Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 512: convince

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Li Luo only had time to secretly drink a bottle of darkness, and gradually lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found that he was in another animal car. The car was full of crimson flowers. Ina sat quietly and looked at him with interest.

"Sorry." Li Luo rubbed his painful head and said with some embarrassment.

Ina smiled, reached out to touch Li Luo's heart, and said: "I'm curious how you survived under the awe of the blood of the Vicious Queen."

Li Luo sighed, did not speak, just sat quietly on the side with a bitter expression on his face.

Such an operation aroused the interest of the dark witch at the right time.

Ina returned to normal and looked at Li Luo: "Let's talk about it. Is it possible to rely on the power of blood from Sai La?"

Regarding Ina’s question, Li Luo had been prepared for a while, took out the flesh of the Infernal Serpent he had obtained from the world of Mortan, and pretended to explain reluctantly: "I took this potion made from the flesh and blood of the giant snake. , The shock talent in the body has been greatly enhanced."

When Li Luo took out the flesh and blood of the Purgatory Serpent, Ina's expression suddenly stagnated, and she looked at the flesh in front of her without blinking, looking a little shocked.

"Yes. This powerful dark atmosphere, I'm right." Li Luo's eyes flashed and continued to bewitched: "I still have this kind of medicine here. Would you like to drink a few bottles?"

"Very good." Ina looked a little excited, and stretched out her hand: "Give me as many as I can, and I will promise you any condition!"

Li Luo nodded, took out all the potions refined during this period, and handed a bottle of dark brown potion into Ina's hand.

Gudong Gudong.

Ina drank all the medicine bottle by bottle, her eyes blurred, and she passed out in the carriage.

Seeing that she was not at all defensive, Li Luo fell asleep like this, raised his brows, and quickly flipped through her space bag. Suddenly, he took out a few jars of the fountain of life.

After being sent into his own space bag, Li Luo began to wait quietly, and the convoy came to a halt in the evening.

In the middle of the night, Li Luo walked out of the tent, buried a few jars of the fountain of life under a conspicuous boulder, informed Li Luo's body, and returned to Ina's carriage.

As soon as he returned, he saw Ina looking at him with a smile.

"How about me, these fountains of life are enough to supplement your consumption in Sai La!"

Li Luo smiled awkwardly, and said: "What Miss Ina said, I'm just a little weak."

"Chuck." In an instant, Ina's smile bloomed like cherry blossoms, full of a different kind of beauty.

Li Luo's heart shuddered. Now that he was gasped by Sai La, he was absolutely not sure that he would experience another wave of destruction!

Fortunately, Ina just smiled and got out of the animal cart.

Taking advantage of this effort, Li Luo quickly drank a bottle of rejuvenating potion and lay down.

No words for a night.

In the early morning, the team continued to set off. For the next period of time, as before, without encountering any interested beasts, Saila routinely destroyed Li Luo once a day, not only squeezing his essence, but also ingested Li Luo's. The power of blood.

During this time, Li Luo drank the blood potion of the son of purgatory to supplement his own consumption, while not forgetting to take it with Ina.

This Ina is also amazing. I don't know where she bought a few jars of the Fountain of Life and gave it to Li Luo.

But in the days that followed, the legendary wonder of the Fountain of Life never appeared in Li Luo's sight again, and with Sai La getting worse, Li Luo felt that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Fortunately, the next journey into the territory of powerful beasts, Saila was also busy responding to the threat of beasts encountered next, and did not look for Li Luo again.

In the animal car, Li Luo and Ina sat opposite, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the elf who was constantly scanning the car from the outside, a little speechless.

His name has spread during this time. Sai La, who was part of the blood of the Vicious Queen, took no less than a dozen times and was still alive and kicking. It became the most popular conversation among the dark elves. You know, the Vicious Queen is a dark creature known as a black widow, like Idia every time a male elf is lucky enough to be lucky, basically the next day, the elf's corpse will disappear.

In a way, the Vicious Queen is similar to the Demon Hunter. The difference is that the Demon Hunter hunts down demons, and the Vicious Queen kills order creatures.

They all belong to the demon side.

The convoy walked about ten kilometers away, and the elven soldiers began to be on high alert.

"Be careful, we have entered the territory of the ghost face shadow saber."

Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, two dazzling purple lights appeared, and he looked around.

In the distance, faint shadows emerged, some silhouettes on all fours, constantly sneaking towards the convoy, Li Luo narrowed his eyes and saw the appearance of these stalkers.

This is a group of blue-faced leopards with two protruding fangs and a gray armor. It is the ghost sabre that is true. They moved quite uniformly, and slowly approached the convoy under the sign of a tall leopard in the rear.

Looking at the ghost sabre in front of him, Li Luo moved in his heart and looked at Ina.

"Ina, what would happen if you could absorb the blood power of the ghost sabre here?"

Li Luo spoke softly, watching Ina's expression change.

Ina was obviously moved, but immediately recovered her expression and looked at Li Luo.

"The fountain of life, the entire elven tribe produces only more than 20 jars a year. Your conditions are attractive, but I don't have that ability."

She shook her head, gently approached Li Luo's ear, and took a breath.

"Oh~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo shrugged and said: "I just asked, I wanted to use the remaining potions and the monsters on the road to help you improve your bloodline level. Now it seems that you are not interested in this. "

"According to the past rules, these monsters are all occupied by the queen, where will I be?" Ina frowned and said.

Li Luo smiled, did not say anything more, took out two bottles of potions and placed them in front of Ina.

This potion is nothing else, it is the darkness that embraces it.

"Find a way to let Idia drink this potion, and leave the rest to me." Li Luo said softly, pushing the potion into Ina's arms.

Ina's complexion changed, and the expression on her face gradually became firm, and she swept towards a carriage not far away.

"The chef responsible for this autumn festival is from our family." Ina turned her head to look at Li Luo, the expression on her face began to become a little provocative, "If I lie, I will be a better player!"

Ina touched Li Luo's cheek, wondering if it was an illusion, Li Luo only felt a deep chill.

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