Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 571: Death's Might

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Frontline position.

"Your Majesty Kassar, we have charged for the seventh time. But... there seems to be a powerful alchemy weapon on the opposite side, and the bombardment blasted out our **** blood soldiers."

Listening to the report of the soldier in front of him, Kaza looked gloomy, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and shouted: "Golden Guard, charge with me!"

Suddenly, the fifth-order powerhouses rushed over from the rear and stood around Kassar.

Kasar was about to give an order, but there was a commotion in the rear.

"Report. Your Majesty. Our capital is enveloped by an unknown plague. Now... a full three million people have been transformed into zombies."

"What?" Kasar staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Damn it. Damn it!" Kasa cut the soldier to death with a sword, roaring, his eyes were scarlet.


He roared, his expression distorted, and he rushed away with the troops in the direction they came.


Inside a gray mountain range.

The figures of Li Luo and others rushed over one after another.

After the crowds were gathered, the ghost clone spoke: "This place is called Jiuyou Burial Ground, and the black fog forest outside is called Jiuyou Ghost Land. It is actually caused by the spread of ghostly spirit here and gradually formed. But the specific evil ghost king I don’t know where it is buried."

Li Luo closed his eyes and felt for a while, and said, "Come with me. The Star Soul told me."

Everyone quickly ran away in one direction.


The capital of the Barulun Empire has turned into a paradise for the undead at this time.

"Three million fresh corpses are really delicious." Arthur closed his eyes with a look of enjoyment, beside him, a few haggard figures stood there respectfully.

After a while, Arthur suddenly opened his eyes and whispered with a gloomy look: "Release all the newly transformed walking corpses, and turn the entire empire into a paradise for the undead!"

"As you wish, Your Majesty." Several corpse witches looked happy and stepped back.

Arthur swept to the west, his eyes full of murderous intent: "Chiron! Chiron! Hehehehahahahahaha..."

The wanton and crazy laughter suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.


In the burial ground of Jiuyou.

Li Luo and others panted violently, their expressions a little ugly.

"Damn it, what wave is this?" Chiron complained.

The ghost clone closed his eyes and felt it, and said: "No. There are a lot less undead in this world, it should be a large part of it!"

Li Luo's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and said, "That's okay. Chiron, your principality is the closest to the burial site of Jiuyou!"

"Don't worry, there are so many wizards in the principality, and Boom also blasts those undead into scum. I'm afraid these undead will bypass our principality and go to the Barulun Empire." Kairon shook his head, revealing a very worried look.

"Can't waste any more time. Let's go."

Immediately, Chiron stood up and took out the Holy Grail. The blood in the Holy Grail burned and turned into a stream of milky white airflow and sank into everyone's body.

The group of people ran away again in one direction, and gradually came to a dark palace.

The palace looked unpretentious, exuding bursts of black faint light, standing there quietly, shocking waves pressed toward the surroundings.

Everyone seemed to be plunged into the mud, with drops of cold sweat on their foreheads, striding forward with difficulty towards the black palace.

Li Luo alone, with a flash of purple-red light, walked towards the palace step by step, and gradually distanced himself from everyone.

In the sky above the palace, a river of blood flowing down, poured into the palace.

Li Luo walked into the palace step by step, and what caught his eye was a tall stone pillar with figures of horrible ghosts and resentful spirits, which looked strange and terrifying.

After walking for a distance, a stone coffin came into his eyes, and at the same time a strong coercion pressed up and down his whole body.



Li Luo's body sank, and he knelt there suddenly, feeling that there were thousands of catties of mountains pressed against him, and he couldn't move anymore.

"Destroy him."

In the void, whispers came one after another, and a gust of dark air instantly enveloped him into a surrounding air current, instantly dispelling this coercion.

Li Luo's expression remained unchanged, a purple-red light beam lit up in his hand, and instantly bombarded the coffin.


The coffin exploded, revealing a figure full of flesh and blood, green face and fangs, and slowly stood up.


As soon as the blue-faced and fangs figure appeared, the flesh and blood squirmed, and the surrounding Yin Ming Qi rushed toward this figure.

Soon, he turned into a gray eggshell, suspended in the air.

Li Luo's eyes twitched slightly, and he hurriedly ran towards the rear.

"Run, get out of here!"

Listening to Li Luo's roar, the ghost clone did not panic, and shouted: "Calm down, this death clone does not seem to have completed the final transformation, we are dead when we run!"

Li Luo's complexion changed, his figure flashed back, and the others followed closely and came into the palace hall.

The crowd drew their swords and swarmed towards the gray eggshell. A single-horned phantom appeared on Li Luo's forehead, followed by a purple-red light beam lasing out, instantly blooming on the gray eggshell.

A wave of destruction raged, the gray eggshells quickly dimmed, and the waves disappeared into bubbles.

At this moment, the surrounding Yin Ming Qi turned into a stream of air to drill towards Li Luo's body surface, and was instantly absorbed by the Arcane Absorption Talent, and turned into a stream of pure mana into his Dantian.

At the same time, the surrounding powerhouses were holding swords, and sword aura shot out one after another, bursting into this evil spirit in an instant.

But it was just an asxs spark, and it didn't even leave a white mark on the skin.

After a while, Li Luo felt the surging mana, his face was happy, and the destruction finger instantly released ~www.readwn.com~ A purple-red light beam instantly enveloped the evil ghost king in front of him.


There was a sound of acid corrosion, and the blood and flesh of the evil ghost king gradually stopped wriggling, his eyes opened slightly, revealing an expression of anger and anger.

"Dirty Deworming, dare to prevent the final metamorphosis of this god!"

The evil ghost king stepped out slowly, and a strong storm suddenly rolled away.


Everyone, including Li Luo, was blown away in an instant, and crashed to the ground, with their chests sunken.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Li Luo struggled to stand up.


The evil ghost king's body slowly squirmed, turning into a handsome green-skinned man, looking at Li Luo in disbelief.

"Why! I hit the underworld wave of Danadus' collection of corpses, this human! This human can still stand up!" Danadus looked at Li Luo with shocked expression and watched him slowly stand up from the ground. .

"Cough, cough, cough!" With blood spit out, the expression on Li Luo's face began to become firmer as he watched the black armored guards around him turning into corpses.

Immediately afterwards, an even more shocking scene happened to Danadus.

Nether clone and Chiron also stood up one after another.

"Damn it!" Danathus' eyes instantly turned silver, and his hair gradually turned silver. The armor of the surrounding black armor soldiers shattered instantly, flew towards him, and instantly turned into powder. Attached to his body surface.

Immediately afterwards, a gray armor slowly emerged, and a tyrannical atmosphere burst out from him.

"Stupid mortal, even if this body is not completely remodeled, the power of God is not something that you can contend with as an anthelmintic!"

Danathus suddenly lit up a dark purple energy light ball, and an indescribable breath of death instantly enveloped several people.

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