Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 555: Cruel world

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   Early in the morning, when the sky outside gradually brightened, Li Luo walked out of the alchemy room, took You Ji into the black lin carriage, and walked towards the town hall.


   The atmosphere in Feishui Town is no longer severe. In the past few days, as the number of black Lin mutants outside the city has become less and less, the city has gradually become lively.


   All this has changed with the death of Ayesa, plus Li Luo and You Ji.


   For a while, the residents of the town recognized the two of them. Similarly, the hostile relationship between the Human Race and the Nether Race was eliminated.


   For this, Li Luo is also very willing to see. After all, in Nether City, most of the remaining masters of the Nether Clan were Li Luo clones, and the Nether Clan was dead in name.


   "I hope Chiron has information about ancient wizards."


   Sitting on the carriage, watching the busy traffic outside along the gap, Li Luo couldn't help sighing.


   After a while, driven by the groom, the two came to the town hall and walked straight down.


   Seeing Li Luo and You Ji approaching, the guards guarding outside did not stop them, and respectfully let them in.


  Walking all the way to the lobby, in an office, Li Luo met Chiron.


   At this time, Chiron was asleep on the bed, looking very sound asleep.


Compared with before, his body has become very strong. Not only does his skin have purple-gold lines, but also exudes a light body fragrance, a feeling of blood surging from the inside to outside of his body. .


  In his current state, ordinary people just stand beside him for a while, they will feel refreshed all over, and they will involuntarily approach him.


"How is it going?"


   walked into the room and looked at Chiron, Li Luo asked a wizard apprentice on the side.


This is a third-class apprentice who was promoted under Li Luo’s potion. Hearing Li Luo’s question at this time, he stood aside respectfully and performed a wizarding ceremony: “The situation is a bit unexpected. We were before. After several tests, His Highness Chiron should have passed the slumber period, but now it seems that His Highness Chiron's potential is more than that."


   "But I just don't know when His Highness Kailong will wake up. During this time, His Majesty the Emperor has urged him several times, saying that His Highness Kailong will go back to perform the inheritance ceremony."


   "I will try my best." Nodding lightly, Li Luo stepped forward.


  Looking at Li Luo's movements, the surrounding people stepped back. Only a few wizard apprentices were still standing in the room. At this moment, they were watching Li Luo's movements without blinking.


   Regarding their gaze, Li Luo didn't care, he just looked at Chiron who was lying on the bed.


   I probably checked the status of the other party, and Li Luo knew it in his heart.


   In fact, Chiron's blood is so rich that it is all thanks to Li Luo.


   After successfully praying that day, Li Luo and You Ji did not leave here, but as allies, cleared the nearby Black Lin monster. In fact, Li Luo wanted to secretly investigate the inside story of the boss behind the blood.


   But this way, things have become more complicated.


  God blood, there will be some on each plane, basically involving nobles.


   Therefore, the blood of Chiron must be strong enough, and even must be strong enough to be controlled by the will in the blood of the gods.


   So a few days ago, taking advantage of a certain opportunity, Li Luo moved some hands and feet on the other party's food. He put in the bloodline evolution potion and some medicated food to ensure that the blood of Chiron would be transformed again.


   In fact, it is impossible for Chiron to completely trust Li Luo. He originally wanted to reject Li Luo's medicinal diet, but Li Luo ate with him, and his worries disappeared.


   Together with Joseph's son Arthur, he gathered the disbanded Black Lin soldiers again in the border area, and Chiron had to accept the evolution.


   "Looking like this, it's probably only a few days ago."


   After carefully inspecting the condition of Chiron's body, Li Luo said so, then walked aside, took out a few bottles of medicines that had been prepared, and placed them on the wooden table.


   explained a few words with the surrounding wizard apprentices, Li Luo walked out and brought You Ji back to the alchemy room.


   After a while, Li Luo did not leave, but quietly studied some things in the laboratory.


   half a month later.


   "You seem to have evolved well."


   In the spacious laboratory, Li Luo said with a smile looking at Chiron beside him.


   "It's amazing, this kind of surging power is simply..."


   Looking at Li Luo, Kailong was pleasantly surprised, with an incredible expression on his face.


  Compared with the previous appearance, his sacred aura is more concentrated at this time, and the purple-gold lines on his body are more obvious. Standing there, with a silver armor, he looks like a god.


   But on his forehead, there was a purple and gold rune, exuding another sacred aura that was completely different from his original aura, which seemed a little out of place.


   Feeling the strange sacred breath of Chiron, Li Luo sighed slightly in his heart.


   "Sure enough, the same as I thought."


   Li Luo stood there quietly, looking at Chiron, if not forced by the situation, he would never activate the blood of Chiron.


   After all, the two had lived and died together, and he didn't want Chiron to become the puppet of the **** king, or even be drained like a captive sheep.


   At this moment, Li Luo felt the strength of Chiron's blood, and his fingertips squeezed out a stream of blood, forming a series of purple runes in the void, falling on Chiron's forehead.




   Chiron snorted, showing a painful look.


"His Royal Highness, don't worry, I use my power of the ghost to temporarily seal the strange blood on your body~www.readwn.com~ You will digest the blood as soon as possible during this period, and there will be no sequelae. "Li Luo said softly, took out a bottle of potion and handed it to Chiron.


   "Why do you help me like this?" Chiron half-kneeled, after a while, he came over, and asked after standing up.


   "For myself." Li Luo did not explain too much.


   The two were silent. After a while, Chiron patted Li Luo on the shoulder and smiled: "Anyway, I believe you."


   Then, Chiron walked out of the alchemy house.


   You Ji watched Chiron leave, looked at Li Luo quietly, and asked coldly: "So, everything is true? Your true body is destroying the sacred tree?"


   Li Luo turned around, looked at You Ji, sat on a chair, and said calmly: "Then, You Ji. Do you think I am for the Nether Clan good or bad?"


   "Hmph, your Excellency is very good at defending!" You Ji snorted coldly, her pretty eyebrows clustered slightly with anger.


   "Then, how often does the clone of the **** of death Darnadus visit this plane?" Li Luo asked mockingly instead of explaining too much.


   Yu Ji listened to Li Luo's words, her tone stagnated, and calmed down.


   Li Luo looked out the window with deep eyes.


   "Not only the **** of death, the **** king, but also treats the human race as a breeding farm. Follow me and you will soon understand this cruel world!"



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