Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 530: ambush

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Under the Bodhi tree, Li Luo sits quietly, beside him is Monkey King.

Although there is a magic circle, he always feels that the evil ghost clan will move recently and send the Bull Demon out to conduct patrols.

About two months later, the Bull Demon returned with a comatose evil spirit.

"Old ancestor, he was fainted by me. I found it at the door."

Li Luo raised his brows, walked over, and held the head of this skinny evil spirit. After half an hour, all the memories of this evil spirit were read by him.

"It seems that Ayesa is still suspicious of my head." Li Luo smiled, his hand turned into a hand knife and flicked, the evil spirit suddenly uttered an er, and was knocked out again.

"Call those people from the Nether Clan over here." Li Luo glanced at Monkey King and said lightly.

Soon, the golden monkey jumped up and down and ran out, returning with a few ghost clones.

After whispering with several avatars for a while, they carried the evil spirit and walked out, came to the door and performed a water spray trick, awakening the evil spirit.

"Ghost. Ayesa asked you to come and listen to the reality, right?" Several Nether clones, who had suddenly transformed into an elder named Nether tribe, asked coldly.

"You know my name!" The face of the evil spirit before him changed drastically, and then as if thinking of something, he said: "No, you read my memory!"

"Anyway, you, an Asura tribe, sneak into our Nether tribe to inquire about the news, what crime should you do?" The elder Stein asked indifferently, picking up the ghost.

"Humph. Since it's in your hands, just listen to it!" Ghost snorted coldly, his neck crooked, as if he didn't care about his life or death at all.

The avatars looked at each other and said coldly: "Since you are here, let's stay in the ghost village for a while."

After speaking, a few people were chanting words, and under the ripples in the space, a few people and ghosts disappeared in place.

As the scenery changed and the shadows shifted, the ghost was shocked to discover that he had actually appeared in a village. In the distance, human figures were handcuffed and fettered, pushing the millstone, and there were constantly little ghosts on the millstone. He squeaked and squeaked while holding the Beast bones.

"Here is a newcomer!" Several human races looked happy and shouted, with tears in their eyes.

"You guys, the sentence has expired, so go back and farm." A ghost general saw a newcomer coming in and said to several human races, but then his complexion changed slightly and he looked behind him.

Several old men appeared behind him, swept their gazes to the ghost, and said: "This person is very important. You look at him day and night. Since we have already set the Stygian agreement with us, you should know who betrayed us. as a result of!"

"Yes." The Li Gui in front of him looked stiff and nodded quickly.

Several clones looked at each other and quickly disappeared here.

So, after about three months.

In the tribe of the evil spirits, Ayesa was pacing back and forth in the tent, his face looked a little uncertain.

A beautiful woman came over and asked: "Has the ghost lost the news?"

"No, he is locked in the ghost village. And several elders of the Nether tribe are still there." Ayesa tapped his fingers on the table, feeling a little bored.

"My husband is afraid that they will just blow us up?" the woman asked, looking at Ayesa's uneasy appearance.

"Yes, Youcha has always been secretive. I'm afraid those elders are just fakes that confuse our sight." Ayesa narrowed his eyes and sat down.

"Since the husband can't guess the truth or falsity, it's better to go and get people to inquire about the news." The woman picked up a teapot, filled it with blood-red tea, and continued: "No matter what, under the investigation of a large number of spies, I am afraid of this. What can't you do in Yousha?"

"Hey..." Ayesa sighed and said, "Madam doesn't know anything. She can pass through the big formation and reach the vicinity of Netherworld. There is really no other person besides Ghost."

"Why should your husband let them come back?" The woman made a cup of tea, handed it over, and sat opposite Ayesa.

"What does the madam mean?" Ayesa asked with some confusion on his face.

"Since this Yousha has reached the point of promotion, I must have been unable to help it." The woman's voice fell, paused, and said: "If he is successfully promoted, then we Asuras, we will never want to turn over again. ."

Ayesa was silent for a moment, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she stood up, her face gradually becoming firm.

"The madam is very right, I will dispatch troops now!"

Soon, the loud bells rang every corner of the tribe.


Li Luo sat in front of the ancient Bodhi tree, looking at the ancient tree that had become one-third the size, and his expression was deep.

"In another four years, all the dust will settle."

Just as his lips were slightly closed, a figure of a young Nether tribe came over in the distance.

"Our spies set up in the evil ghost clan have sent a message, and the evil ghost clan has all been dispatched to kill us."

After the youth stood still, his face was a little ugly and said.

"I write a letter to the lord of the human race and let them attack the tribe of the Asura clan. As for an entire army, no accident, they will all become a member of the army of the dead."

After speaking, Li Luo closed his eyes and let out the purple light in his hands. The whole ancient tree began to vibrate, and at the same time a scream like ghost crying and wolf howling appeared out of thin air, and the whole ancient tree appeared to be full of ghosts and images. There are waves of palpitating coldness.

Three months later, in front of the Nether Clan fortress, 300,000 hideous-looking evil ghost figures gathered densely. They were dressed in bronze armor and armed all over, standing in front of the jungle illusion in front of them, nervous and excited. Two completely different expressions appeared on their faces at the same time.

But at this moment, behind these troops, under the gray mist, dense white figures came from a distance. Vaguely, countless dark green flames were beating. When everything became clear, those The flames were shockingly ghost fires, and the white figures were actually skeletons with bones. As the ghost fires throbbed, they let out a hoarse roar, and rushed towards the fighters of the evil ghost family in excitement.

"Damn! These are the undead! They are the priests of the Nether tribe~www.readwn.com~ Chief, the information is wrong, there are more than ten times more priests of the Nether tribe!"

A three-meter-height evil spirit led over and stood beside Ayesa, shouting with an ugly face.

"Huh!" Ayesa glanced at the undead in the distance, and said lightly: "It's just some low-level undead, order the soldiers to remove all the undead!"


Groups of ghost warriors rushed towards the skeleton soldiers in the distance, but then, in the distant sky, a pair of zombies with two wings on their backs flew from the air, and a pair of green hairy arms came from the ground. As soon as he pulled out, he instantly grabbed the feet of the evil spirits and dragged them into the holes.

Suddenly, one after another roars, screams, and roars rang throughout the wilderness, and the ghost warriors in the rear looked at all this in horror, and finally showed a timid expression that was extremely inconsistent with their identities.

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