Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 525: acting

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   "No." Li Luo denied it.

   During this period, he also checked the forbidden technique of Siphon Dafa, which had been lost two hundred years ago, and was a relatively evil technique of the Nether Clan. If he admits it all at once, it will definitely cause an uproar, and if he is searched for by a few elders in turn, it will be a big deal.

"Hmph, you still dare to quibble. Seeing that your bone age is only 20 years old, you have cultivated to the fourth level. Didn't you practice the legendary Siphon Dafa, or something!" At this moment, a burly old man sitting on the side of the table coldly snorted. , Squinted at Li Luo.

   Li Luo's face was as usual, looked at the elder, and said: "I don't know how the elder determines if I have ever practiced?"

   "Hmph, when you fought against that boy Xuexiao that day, could it be that you didn't use Siphon Dafa?!" The burly old man snorted and asked.

   Li Luo gave a cry, and two black lights lit up in his hands silently, and the decomposition of the talisman array was activated instantly, and the billowing ghostly air seemed to boil in his hands.


   Several elders around saw this, and their expressions were a little moved.

   "Huh. It's not siphoning Dafa!" The burly old man and several other elders looked at each other, winked a wink, and instantly disappeared in place, surrounding Li Luo.

   "Boy, hand over the Siphon Dafa to prevent you from being jailed!" The headed elder patted Li Luo on the shoulder and said coldly.

   "Okay." Li Luo's mouth twitched, and a dazzling black flame suddenly ignited all over his body, instantly turning to ashes.

   "Damn it!" The elders saw this, their eyes were splitting, and they grabbed Li Luo fiercely, trying to put out the fire, but they started with a handful of ashes, slowly drifting away.


after one day.

  In the ghost village, Li Luo sat cross-legged in a private house. After about an hour, a child walked in through the door.

   "Humanity, a young man from the Nether tribe is looking for you, saying that No.1 has died in battle."

   The child made a hoarse voice, which contrasted sharply with the petite body.

   Li Luo nodded and said, "Send him in."

   Soon a young man from the Nether tribe walked in, revealing a square face with Chinese characters.

After Li Luo handed over a space bag, he said, "Here are a few bottles of Nine Nether Qi Water, which can quickly raise your level. Help me delay for a week. When the other ghost villages surrender to me, that's it. When we counterattack."

   "Hey, the subject still has a way. Several clones can't bear it, and even thought of poisoning." The Guozi face clone smiled, turned and walked out.

   "Don't let them make any poisoning actions, otherwise they will lose all the game, and even I will be in danger." Li Luo was taken aback and quickly reminded.

   "I know." The Guozi face avatar waved his hand and ran out quickly.

   Behind him, a group of little ghosts followed behind him, rushed out roaring, and chased for about ten kilometers before stopping.

After returning to the fort with the Chinese character face clone, he kept the door behind closed doors and drank all the potions continuously. In just two days, his breath rose to the early stage of Tier 4, but his appearance turned into a middle-aged greasy uncle. appearance.

   "Ghost pestle."

   Outside the door, a few young people screamed, and the Chinese character face clone walked out slowly after hearing the words.

   "Hiss." After seeing Li Luo's appearance, several young people took a breath.

   Li Luo waved his hand, his face pretending to be pale and said, "I have bad luck, and I was bitten back in the process of enslaving some little ghosts. What can you do with me?"

   "Uh, that's it. Several of us took the task of investigating the ghost villages of the west and the south. I heard that you came out alive from these two ghost villages. I would like to invite you to complete this task together." Several young people looked at each other and said.

   Li Luo nodded, and said, "Also, the last time I suffered from these ghosts, I must ask for an explanation this time! Wait, I will go into the house and pack my things."

   After Li Luo entered the house, he took out the communicator and chanted a few spells. After sending in some information, he collected it and walked out.

   "Hey, I said that Brother Guichu is a refreshing person, let's go." Seeing that Li Luo was ready, a few young men of the Nether tribe looked at Li Luo, their faces were happy, and followed Guichu and walked out in one direction.

   Behind them, a dark figure slowly emerged. Looking carefully, it was the burly elder who forced Li Luo to spontaneously burn. The Nether Clan old man glanced at the direction where Li Luo had disappeared, then turned into a black energy and chased him.

   Li Luo didn't even know that the elder stared at him again, but he was thinking about the plan of this action after turning his mind.

   He has notified the main body that the main body should be on the way to arrange the ghost to evacuate at this time. Not surprisingly, they will encounter some resistance this time, but it will definitely not be too big.

   Along the way, Li Luo led everyone gradually to a wasteland.

   Crossed these wastelands and arrived at the ghost village. Everyone should be careful.

   Li Luo exhorted, spreading his mental power, and proceeded cautiously. Behind him, a total of six people slowly followed, all of them looking like an enemy.

   After walking for about one kilometer, a village entrance appeared in front of several people.

   Everyone has traveled about 80 kilometers a day, and they can't help but show exhaustion.

   After all, none of them have reached the realm of a Tier 4 powerhouse, even if they are a Tier 3 powerhouse, they feel a little overwhelmed under continuous driving.

"Brother Guichu, we might as well stay for a while~www.readwn.com~ How about catching ghosts after a short rest?" A handsome young man behind him saw the only girl in the team showing a tired face and figure. As soon as he moved, he jumped to Li Luo's side and said.

   Li Luo heard the words, glanced at the faces of the other people, and after a moment of hesitation, he said:

   "Also, just take a break and adjust the hour, but pay attention to the safety around you."

   The handsome young man nodded and waved to the five people behind him.

   The only girl among them moved her sore shoulders and scanned the surroundings, and found no abnormalities, so she sat on the ground with peace of mind.

   Due to time constraints, each of the six took out one pill, and Li Luo also took out one and swallowed it down.

   But his mind was sinking into his imperial beast bag, and wisps of spiritual power spread into it.

   Soon, the ghosts in the royal animal bag recovered.

   "Master, I have already contacted a ghost in the village. It is approaching us, underground."

   Li Luo ticked the corner of his mouth and opened his eyes.

   "Be careful!"

   Li Luo stood up pretending to be horrified, stared at a piece of land several meters away for an instant, and said loudly.

   Before the words fell, a loud "boom" came.

   The ground in the area of ​​more than ten meters in front suddenly collapsed into a big hole, and a black shadow burst out like lightning, and it was a huge three-headed hound.

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