Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 541: cruel

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As soon as Li Guifang came out, the billowing gloomy air rushed out in all directions. Li Luo only felt that the blood in his body seemed to be frozen, and an indescribable sense of horror surged into his heart.

"Chiron, you go first!"

Li Luo couldn't help but said, squeezing a space bag into Chiron's waist, and his figure flashed towards the ghost in front of him.

Li Gui had two horns, and his fangs protruded. Looking at Li Luo with blood-red eyes, he opened his mouth and slightly hooked his face with joy.

"Huh. I didn't expect that as soon as the seal was lifted, I encountered a good blood food. Today, this deity will make all living creatures in a radius of thousands of miles into ghosts. Jiejiejiejiejiejie..."

With the weird laughter, Li Luo saw the ghost in the distance rolling under a black mist, turning into a phantom of a skull and shooting towards Chiron. With the latter's face changed, he didn't even escape from here the first time.

Li Luo's face changed slightly, and he shouted: "Okay! His Royal Highness the Second Prince is really loyal."

After speaking, Li Luo took out a bottle of black potion and poured it all into his mouth. Under the **** lines on his body, his eyes turned into a red light, and the aura on his body also increased, reaching the pinnacle of Tier 4 in a blink of an eye. level.

"His Royal Highness, I drink this bottle of potion to fully stimulate my potential, which can only last for three minutes!"

Chiron was holding a silver shield and constantly coping with Li Gui's dark energy. Although he understood what Li Luo meant for three minutes, there was no good way to win quickly. He could only wander around constantly to block Li Gui's attack.

A gust of yin and underworld aura rushed towards Chiron, and every black qi exuded a strong and incomparable yin and underworld aura. Li Luo felt the power of Li Gui, and he also had a general judgment.

Tier 5!

The real fifth-order ghost!

Immediately, he took out a red longbow from the space bag, and then took out a golden feather arrow from nowhere. He swiped his hand on the arrow string, and immediately a blood line appeared, and a drop of blood fell. After the arrow was on the string, there was no fire and spontaneously ignited, and the whole bow and arrow suddenly turned into a golden color, and a strong sacred aura rippled.


Without waiting for Li Gui to react, Li Luo quickly took the arrow to aim, and at this moment, the fighting energy inspired by the medicine in his body poured into the arrow, the arrow flashed with dazzling golden light, the bowstring was pulled hard, and the golden arrow was thunderous. The momentum instantly passed through the black mist of Li Ghost.


Immediately, under the black mist surging for a while, a horrible howl broke out.

Li Gui's figure emerged, Li Luo fixed his eyes, and a bowl-sized blood hole appeared under Li Gui's left ribs, gurgling black blood flowed down, and fist-sized pits formed in an instant, and sneered. Under the sound of ground corrosion, wisps of black smoke scattered in all directions.

"God's blood! Who are you!" Li Gui roared, making a cry like a wild beast, with a deep look of jealousy on his face.

The wound under the chest has no tendency to heal under the golden lines.

Li Luo's face was pale, half kneeling on the ground, silent.

Not far from Li Gui, Chiron's eyes condensed, the long sword in his hand flashed with silver light, the thunder burst out, and dense sword shadows shrouded Li Gui's body up and down.

"Huh. A mortal dare to run wild with me here!" Li Gui's expression was sullen, his big mouth was slightly open, and a black air current rushed out, instantly turning towards Chiron.

"Be careful." Li Luo wanted to remind again, but it was too late.

The black air current is like an invisible sharp blade, sparking sparks on the armor of Chiron's body, and a sharp rubbing sound follows, but the silver armor of Chiron's body is not a mortal at first sight, but a layer is wiped out The white seal was restored to its original state under a flash of silver light.

"Star armor!" Li Gui's expression became stiff, and he backed away a few steps in a row.

Li Luo only saw his eyes rolled and glanced around, his body shape turned into a black mist again, and he flew out quickly in one direction.

"Good, good! You two are great, one with the blood of the gods, the other with precious armor and body protection, I will leave you!"

Li Luo's expression was dull, and the violent ghost in front of him fled, regardless of his own image! Three question marks suddenly appeared on Li Luo's head. You are a ghost! A monster that kills without seeing blood! Why did you escape?

Chiron came over quickly and said: "You rest for a while, I will chase the black scale horse back."

About twenty minutes later, Chiron returned with two black-scaled horses, and the two rode on their horses and galloped towards Feishui City.

Riding horses all the way for a night, a city covering more than ten kilometers, gradually appeared in front of the two of them under the light of the sky.

The two of them struggled all the way, looking at the human corpses around the city, their complexion changed slightly.

They only breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the human head protruding from the city wall.

Chiron took out a token, pressed his hand slightly, the token shot out, and the speed suddenly increased, and it flew onto the city wall.

After checking the token, several soldiers disappeared on the city wall. But after a while, the town gate opened.

After the two entered the town, they found beggars lying there scrawny, eyes full of despair, looking at the two people who came in, moving the bowl manually, but there was no sound from their mouths.

Li Luo's complexion changed slightly, thinking of a possibility, he patted the space bag around his waist and took out some of the beast corpses in the space bag.

"Stew these beasts and send them to soldiers and beggars, and beggars will be taken directly into reserve." Li Luo said indifferently, looking at Chiron.

"Listen to him." Chiron nodded to the soldier beside him, and the latter quickly said yes, and walked towards the corpses of a few monsters with a few soldiers.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know if the Second Prince is coming to Feishui City..." The defender of Feishui City was a round-faced man. He wanted to say something, but Chiron stopped it when he raised his hand.

"Not much nonsense, Commander Feld. I'm here to organize and train soldiers. I have taken over this place. Are you willing to be a lieutenant for the time being?" Chiron looked at Feld indifferently, an aura of momentum. However, issued.

Feld smiled flatteringly, and said: "This is natural, but your prince, the town has been out of food for many days. I think this little brother has contributed some monsters and flesh and blood. Can you give us more and be full? , Brothers are so strong to go out to hunt the beasts, aren't they?"

Li Luo looked at Feld, did not speak for a while, but nodded his head, and dumped all the monster meat in the space bag into the warehouse.

"So, General Feld should be satisfied?" Li Luo looked at Feld with a smile.

Feld looked at the corpse of the Black Lin Shadow Leopard in the warehouse, his expression dull and he didn't react for a long time.

"When... of course." Feld's face changed, and he said quickly: "There are so many monsters and flesh, and I can't finish a meal. I will order the cooking class to make all these flesh and blood jerky."

After speaking, Feld ran out quickly.

After watching Feld run out, Li Luo's eyes flickered slightly, and he walked out of the warehouse casually, and quickly disappeared in an alley ~www.readwn.com~ and walked towards the cooking class.

When he walked into the kitchen of the cooking class, he didn't see any shadow of Feld, and his expression changed slightly.

At this moment, the whole town rang ear-splitting bells. "It's not good. Those Black Lin monsters are here to collect food again!"

"No! Don't take my child away, please, let my child go and take me away."

Li Luo walked out of the kitchen and out of the barracks. As soon as he walked into the street, he saw a woman in ragged clothes, clutching a seven or eight-year-old child in her arms, crying and kneeling beside a soldier.


"He's M, it angered those Black Lin monsters, all of us have to die! Anyway, this kid is skinny and tender, it's useless..."

The soldier wanted to say something, but lowered his head, a dagger passed through his chest, and Li Luo moved his neck behind him, dragging the soldier towards the city wall.

He didn't expect that the situation was so cruel. This was the first time that he had strongly blamed himself for his experimental accident.

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