Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 576: Continental situation

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Wizarding world.

In a void, under a burst of spatial ripples, inch by inch began to crack.

Immediately, a huge wormhole emerged.

A huge floating city slowly flew out of the wormhole, suspended in the sky.

Li Luo glanced at the unfamiliar environment under his feet, his brows furrowed slightly.

Then I closed my eyes and felt for a while, controlling the floating city to flew away in one direction.


Demon Hunter Academy.

In the dean's office, several people were talking to a Wu Xueer non-stop, with a light attitude and a greedy look. They all carried powerful wizard energy fluctuations. Obviously, they were all high-level wizards.

"Dean Wu, after today's assessment, there is not even a Tier 5 wizard in your academy, and you no longer have the ability to protect the safety of one territory." Among the few people, a tall wizard glanced over Wu Xueer, and there was something in his eyes. Unspeakable greed is emerging.

Wu Xueer's face was a little pale, she looked at the wizards in front of her, pinched her fingers deeply into her flesh and blood, she didn't know it, and there was endless resentment in her eyes.

"Malz, please give me some more time." Wu Xueer's face was a little pale.

There is no other reason. If the Demon Hunter Academy is downgraded to a third-rate wizard, the entire Principality will be stationed in a new Wizard Academy, and the people at the Demon Hunter Academy will have to unconditionally obey the dispatch of this Academy.

"Wu Xue'er, don’t talk about it, there is still a month left, but, look, you still owe us more than three million magic stones, how about it, the dean of the Demon Hunter Academy, are you? Should I pay it back?" Malz's eyes slammed down Wu Xueer's proud curve, and he glanced up and down unkindly.

"Humph." Wu Xueer snorted coldly, her face slightly ugly.

"Let's use the bloodline potion to replace the magic stone head office!" Wu Xueer said, but her face turned pale.

"Bloodline potion?" Several people sneered, "Can it be compared to the blood of the gods!?"

"Repayment of debts, this is a matter of course, Wu Xueer, you will not owe debts, don’t you forget, you Demon Hunting Wizard Academy, but you are still one of the three academies in the Silver Bird Principality. You do this. , Aren't you afraid of being sanctioned and punished by the Alliance?" Malz scanned Wu Xueer's whole body without fear, and said in a rather threatening tone.

"You!" Wu Xueer was speechless, showing cold sweat on her forehead. As this Malz said, he has owed too many magic stones to the Alliance. After this period of time has passed, it is the day of final settlement!

"Damn it, we just borrowed one million magic stones from the Alliance. How come it became more than three million?" Gaia looked very ugly on the side.

He is Li Luo's big disciple, a Tier 4 wizard, but he hasn't reached the level of Tier 5, and has been stuck in Tier 4 wizards for a long time.

"Gaia, didn't you pay attention? The IOU you signed with the alliance has huge interest on it. So, you borrowed our magic stone, you must pay us more?"

A greasy and white young man said with a smile, with a smug look on his face, his name is Partridge, and he kept staring at Wu Xueer, as if he couldn't wait to pick her up.

Wu Xueer looked at Partridge's unconcealed look of obsceneness, her face was blue and white, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Patrich! How could you do this!" Malz's face turned straight, and he pulled Patrich behind him, but his hand reached Wu Xue'er's waist.


Gaia's face was ugly, he ran over quickly, hit Malz's arm, and shouted at him.

"Oh, Gaia, what is your identity, let me think about it.....Ah yes. You are Li Luo's big disciple, tut." Malz saw Gaia with a trace of contempt on his face. , His expression also looked like Adam's air.

His gaze swept over Wu Xue'er slowly, and there was unconcealable fiery and greed in his eyes.

"I don't want to give the magic stone, okay, as long as Wu Xueer is in front of you and has fun with me, I not only don't want your magic stone, but I will give you one million instead, how about it?" Malz said hoarsely Said, at the same time a powerful wizard coerced the two of them.

Wu Xue'er was shocked, but she didn't expect this Malz to be so courageous that she would be forced to attack her here.

Gaia was even more startled and angry. A tyrannical wizard energy burned at this moment, even burning the original mana!

At this moment, a young man slowly patted Gaia's shoulder, and the energy of his riot quickly subsided.

Looking at the familiar but unfamiliar man in front of him, the expressions of many wizards were uncertain.

"Introduce myself, my name is Li Luo, the founder of the Demon Hunter Academy and the Church of Destruction."

Li Luo swept his eyes sharply, and said indifferently: "Go away."

"You! Are you a master?"

There was an indescribable surprise on Gaia's face.

Suddenly, Malz saw Li Luo standing quietly, and the expression on his face suddenly sank.

He stretched out his hand, just wanting to grab Li Luo's shoulder, and want to subdue Li Luo.

"Huh. Li Luo, don't think you were so good before, but you are still arrogant now, I tell you..."

But the next moment, Malz couldn't help but let out a scream.

Elemental particles emerged from Li Luo's body, glowing with purple light, directly blocking his hand, and a tyrannical destructive energy swept through, making Malz yell, and the whole person began to crack and melt into a piece. The energy particles dissipated.

The surrounding wizards stood there blankly.

Malz is a wizard at the peak of Tier 5, even Tier 6 wizards might have to spend a lot of tricks to defeat him, right? But the legendary Li Luo in front of him is just a trick?

"You dare to kill Lord Malz. You wait for me!" Several wizards screamed and staggered out, like homeless stray dogs.

Wu Xueer watched Li Luo come back with tears in her eyes and hugged him, never wanting to let go.

After a while, Wu Xueer came over. Soon, during the conversation, Li Luo also learned about the recent situation in the mainland and the current predicament of the Wizarding Academy.

In this nearly one hundred and fifty years, the people of the gods of blood are no longer rare, and almost all academies have people of the gods. Instinctively, Wu Xueer felt a hint of conspiracy and strictly prohibited the apprentices from being contaminated with the blood of God, and at the same time opened the bloodline evolution for the apprentices of third-class wizards for free.

The evolved apprentices will systematically learn bloodline knowledge, and when they reach the advanced level one wizard, they will be forced to do bloodline evolution experiments on other apprentices. Because the method of gaining power is too cumbersome, it is not easy to promote it, and it is extremely resource-intensive, the number of apprentices who come to the Witch Hunter Academy has dropped sharply, and the Academy has also been downgraded from the first-class academy~www.readwn.com~ Second-rate college.

The several colleges that have a good relationship with the Demon Hunter Academy are also following the training path of the Demon Hunter Academy. Without any accident, they were also downgraded to second-rate academies.

After Li Luo left, the demonic disaster of the mainland revived again. In the sewers or other hidden corners of every principality, demons were breeding, continuously polluting the earth, causing the elemental strength of the wizarding world to gradually weaken.

After listening to Wu Xueer's words, Li Luo thought deeply and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, I lowered my neck and smiled: "It's not terrible yet. Cher, let's go out and go around. It's always boring in the academy, which is not a solution."

"Huh. You guy. I only came back once in a hundred years, and I'm talking about it!" Wu Xueer said with a slight flicker in her bright eyes.

"By the way, in a month, there will be a wizarding alliance competition. Our academy has not had a fifth-order wizard for a hundred years. So... you may have to go out yourself." Wu Xueer sighed and said.

"Tabi? Isn't Floating City open to us?" Li Luo's eyes flashed, thinking of a possibility.

Wu Xueer's face was slightly ugly, and said, "It's open. But people in our college will disappear as soon as they go. No one dares to go anymore."

"Okay. Very good." Li Luo kept nodding his head, the expression on his face became gloomy: "Fortunately, I got back a floating city, otherwise it really won't stand in this world!"

"Floating City?" Wu Xueer's eyes lit up, and she hugged Li Luo, never wanting to let go.

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