Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 514: Ina's awakening

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Li Luo only felt that the atmosphere in the camp had become dangerous, and wanted to quietly return to Ina’s car, but after a little movement, Idia’s voice came over. Almost the moment he said these words, Li Luo’s The figure was stagnant, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake, cold all over.

"Yes, Master Mistress." Instead of showing any fear, Li Luo walked towards Idia with a feverish expression.

At this time, Ina appeared just right.

"My mistress calmed down." Ina walked not far away and knelt down.

Idia's eyes lit up, and Li Luo walked up to her as soon as she wanted to move.

"I'm willing to offer everything to the master mother." Li Luo said in a deep voice, raising the aura of blood in his body to the limit.

At this moment, Ina's figure was shocked, as if she was thinking of something, and the pictures began to echo in his mind.

"Ina. Farewell. Since the mistress has taken a fancy to me, it is my honor."

In the picture, a burly and handsome dark elf emerged, touching Ina's face tenderly. Immediately afterwards, the picture turned, and a dry body with a heart dug out appeared in front of Ina.


Almost the moment the picture appeared, Ina woke up from the picture, her eyes full of boundless hatred.

"I curse you! Idia Katie!" Ina's hands condensed a dazzling black light, and a pitch-black energy tentacle shot out, and instantly submerged into Idia's body.

"Ah!" The moment the tentacles reached into Idia's body, Ina let out a scream that pierced her soul, and the whole body lit up with a raging black purgatory fire, and her breath began to drop suddenly.

Almost at the same time, Idia also let out a miserable cry: "Ah!"

"Bitch! What did you do to me!" Idia roared, and a six-arm female demon phantom was condensed on her body. At this moment, the phantom began to burn, and also let out a harsh howl. .



The howl was extremely harsh, and Li Luo's ears made him feel cold all over, as if his soul had been frozen at this moment.

"It's the Curse of Burning Soul!" Vicious witches ran over from a distance, exclaiming.


"Ina, stop for me!"

Several witches continued to shout for several times, but there was no good way. Now even if Ina was killed, this vicious curse would instantly drown Idia.

"Mother?" Ina stood up, the fire of purgatory burning on her body, turned around, looked at the bloodline knights around her, her eyes flushed, she kept panting for breath, and said: "How many years have we gotten brothers? How many years my sister has been slaughtered by our so-called mistress, that's nothing, but she actually sacrificed so many of our soldiers for eternal life!"

"Mother? I think it's the betrayal of the soul to the devil, using our dark elves as the demon of advanced resources!!"

Ina shouted.


Several witches raised their hands and slapped them, and the loud slaps spread to every corner of the camp.

"Ina, you slut, you have no right to say such a thing if you have not experienced being enslaved by the devil. We made such a sacrifice, not to ensure that most elves are not mutilated by the devil! It is the so-called sacrifice of the ego, Become a great self!" The headed vicious witch said with a solemn face, righteously.

The fire of purgatory on Ina was burning, covering her face, coldly looking at the witch who slapped her, and laughed hahaha.

"What a grand-sounding reason, Aizana." Ina coldly looked at the flames of purgatory burning in the hands of the witch before her, and said: "Just ask yourself, how many high-end combat power the dark elves have been sacrificed over the years? What is worse than fighting the devil!?"

"Or, like this demon, you want to plunge into the darkness with all your heart!?"

Ina reluctantly stood up and roared.

The opposite Aizhana frowned when she heard the words and looked at the black flame still burning on her arm. She didn't show any retort. Her expression began to become solemn, as if she had thought of something.

"This. This is the fire of purgatory." Ai Zana's face changed and she screamed in fear.

"Hahahahaha." Ina smiled happily, looked at Idia who was kneeling on the ground, pulled out a dagger and walked over slowly.

Li Luo's eyes narrowed, his figure flickered, and a few jumps came to Ina's side, picked him up, and fled to the distance.

"Let go! This is the best time to kill her!"

Li Luo patted the back of Ina hard, and did not say much, but Ina calmed down.

At this moment, a tyrannical breath suddenly rose into the sky behind them.

When Ina and Li Luo looked back, they saw that Idia's figure began to grow rapidly, and there was a muffled noise on the side of her chest. The newly-born arms of her limbs stretched out, and the fire of purgatory on her body was filled with dark green fel. Under the flame, it slowly dissipated.


Ina took a breath.

Li Luo seemed to have anticipated this, and said indifferently: "Most of the end of the deal with the devil."

After speaking, he speeded up and fled away.

They only heard a scream from the rear, and the roar of spells and shouts of killing rose to the sky.

Running about one kilometer away, Li Luo jumped onto an ancient tree, put the weak Ina on the branch of the tree, and jumped off by himself.

"Do you dare to go back!?" Ina looked at Li Luo and asked loudly.

Li Luo nodded, and said: "I will sprinkle more sage grass powder in the camp. Presumably the flesh and blood of this demon must have a strong attraction to Beasts."

Ina's eyes brightened, the powder of sagegrass has a fatal attraction to male monsters. This herbal powder has a special smell, which can attract females and male monsters to mate. Li Luo sprinkled some at the beginning. .

Soon, during the chaos, Li Luo sprinkled all around the battlefield.

Just when he was about to return to Ina, his expression changed, and the whole person trembled.

A Hei Lin orc slowly walked out of the forest, looking at the powder of swarf grass in Li Luo's hand, the green-faced beast's face showed great anger.

Almost instantly, Li Luo felt that his chest was severely chiseled by some heavy object, and his whole body flew out uncontrollably.

After sliding a deep ravine all the way~www.readwn.com~ the half-orc stood in front of the demon transformed by Idia.

"You killed more than a dozen of my people?" The half-orc said coldly, and Li Luo was shocked to find that this orc was like a Tier 6 powerhouse!

Li Luo drank a bottle of healing potion with difficulty, then took out a flask full of the fountain of life, and after drinking a few mouthfuls, his complexion became a little bit softer.

Just after he finished all this, the silhouettes of the two rank six powerhouses suddenly disappeared.


With a burst of air, a wave of air rose on the ground, Li Luo only felt a powerful force coming, and the whole person flew out.

In a daze, Li Luo saw that under the dazzling green light of Idia's six arms, six weapons of different styles were held in his hands, and they slashed at the orc in front of him fiercely.


Another wave of air broke out at this moment, Li Luo's eyes went dark, his whole body was completely rolled out of the battlefield, and he passed out into a coma.

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