Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 565: news

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In the early morning, a whit of fish in the sky gradually rose, and gradually turned into a golden glow. At this time, the sun shines on the earth, the light is no longer gloomy, and warm colors are swaying everywhere.

In Maple Leaf Town, one by one residents got up from the warm bed and ran out of the city.

After about two hours, these people returned from outside the city with joy.

"Mr. Ritz, someone is coming outside!"

Sitting quietly in front of the wooden cabinet, Li Luo was sorting out the materials on his hands, and he heard voices coming from outside.

That was Horton's voice, which came from outside at this time, accompanied by a sound of footsteps.

He was wearing an apprentice robe, and he was much stronger than when he had just met before. At this time, he shouted while bringing a group of men in.

Seeing this situation, Li Luo was not surprised, put down the materials in his hand, and stood up with the iron pipe beside him.

"Mr. Ryze, is this the dark mushroom you want?" The surrounding youth looked at Li Luo eagerly, and handed the basket behind him.

"Yes, it is the Dark Mushroom." Li Luo nodded, and collected the Dark Mushroom, looking at the surrounding crowd: "You can get a free medical treatment opportunity, and a minor among your relatives once became a physician apprentice. Opportunity."

"Sir, please help me look at my legs."

In the crowd, a middle-aged man with a sad expression said: "The thighs were fine just now, but now they are like this."

"It was parasitized by a nematode." After checking it, Li Luo casually said, looking at the swollen thigh in front of him, "It should have been drilled while picking mushrooms."

"Nematode?" Hearing this, the middle-aged man's face instantly became depressed.

Although Maple Leaf Town is remote, it is not without any specialties.

It is rich in various kinds of magic grasses with yin and dark attributes, and every year it attracts many foreign merchants to come and purchase in this place.

In this environment, the residents here are also willing to pick in the forest.

If the trip goes well, a few baskets of dark mushrooms will be picked up in the col. Similarly, there is a high chance of being parasitized by worms, and you have to buy expensive blood acid medicines to deal with the parasites in your body.

The middle-aged man took the blood acid potion and left here with a sullen expression.

"Sir, sir. My child is just 12 years old. I want to provide you with dark mushrooms for a long time in exchange for the opportunity to learn."

"Me too, sir."

"Please accept my child. I don't need to drink the blood acid potion and just eat thorngrass!"

Listening to the words of the people around him, Li Luo fixed his eyes on the old man who was already dead-conscious.

"Where is your child?" Li Luo asked, looking at the old man, after a moment of silence.

"Dead, leaving only two children. I am too old for my age, so promise me, sir." The old man said hoarsely, took out a few thorngrass, and took a few bites.

Li Luo was silent for a moment, returned to the counter, fumbled for a while, took out a bottle of blood acid medicine and handed it over.

"Holden, follow the old man to their house. If the situation is true, I will give him the blood acid potion free of charge. Next." Li Luo indifferently ordered, sitting on a chair, and said: "Other people come here together. Right."

Everyone hurriedly walked over, handed the dark mushroom to Xifan, and each stretched out their swollen hands and feet.

"It was all nematode infections, only two of them were bitten by a venomous snake. I boiled these two medicines and drank it, and it was fine."

"Okay. I'll be here today." After seeing the patient for a while, Li Luo felt a little tired and turned and walked towards the bedroom.

"Mr. Ritz..." On the side, looking at Li Luo's figure, Xifan was a little puzzled: "Sir, why don't you exchange more dark mushrooms? Wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort to refine enough collateral medicine at one time?"

"Can we sell the potions in exchange for more dark mushrooms?" He looked at Li Luo in front of him, cautiously opened his mouth and suggested.

"No. You can only improve your medicine refining level when you keep refining the medicines." Li Luo shook his head, and didn't say much about this issue.

The reason why he opened a medical center is just to facilitate the collection of some materials. As for treating people’s illnesses only by the way, as for the exchange of expensive medicines for materials, unless he becomes a fool, he will never risk exposure. Dry.

In order not to attract the attention of others, even some wealthy businessmen paid high prices for him to see a doctor, but they were not cured.

Over time, he successfully disguised himself as a rural doctor and gradually integrated into the daily life of the small town.

However, it is naturally impossible to say these reasons in person, so he just shook his head, got up with difficulty, and walked outside.

This time the injury has severely damaged the meridians, and the sequelae have not completely ended.

Even after a year of cultivation, sometimes I will feel a little panting after standing for a long time.

Li Luo estimated that at this rate, he would have to wait at least two years before he could regain his combat power.

Rested for two hours.

Called Horton and Xifan to follow up and locked the door firmly. In the courtyard, Horton and Xifan skillfully took the training dummy out of the room, and the entire courtyard suddenly turned into a flat training ground.

When he walked to the training ground, he drew a wooden sword from the wooden stand. Thinking back to the days of the Warcraft Mountains, a familiar feeling came to my heart.

"One year's time. You are very good. You learned the knowledge of medicine that I handed over, and even the knight level has reached the level of a third-class apprentice." Li Luo waved the wooden sword, and the humming sound followed. , Said so.

"Today, my set of swordsmanship accompanies me through a lot of dangers. It can be said that it is the swordsmanship that the entire human race is practicing."

"But this set of swordsmanship is rarely practiced by one person." Li Luo paused, glanced at the two brothers, and said, "Do you know why?"

The two looked at each other, their faces contemplative.

"It's because they don't practice enough." Holden thought for a while, and said.

Li Luo didn't say anything, but looked at Xifan.

After a while, Xifan hesitated and said, "Because I didn't practice basic swordsmanship~www.readwn.com~ Xifan stayed, Holden, starting today, you will meditate with all your strength to improve your wizarding level."

"Yes. Teacher." Horton didn't dare to pause, and returned to the room in a hurry.


Li Luo's expression was solemn, and the wooden sword in his hand suddenly lit up, and three **** sword lights appeared, turning into three half-moon sword lights, which instantly slashed on the training dummy.

Damn it!


A shocking scene happened. The dummy made of iron wood broke apart at this moment, and the air wave rolled and turned into a pile of wooden blocks and shot away in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Xifan's shock couldn't be added, and the whole person was sluggish there.

"This kind of power!" Xi Fan was dazed, hesitated for a moment, took out an iron piece from his arms and handed it to Li Luo.

"Teacher, this is what I bought at the market, and it is said to be the key to a relic of a wizard." Xifan said so, looking at Li Luo wryly.

Li Luo took the iron piece, watched it for a moment, his expression changed, and said, "This is a batch of witchcraft creations!"

Xifan was puzzled first, and then his face changed slightly: "What is the purpose of these guys who publish iron sheets!?"

Li Luo thought about it and asked, "How long will the ruins open?"

"Half a year." Xifan replied.

"Has it half a year?" Li Luo thought deeply and muttered to himself: "If you train these two boys at any cost, you will be able to find out some useful information."

"But I don't know whether the person who released the news is the theologian or the Black Death sect."

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