Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 506: Goblin World

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   Meteor fire rain across the sky, bombarding the land in patches.


   The earth was constantly shaking, and volcanoes erupted. Hot magma spewed out from the ground, and volcanic dust was everywhere, like the end of the world.


   This is a dark red world, with countless powerful auras, strange-looking creatures, they wailed, either killed by the rain of fire, or died in the eruption of a volcano.


   "Who are you?"


   "Why attack us!"


   "Notify the ancestors of impermanence that someone has invaded the world of Asura!"


Several bursts of shouts came over, one by one, scarlet monsters with blue-faced fangs appeared in mid-air, their faces were full of anger, but when they saw the sight in mid-air, their hideous faces immediately revealed. There was great fear.


   The space trembled and was torn apart violently. A huge army of countless wizards and many fierce looking ghost creatures with sharp claws fought together, and began to fight frantically.


   A huge floating castle appeared in the sky, and the strong wizard energy surged, making the whole world tremble.


On the side of the floating city, rounds of orbital cannons stretched out, and under a loud noise, countless elemental torrents bombarded the evil spirits, and wizards were singing witchcraft spells, and the sky was bombarded by rain and hail. Then, immediately, the ground was torn apart, and those witchcraft formed a dense beam of light, causing many evil spirits exuding a powerful atmosphere to wailing, and then disappeared into the air.


   "Gnas, these evil spirits dared to hurt our wizard's closest companions. The world of fairies was almost destroyed as a result. Today, they must pay their debts!"


   A huge humanoid energy phantom appeared above the floating castle. He glanced at the evil ghost in the distance with contempt, and a powerful will suddenly burst out.


   "Yes, Lord Wizard King!"




   The air condensed, and a burst of shouts broke out.


   "You are looking for death!"


A huge hand claw covered with black scales suddenly stretched out from the void, and the void suddenly seemed to freeze. The space was distorted at this moment, and the huge hand claw was only 10,000 meters away from the sky. A floating castle was held in the void.




   Immediately, the space exploded, and all three floating cities burst into pieces with a rumble, splitting into pieces.


   "Huh, a ninth-tier creature with no energy fluctuations. Your ghost world has these trump cards? You really don't even have a decent savior! Jiejiejiejiejiejie..."


   A man wearing a black robes appeared in front of the black giant hand, snorted coldly, and the words were full of disdain for the master of the giant hand in front of him.


He turned his head back and said, "Teacher, I want to make this ghost into a specimen, and store it in the floating city forever, so that his flesh and blood can nourish the Devil May Cry Flower of a city to pay tribute to the teacher’s potion partner. !"


   "Go to the First Legion, and stand firm in the ghost world first, and wait until my seniors come over, we will slaughter the ghost world!"


The powerful wizard sneered. He waved his hand fiercely. The floating city behind was bursting with a flood of colorful energy, gathered behind him, and suddenly, a figure of a huge blue energy giant stood here. Fang World, standing in front of the giant black scale hand that broke through the air.


   "Huh. Weak wizards, your rhetoric is just as ridiculous as your weak bodies!" The black giant hand emits a loud buzzing noise, "Children of the evil ghost world, kill these wizards!"






   swish swish! ......


   The earth, the ocean, the swamp, the underground... Endless ghosts and ugly monsters rushed out, and the wizards showed crazy attacks.


   At every moment, many wizards die, but more of them die are creatures in the ghost world.


   The black scaled arms in the sky suddenly showed a strong jet of black air, which spread to cover the sky and the sun in a few breaths.


   After all the evil spirits inhaled the black air current, their faces showed extremely fanatical expressions. With a loud howl of excitement, their bodies grew more than three times, almost turned into afterimages and rushed towards the wizards.




   "These wizards are as delicious as fairies!"


   "Eat all the wizards!"


   Suddenly, the fighting power of the evil spirit increased more than three times.


All wizards who were close to these evil spirits were torn to pieces almost instantaneously. The original powerful sorcery also lost all of its power because of the inability to lock the target, and some wizards desperately burned the source of mana and exploded the evil spirits. Burning became nothingness.


  In an instant, the number of wizards dropped by a full fifth.


"Is this your ability." The black robe wizard showed disdain, looked at the huge arm in front of him, took a deep breath, showing a very solemn expression on his face, and said, "Teacher, what it said. That's right, we rely too much on spells now."


   "Huh. Don't think so much, get rid of this giant hand first." The phantom on the floating city snorted coldly, with a hint of resentment on his face full of hatred, and ordered.


  The black robe wizard nodded, and there were azure blue totem patterns on his body.


   The blue light in his hand was shining brightly, and the hundred-meter-sized dharmic phase emitted a cloud of smoke. At this moment, the space was screaming, and layers of frost began to condense in the void, and it was instantly frozen.




   The black scale giant hand suddenly stiffened, and let out a terrified roar.


   Immediately afterwards, the giant hand clicked endlessly, and layers of azure blue frost were condensed on it, and it was cut open under a huge wind blade.


At this time, more floating cities broke through the space and flew out, and groups of wizards flew out of the city. They fought against these green-faced and fangs evil spirits and creatures covered with black scales, and from time to time, there were other ferocious creatures. Appeared in the air and launched a fierce attack on the wizards.


   At this time, half-orcs appeared on the stage. They were biological weapons cultivated by wizards, and they brazenly shot. The tauren stunned the evil ghosts, the werewolf shredded the bodies of the evil spirits, and the bears burst with dazzling thunder, and slammed at the black scale monsters. Numerous ghost creatures died every moment, but other ghost creatures continued to rush up.


   There is energy radiation everywhere, and every place is falling apart, and the whole world of evil spirits has completely become a battlefield.


   I don’t know how long time has passed, and finally, everything is quiet.


   But at this moment, the whole world of evil spirits has become a dead place.






   The space fluctuated, and a figure covered in blood tore through the space and stumbled out.


"Abyss Demon...cough cough... I didn't expect that the world of evil ghosts turned out to be the Twisting Void! Their goal is the wizarding world, they must quickly tell the teacher..." The wizard staggered, and the blue totem pattern on his body collapsed one after another There was a hint of unwillingness in his eyes, and said: "What are evil spirits...what are demons...just...damn, damn! Demons, undead, evil spirits, and chaos demons are all united together! "


   The ancient wizard's eyes were full of unwillingness, and his eyes were red, revealing a color of incomparable hatred.


   Boom boom boom!


   A number of figures appeared in mid-air, their bodies were deformed and ugly, but the aura on their bodies was roughly average, all exuding powerful dark energy.


   "Wizard! Hehehe...hahahahaha, you are just your so-called gods and some poor worms raised. Now, it is better to give us the essence of flesh and blood!"


   A voice uttered from a population exuding strong waves of evil energy, and he raised his head, revealing an evil and handsome face.


   The other beings didn't speak, but they looked at the ancient wizard with a sneer and disdain in their eyes.


   They are both powerful demon creatures.


   "Witcher, since you have discovered our secret, stay here forever."


   The man exuding powerful fel energy waves raised his hand slightly, his eyes flashed with dark green light, and a dark green purple-black ray shot towards the ancient wizard in front of him.


"Om", the ancient wizard was already at the end of the crossbow. After the rays hit him, he coughed violently and coughed out two spheres of azure blue blood. He glanced around, with a sneer in his eyes, said : "You are jealous of the power of our wizards, and you say blasphemous things!"


   "Also, trying to convince me."


   Although the ancient wizard said so, there was obviously a trace of suspicion in his eyes.




   These demon gods did not speak any more, and immediately took action, launching a lore on this ancient wizard.


   The ancient wizard didn't last long before he was torn into pieces in the hands of the demon gods, and was eaten away.


   "The flesh and blood of the Great Arcanist is delicious"


   The demon gods enjoyed the flesh and blood of this wizard, and greedily rushed away in one direction.


   "The great Styx is above. Today, we use half of my own soul to sacrifice here..."


   "Great Styx, please leave this image to the next great arcanist who comes to this world."


   Then, a burst of energy particles surged, and the wizard phantom emerged.


   "Sorcerer of the younger generation. Please complete my will and find out the secrets of the appearance of these monsters. Investigate the ultimate purpose of the blood given by the plane gods..."




   Li Luo felt that he was dreaming.


   Many pictures flashed through his mind, and he saw a lot of things, as if he had personally experienced everything about this ancient wizard.


   "The Great Arcanist of the future..."


   "I will wait for the day you investigate the truth..."


   Suddenly, Li Luo kept echoing these words in his ear.




   The sky was shining black and red, and the surrounding ground was grilled to the point of white smoke.


   The scorching wind blew over, making people sweat.


   A group of people are leading a dozen powerful monsters with black scaly limbs and hoofs.


   "Huh? Where is anyone?" A young girl looked at the forest ahead, her eyes brightened.




   A knight with blond hair took the girl's arm.


   "Uncle Gore~www.readwn.com~ don't worry." Sheila shook her head and said: "The person's breathing is fast, fluctuating, and his body is full of blood. He must be seriously injured."


   "But, once the black scale hellhound is attracted..."


   Gore speaks here, the expression on his face doesn't look very good.


"In our current state, I'm afraid it will definitely attract those monsters." Sheila sighed, with a little sigh on her face, and said: "Uncle Gore, let's take a gamble to save this knight and let him Help us through the difficulties."


   "You mean to give him the water of life?" Gore looked at the girl in disbelief, and continued: "Sheila, this is what we borrowed from the dark elves to heal your father!"


   "Uncle Gore, haven't you noticed that this person is different? The blood aura on his body is even stronger than mine. I don't know how many times!" Sheila shook her head and patted Gore on the shoulder.


   At this time, the knight in front of him carefully observed the figure in the distance.


   The figure in the distance is covered with blood, but the powerful blood pressure is like the essence.


   Sheila smiled and walked towards the figure in front of her.


   She guessed right, and sure enough, this is an extremely powerful person.


   Sheila looked at Li Luo's unconscious face and let out a breath.


   poured a bottle of silver liquid into Li Luo's mouth.



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