted the transformation technique. He looked around and found that the maze had not changed much. It was still the previous pattern. It was just that after a period of changes in the surrounding corridors, there was a strange wave of fluctuations. Next, a figure of a bug man appeared not far away.

"Caris." Li Luo's mouth twitched slightly, with a cold expression on his face.

"Human!" Karis' expression changed when he saw Li Luo.

Li Luogang wanted to rush up, but under a distorted vision, Karis's figure disappeared in an instant.

"Space shuttle!" Li Luo said slightly surprised when he felt the shock of the surrounding space.

After Karis disappeared, Li Luo encountered several bugs again, including Dora and Arazan, without any moves or styles in his hands, and was instantly wiped out on the spot.

It is worth mentioning that the scorpion man actually evolved Li Luo's mystery totem into the force of nature. This meant that after Li Luo went out, he could already swallow the worms with natural talents.

Looking at the runes in the surrounding passages, Li Luo's eyes were full of shock.

"How on earth is the sorcerer's knowledge to produce such a powerful rune restriction? I am afraid that this predecessor was also an extremely talented genius in that era!"

Admiring the greatness of this ancient wizard, Li Luo quickly felt the surrounding environment began to change.

The passages slowly twisted and disappeared, and a straight passage slowly emerged, leading to a stone gate in the distance.

Li Luo walked slowly, came to the stone gate, looked at the lines on it, only felt a moment of trance, his mind was dizzy, and his eyes suddenly became dark.

"Ding, found abnormal fluctuations."

"Found abnormal soul fluctuations."

"Ding, start to absorb soul fragments."

"Ding, the absorption is complete."

Li Luo knelt on the ground and gasped violently, and a voice rang out loudly.

"Latecomers, prepare a body for me. As a thank you, I will give you the inheritance of the entire Arcanist!"

Li Luo's face changed slightly as he listened to the voice of Mechanical Heart on his chest, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Sorry, I don't need it."

With a sneer, Li Luo released the purple light in his hands, and the mechanical heart hummed loudly in his chest.

"Fuck off, I can give you incomparable spellcasting ability, you actually want to kill me...Hurry...stop...stop..."

With the disappearance of this remnant soul, the mechanical heart on Li Luo's chest once again radiated silver brilliance, and a wave of information poured into Li Luo's mind.

"Discover incomplete knowledge information, and start to integrate according to the subject's knowledge reserve..."

"During the game, it is estimated that the game will be completed in three years and six months."

"Please name the new knowledge."

"Inheritance of the Great Arcanist."


Li Luo retracted his gaze, and the light curtain disappeared.

The expression on Li Luo's face was faint, and without stopping, he opened the stone door and walked in.

What caught your eye was a hall covering an area of ​​about 200 kilometers. A deep purple stone pillar array continuously exuded bursts of red glow, and it seemed that it should be the hub of the entire **** forest.

After looking around, Li Luo's complexion changed slightly when his eyes finally fell on a dead bone in the center of the circle.

The withered bones in front of me are crystal clear~www.readwn.com~, instead of a sense of disharmony, it gives people an illusion full of life.

Seeing this, Li Luo stared at it for a while, as if thinking of something, the newt sword in his hand, suddenly grabbed it, and slashed it out towards the withered bones.


Under a purple sword aura, he shot straight towards the withered bone, but was immediately blocked by a red light curtain at the hub of the entire magic formation.

And just at this moment, the abnormal change is protruding!

Withered bones immediately heard a strange laugh, and stood up.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... I originally wanted to use your body to resurrect, but you don't know how to promote, then stay here forever!"

After speaking, the red mist of the circle surged, like a hundred rivers and seas, converging towards the dead bones. In a few breaths, the flesh and blood on the dead bones quickly multiplied, and turned into a withered corpse, a monstrous corpse. Necromancer mana pressed towards Li Luo's side.

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