Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 535: Frame

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   I don't know what method Ayesa used, his arms have grown again, but his face has become extremely pale, he shouted, and led the team to escape.

   Li Luo watched Ayesa flee, and did not order the troops to chase him. Instead, he looked at the Hei Lin guard not far away with a solemn expression, showing a bit of worry.


   An ordinary soldier was directly torn in half by a Black Lin soldier, and lost his breath with a miserable cry.

   "Why! Why stop chasing!" The Hei Lin warrior roared, turned around and roared at Li Luo.

   Li Luo narrowed his eyes, did not say anything, directly raised the red griffon flag, and issued the command to pursue.

   After receiving the order, these Hei Lin warriors showed a frenzy on their faces, rushing towards the evil ghost army in the distance.

   The ordinary soldiers showed a look of horror. Li Luo quickly jumped from the city wall and ordered them to return to Black Rock City.

   After the city gate was closed tightly, Aisha slumped on the ground for not knowing whether she was too frightened or for some reason.

   "These Hei Lin warriors are no more than the beasts of the evil ghost race." Aisha covered her head and seemed to be caught in some terrible nightmare.

   Li Luo sighed, and said: "Because of the tight time, I can only develop such a potion. As long as I give me some more time, I will definitely be able to develop a better bloodline potion for the black beast."

   Aisha nodded: "I hope so, if these Black Lin soldiers return, what are your plans?"

   Li Luo showed a dignified face, and said, "Control them with drugs, a long-term tranquilizer."

   "Okay." Aisha touched her swollen lower abdomen, and said, "Luo. I'm a little sleepy. I'll leave the rest to you, okay?"

   "No problem." Li Luo nodded, turned to a guard not far away and said, "Help the earl back to the house to rest."

   Soon, Aisha walked towards the castle under the **** of this guard.

   Three days later, the Hei Lin soldiers returned one after another, and they walked towards the barracks with sullen faces.

   "Welcome back heroes." A horse-faced chef came to the school with a cauldron, and the ordinary soldiers tremblingly carried the empty bowls, filled the dishes, and handed them to the Heilin soldiers.

   These Hei Lin warriors were exhausted due to the pursuit for several days, so they started to move after they picked up the bowls and chopsticks.

   "Huh. Let me eat these unclear things less, say! What's added to this meal!" A Hei Lin warrior, about two meters high, flew the bowls and chopsticks with one hand and shouted loudly.

   "No. Nothing!" The ordinary soldier said in horror, and his figure couldn't help taking a step back.

   "No? Then what are you afraid of!?" The Hei Lin soldier raised the soldier, his eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the soldier in front of him like a poisonous snake.

But at this moment, a white arm grabbed the black soldier's arm, and with the other hand picked up a bowl and chopsticks that contained food, and said, "How do you guess that there is a problem with the food here?" "

  It was Li Luo who was talking. After taking a sip of the broth, he asked faintly.

   Hei Lin soldier's complexion stiffened, and with a cold snort, he picked up another bowl of food and ate it.

   Li Luo retracted his gaze, and a group of data flashed in his eyes, and found that these Hei Lin soldiers were full of evil spirits, and certain genes were already at work.

   Stabilizing these Black Lin warriors, Li Luosi measured for a moment, and then ordered all the wizards to speed up the production of tranquilizers.

   The Hei Lin warrior who maintained his normal state by taking potions did not do anything to kill the same kind. For a while, the situation in Heiyan City stabilized.

   Another month passed like this.

   After Li Luo taught all the bloodline knowledge to these wizards, he waited quietly.

   Soon, the Black Lin soldiers in several other territories also completed their training. According to the agreement, they formed a coalition army and began to fight against the evil ghost tribe.

   The team disappeared vigorously outside Black Rock City.

"To be honest, if you don't leave, I will be crazy! Damn sedative, I can make ten at the same time." Li Luo cursed a few words, calmed down his recent depression, and turned to his own. Go to the bedroom.

   Just when he was about to step into the bedroom to rest, a guard ran over in a panic.

   "Master Li Luo. Dozens of Black Lin guards surrounded the castle, saying that they wanted you to come out."

   Li Luo's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and he hurriedly walked to Aisha's room, leading her directly into the secret passage of the bedroom.

   "What's wrong? Luo?"

   Aisha looked suspicious, and continued to ask: "Those **** ghosts are fighting again?"

   Li Luo sighed. Although it had been expected that Marquis Joseph would have such a hand, he still did not expect to come so soon.

   "That Joseph arranged some chess pieces next to us, and these chess pieces received bloodline reformation, taking advantage of us to send troops and start a rebellion."

Aisha paled when she heard the words, touched the child in her stomach, with a sad look on her face, "Don't count on military merit or something. As for this enmity, don't worry, sooner or later I will have to pay the price for this Joseph!" Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly. , Showing a touch of cold light. "Where are we going now?" Aisha wiped away her tears and asked.

"The northwest of Terran is an ocean. We rent a boat and look for a deserted island. I will do some experiments. If the experiment is successful, we will get back what we lost today!" Li Luo said half-truth. False, in fact, it is to do some experiments with vitality fish. As for that Joseph, when the subject exits, everything can be resolved.

   "Okay." Although Aisha didn't believe it, she agreed with Li Luo's firm expression.

   "Oh. By the way, where's your gold coin?" Li Luo turned his head and asked.

   "For today's emergency, I always listen to you and take it with me." Aisha took out a space bag and smiled.

The two quickly passed through the tunnel ~www.readwn.com~ and came to a mountainous area. There were two free-range black beasts. After Li Luo trapped them, he hung them on the carriage in the cave and drove them. The animal cart, marching towards the west.

   After about three months, the two came to a port.

   "The newspaper is sold. The newspaper is sold!" A little boy ran over, "The latest newspaper. The Terran Army hit the evil ghost army badly. If you want to see it, come and buy it!"

   Li Luo looked happy, and hurriedly walked over.

   "Two newspapers."

   gave the little boy a gold coin, and the latter turned pale.

   Then, Li Luo looked at the contents of the newspaper, his face sinking slightly.

On the homepage, it is the words that the alliance wins, but on the back, there are Li Luo and Aisha's wanted appearances, with a line of eye-catching characters: "Traitor of the human race. Leaking information to the ghost army, leading to the initial loss of the coalition forces. heavy!"

   Li Luo glanced at the boy, quickly took out the two masks, took them with Aisha, and gave the boy ten gold coins. Under the silver light in his eyes, the little boy passed out.

   The two hurried to the pier, looked at the huge ship in the distance, and hurried over.

   "Go and go. Hillbilly, the tickets have been sold out!" A guard looked at Li Luo and Aisha impatiently, and said coldly.

   Li Luo quickly took out a few gold coins and stuffed them into the guard's pocket. The latter's complexion changed slightly, and he glanced around, as if he didn't want to see the two of them, waved his hand and signaled them to go in.

   But at this moment, a group of soldiers in the distance ran over and shouted:


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