Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 558: Demonized Wizard

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   A wilderness area.


   Several figures galloped up on black-scale war horses. Behind them were more than two hundred warriors riding black-scale war horses. Their expressions revealed extreme horror. It seemed that some danger was constantly approaching behind them.


   These figures are exactly Li Luo and others who escaped from the palace of blood baptism.


   includes the national character face man Geck. At the moment when Chiron escaped, the army responsible for the defense of the entire palace was besieged. Li Luo relied on his tyrannical spirit to make a gap, and all the talents fled all the way here.


"Brother Chiron. As I guessed, the so-called blood baptism is just a scam that the **** regards us as sheep and keeps harvesting food." Geek looked ugly. He said that and looked at Kai. Long.


   Li Luo stood there, without much unexpected expression, thinking of something.


   "It is impossible for no one to find this problem in the previous royal families. Then the question is, how did your father and ancestors close this news?"


   Everyone was surprised when they heard this.


   After a while, Li Luo and You Ji glanced at each other, almost at the same time saying: "You must put a seal on the power of your bloodline."


   "Hurry up, I can feel it, eldest brother, he is chasing us!" Kailong said with a slight change of face.


   Soon, Li Luo and You Ji did not hesitate to use a little original mana to seal the spirit of blood on the two of them.


   Everyone continued to flee, and within a short while, a village was greeted by a few people.


   There, Li Luo saw some familiar traces.


  Huge footprints, the surrounding buildings have all suffered severe damage, and under a large number of ruins, broken bodies are scattered everywhere.


  Walking into the village, Li Luo glanced around.


   Dried red blood was scattered, a corpse with half of its body bitten off, and some thick purple hair.


   Li Luo's face did not change, but he quietly looked to the side.


   In the direction he was looking at, the surrounding buildings and trees seemed to have been hit by a giant. All the buildings and trees collapsed on the ground, and a huge figure ran towards everyone.




   The footsteps sounded like thunder, huge fangs, purple eyes, explosive burly figure, huge figure, no doubt that this is a behemoth beast!


   Chiron looked at the monster in front of him, his eyes a little dignified.


   The soldiers around, looking at the monster in front of them, the corners of their eyes twitched slightly, and they were obviously shocked.


   The opponent's body is too big.


   This figure is more than ten meters tall, which is about ten times that of an ordinary person. It can definitely be called a giant.


   Such a huge body, even if there is no strong special ability, just stepping on it, I am afraid that a knight can be trampled into serious injury.


   When he saw this Bimeng, Li Luo's eyes also became extremely solemn.


   Obviously, this giant beast is officially kept, and it is not difficult to see from the armor on this beast.


   But at this time, they couldn't change the direction and ran away. Because in the front, this behemoth has already rushed over.


   With an astonishing roar, the Behemoth beast rushed towards the team like a giant tank, and a wild breath instantly locked Li Luo and the others.


   "Quickly disperse!!"


   Seeing the purple figure rushing in the distance, the commander of the knight guard reacted first, and while hiding quickly, he also sent out a reminder.


   The reaction speed of other people was also not slow. At this moment, seeing the purple Bimon rushing here in the distance, they quickly evaded to the side.


   At a distance of thousands of meters, in just a few seconds, the Behemoth Behemoth came in front of everyone.


   The huge shadow instantly enveloped everyone. In the place where Li Luo and others were standing, several knights were instantly stepped over by Bi Meng, and they let out a scream of pain.


   The flesh and blood burst, and the blood spewed out and scattered around.


  Standing on the spot, Beamon grabbed the giant hand, grabbed the knight who had become a corpse, and stuffed it directly at the corner of his mouth.


   Click! !


   With a sound of chewing, the corpse in Bimon's hand, half of his body went directly into its mouth.


   "Damn it, so fast!!"


   Feeling the speed of Beamon, Kairon pulled his face pale, looking at the giant beast in front of him, there was only endless anger in his eyes.


   Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw the black lines of fate, intertwined on the top of Chiron's head, gradually becoming clear. His eyes lit up slightly, and a series of gray fireballs condensed in his hand, which instantly bloomed on the Behemoth.


   Boom! Long!


   The Behemoth Behemoth seemed to exude a tyrannical sixth-order aura, but facing Li Luo's passive soul burning spell, it didn't last a minute before it was submerged by a dense fireball.




   With a muffled noise, the Behemoth beast lay on the ground.


   You Ji took a long sword and slammed it in the eye socket of the Behemoth behemoth, and soon the behemoth stopped struggling.


   "That's how you won?" The knights around looked incredulous, seeing Li Luo's expression full of admiration.


   Li Luo didn't talk nonsense, and quickly put away the corpse of the Behemoth.


   And at this moment, a figure slowly appeared in the distance, and densely packed black-armored knights appeared around them, holding giant bows and crossbows in their hands, and stopped there to aim at the crowd.


   "Damn it! It's a broken crossbow!" Kailong's expression changed drastically and exclaimed.


"Your Majesty Second Prince, you should know the rules. Since the eldest prince has received the baptism, you who have failed, you must accept the purification of divine power!" What came by was an old figure, not someone else, who just started to come to the palace. , The wizard I met.


   Li Luo looked at the broken crossbows around him, his expression also sinking.


The old man looked at Li Luo, his face twisted slightly, his mouth twitched, and a sneer appeared, and said, "Traitor of the human race! Let's die here today. As for Wu Xueer and your children, Master Lilafee will treat them well. of!"


   Li Luo's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous light, like a beast that chooses people to eat, looking at the old man in front of him, but didn't do anything, just watched the old man quietly without speaking.


   Behind him, Yu Ji licked the corner of her mouth, stepped forward, and blew a kiss to the soldiers around her, while an indescribable slippery rule rippled.


   Suddenly, the soldiers who came around all had flushes on their faces~www.readwn.com~ Both eyes looked at Yu Ji frantically, and even the weapons in his hands fell to the ground, completely ignorant of them.


   Each of them was drooling in their mouths, as they walked towards You Ji step by step, the old man on the opposite side was also stiff, and his complexion looked a little ugly.




   With a cold snort, it sounded like thunder in the ears of the surrounding soldiers, and all the soldiers quickly recovered under the voice of the old man.


   But it was so delayed. At the moment when these soldiers picked up their weapons, a bunch of gray energy pythons shot out from Yu Ji, almost teleporting past the enemy soldiers.


  All the soldiers contaminated by the gray pythons turned pale immediately, and the muscles on their faces quickly dried up after a few breaths, and fell to the ground, losing their sound.


   Li Luo slowly walked to the old man, stood there quietly, frowning slightly. He looked at the old man still very calm, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he said indifferently: "Old man, should I say that you have a good mental quality, or should I not live or die?"


   "Hahahaha. Young human race, we will meet again soon. At that time, I believe you will become the most powerful warrior in the Lord!"


After   , the dark green evil energy around the old man suddenly lit up, and the whole body was blurred and disappeared there.


   Li Luo watched the demonized wizard disappear in place, frowning slightly, a gentle figure appeared in his mind, his face turned gloomy.



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