Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 537: Counterattack

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   The corners of Li Luo's mouth slightly raised, looking at the old man in front of him.


   The old man looked at Li Luo quietly, his expression was slightly angry, but it was more of a kind of fear.


   "Li Luo. I have to say, your smile looks like a devil." The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and sat on the opposite side of Li Luo, leaning the chair, and sitting there quietly.


   Li Luo looked at the old man quietly, with a bottomless ice in his eyes, as if his heart was indifferent to everything, and like a cold and merciless demon, tightly holding the old man's heart.


   "Then. Congratulations." The old man stood up with a smile and stretched out his right hand.


   Li Luo also stood up, stretched out his right hand, and held the old man together.


   "I think we can already cooperate equally." Li Luo said with a light smile, looking at the old man deeply.


   The latter seemed to be stared at by a beast, his body stiffened, but he quickly recovered.


   "For so long, I haven't reported my name. Knowing it, my name is Larouf. I am an employee of the Royal Military Intelligence Department. I am also the second uncle of the Emperor Barulun."


   Li Luo was not surprised, on the contrary, he showed a look like this.


   is the same as him, the old man in front of him, he seems to know that Li Luo has guessed his special identity.


Several people in black clothes around were slightly moved, walked up to Li Luo, and asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Li Luo, this time you will give the knowledge about the blood medicine of the Black Lin beast to the evil ghost clan. Wait until Joseph. The independent principality collapsed. Are we sure to control the situation?"


   Li Luo didn't answer him, just swept his eyes away, and said flatly: "For ten years, no matter what method is used, let this new Principality persist for ten years, we will win."


Several people glanced at each other, and there was an incredible look in their eyes, but Larouf in front of him turned around, glanced at several black guards, and said lightly: "Listen to Master Li Luo. Suggestion. Let's go!"


   Soon, this group of people disappeared into the vast night.


the next day.


   Li Luo opened a new course---Advanced Pharmacy.


   In the newly built bluestone houses around, one by one the wizard apprentices walked out one after another, and couldn't wait to walk into Li Luo's stone house, sat on a chair, and listened carefully to Li Luo's lecture.




   Three months later.


   Deep in the plateau.


   Ayesa looked at his witch doctor and drank a cup of scarlet liquid medicine for each soldier, his expression a little nervous. After about an hour, these evil spirit soldiers began to react. Their eyes were red, their muscles bulged, and their stature suddenly rose, reaching a height of more than a foot.


   Immediately afterwards, a piece of black lin appeared from them, the nails of the palms rose more than three inches in an instant, and he snarled and grabbed the surrounding walls.




   The gravel splashed from the rock wall, and under the deep scratches, these evil spirit soldiers began to become irritable and bloodthirsty, and their eyes swept towards Ayesa and the Witch Doctor.


   The old witch doctor quickly took out the prepared calming decoction and handed it to these soldiers. Under Ayesa's majesty, these soldiers drank it reluctantly.


   "This kind of breath has reached the pinnacle of Tier 4!"


   Ayesa's eyes brightened and looked at the old man beside him.


   "Chief. It's time to fight back!"


   Listening to the old man's words, Ayesa stood up suddenly.


   "Send my order, let the soldiers drink the holy blood!"


   Soon, every evil spirit soldier drank the blood medicine of the black beast, turned into a brutal and bloodthirsty warrior, turned into a torrent of wild beasts and swept towards the territories of the human race.


  The war has started.


   The entire plateau has been transformed into a huge Shura Field. The evil ghost Hei Lin soldiers are so talented that one soldier can kill several Human Hei Lin soldiers, and the scene presents a one-sided trend.


   Soon, most of the plateau area was recovered.


   On this day, Joseph stood on the wall of Black Rock City, looking at the wounded soldiers around him, his expression a little gloomy.


   After a while, a soldier came up from downstairs.


   "Grand Duke. The messenger of the Barulun Empire wants to see you."


   Joseph heard that his body was stiff, and it took a full quarter of an hour to get over.


   "Take me to meet them."


   Soon, Joseph saw the messenger.


  The messenger is a middle-aged man. He brought a group of soldiers to Black Rock City. "Grand Duke Joseph, I am the messenger of the Barulun Empire, my name is Caesar." Joseph quietly picked up the teacup, but the trembling of his arms betrayed his mood at the moment.


   "Let's talk about it. What kind of conditions can help me through this difficult time."


The corner of Caesar's mouth twitched slightly and said calmly: "The former marquis's territory is all ceded to our emperor. Of course, this is only the lost land that our emperor reclaimed. For this, you have to send your little daughter to our principality. , After all, our Seventh Prince has admired your daughter for a long time."


   "You!" Joseph squeezed the teacup, and suddenly the tea splashed and broke.


   "Grand Duke, don't get angry, sometimes you have to pay for your actions by yourself, am I right?" Caesar said unhurriedly, looking at Joseph with a smile.


Joseph narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a touch of coldness, and said in a deep voice: "The dog emperor Kalai, I am not afraid that I will turn all the people in the territory into black lin soldiers, and fight with that **** Ayesa!? Don't do it then. It is said that it is a family of evil spirits, it is a human race, and this king will surely step down all of them and turn this world into a scorched earth!


   "That's good! I'll pass it all to His Royal Highness Calli. We will have a period later, no, it will be indefinitely later." Caesar snorted and turned around to pretend to leave.




Joseph's face was volatile ~www.readwn.com~ after a moment, he said, "It is not easy for Baron Caesar to come once. It's not easy to enjoy a plateau barbecue from me. It's not too late to go back. Come. ."


   Suddenly, a series of revealing and coquettish women walked out.


   Caesar stared at the beauty in front of him, and could no longer look away.




   Three months later.


   Eagle Ridge City. This is the capital of the Barulun Empire. The entire city is magnificent and magnificent. It is built in a zone surrounded by mountains. On both sides of the mountain, there are horned eagles that are ten meters in size. They are constantly flying in the air, making a loud eagle cry. The entire city is often white fog. Ai Ai, it seems that people are in a fairyland.


  In the palace hall.


   Emperor Kalai quietly listened to the report of the soldier in front of him, and took the information submitted by the soldier.


   A moment later, Kalai closed his eyes and motioned for the soldier to retreat.


   It took about half an hour before he stood up.


   "Tell Larouf to take the son of Joseph and imprison him!"


   Soon, beside Kalai, under a wave of void ripples, a black shadow emerged, slowly walking out of the palace.


   After a while, Kalai opened his eyes and said faintly: "Come over that Aisha too." "Yes!"



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