Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 579: Trapped

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Li Luo's face sank, and a feeling of weakness surged into his heart, but because of the destruction of a finger, all his energy was consumed, and he was a little weak.

The devil's face was not much better, his whole body was dripping with blood, looking at Li Luo, his face was full of hatred.

"Okay. Very good. You are the first one to hurt the deity to this extent." A dark phantom suddenly appeared behind the devil, with a word in his mouth, and the injury on his body began to recover quickly.

Li Luo watched the demon recover and did not stop it, but after a while, the demon stopped.

"Humph. Under the rules of destruction, you still want to restore the body through the devil, it's ridiculous!" Li Luo coldly snorted looking at the blood on the devil's body.

The devil's face turned gloomy, looking at Li Luo, his eyes were dark.

"My name is Akisk, remember human beings. We will meet again soon!"

In front of Li Luo, the evil energy that the demon had recovered from nowhere, the dark green light flashed all over his body, and disappeared here out of thin air.

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Luo only felt sleepy for a while, barely supporting his body, and returned to Blackstone Town.

This sleep lasted three days and three nights. When he woke up, he found that his room was full of guests.

Come, mostly reporters who write newspapers, after getting permission from Li Luo, they swarmed in.

"Mr. Li Luo, as soon as you came back, you exposed Li Laffi's true face. Have you been protected by the Lord?"

"Mr. Li Luo, how did you discover Li Laffi's anomaly?"


Li Luo answered roughly, then flew up and flew in the direction of the Demon Hunter Academy.

One month later.

The day of the Wizarding Academy Grand Tournament came as expected. With Li Luo in charge, there was no accident. The Academy won a higher ranking. However, because of its weak overall strength, it was rated as a second-rate wizarding academy.


In the laboratory, Li Luo carefully observed the purple-red potion in front of him. This was his bloodline that he had diluted several times. When attacking the headquarters of the Wizarding League, Li Luo was not polite, and directly absorbed the Alliance’s most advanced bloodline technology. Come here.

After repeated comparisons and corrections, Li Luo has developed a blood evolution potion based on his own blood.

Seeing that the experimental data has matured, Li Luo directly cultivated a full liter of blood and distributed it.

After the training of the experimenters, one liter of blood gradually turned into several hundred liters, which were distributed to all the apprentices.

Soon, the apprentices of the Demon Hunter Academy have evolved their blood, and their talents have skyrocketed, and their strength has begun to rise steadily.

On this day, Li Luo got up early in the morning, washed a lot, and walked outside.

In front of the laboratory, Anda and Yumeng stood here early, as if they had been waiting for him for a long time.

"What happened?" Although Li Luo asked, he also faintly guessed some possibilities.

Anda and Yumeng looked at each other, and said with some ugly expressions: "The disasters in our two countries have begun to erupt."

Li Luo nodded, thinking deeply. After a while, he sighed and said, "I'll go there in person. I'll go to Anda's country first."

The three of them simply ate something, then walked into the teleportation formation, and disappeared into a little white light.

Principality of Seroji.

The White Elephant Tower Wizarding Academy stands here and has a history of thousands of years.

Inside a high tower of the college, a burst of white light shone, and the silhouettes of two men and a woman slowly emerged, it was Li Luo, Anda and Yumeng.

"Where is the place where the devastation broke out?" After entering the tower, Li Luo asked directly.

Anda took out the map and looked at it, and said: "In Ashenvale City, the plague broke out first, and then all the people who died were transformed into undead, and then a large number of demons appeared."

Li Luo nodded, took out the communication magic weapon and punched a few spells, then waited quietly.

After a while, a figure in a black robe slowly emerged, revealing a face that was indistinguishable from Li Luo.

"Let's go. My clone is the best at dealing with the undead."

The three followed the Netherworld clone all the way, and gradually rushed to the edge of Ashenvale City and fell down.

"Just the three of us plus your clone?" Anda was a little unbelievable, looking at Li Luo and his clone.

Li Luo patted the old man on the shoulder, smiled, and said, "I'm doing errands, don't worry."

After speaking, he winked at the avatar, the latter's mouth twitched, turning into an afterimage and flew out.

After about an hour, the ghost clone returned.

"Let's go."

The Nether Clone faintly said such a sentence, and then swaggered towards Ashenvale City, a dozen kilometers away.

Anda's expression changed, but he still followed.

Yumeng's beautiful eyes flashed, seeming to be very curious, and followed Li Luo, all the way to Ashenvale City.

Something that shocked the two of them happened.

One by one, the skeleton soldiers opened the door respectfully, standing around the ghost clone, like servants.

Not only that, in Ashenvale City, a large number of undead surrounded the demons, biting frantically, as if there was a great hatred.

"This!" Anda and Yumeng didn't quite understand.

Li Luo smiled and said: "Netherworld clone can control a natural disaster lord. Now, these demons dare to reach here, it is just food for the undead."

While talking, there was a commotion ahead, and several people saw a tall figure, rushing towards the gate of the city.

Li Luo glanced intently, and it was no one else who came here, but Akisk did not leave.

"Heh. It's really easy for me to find it." Li Luo sneered, his figure flashed before he came to Akisk.

Bang! Bang!

Two thunder fists burst out at this moment, and crashed in front of Akisk's crossed arms.

Akiske's legs immediately sank, only to feel a powerful force coming, and the whole person slammed under the ground uncontrollably.

Akisk was instantly blasted into the mud by these two punches ~www.readwn.com~, and when he wanted to make a move, he was overwhelmed by hundreds of death knights behind him.


The horrible howls sounded one after another, the death knight, to put it bluntly, some zombie knights, they bit Akisk frantically, their eyes flashed with blood, as if they were extremely excited.

Under Li Luo's bombardment and the death knight's siege, Akisk's voice gradually weakened, and soon lost his voice.

After the demon was killed, the surrounding demons seemed to have encountered something terrible, and rushed towards the gate as if they were crazy, but they were soon overwhelmed by hordes of ghouls.

Li Luo and Netherworld avatar smashed through thorns all the way, and finally came to the church.

After Anda and Yumeng came in, looking at the surrounding scenery, their faces paled slightly.

All around were **** human heads. At the end of the church hall, stood a handsome young man, a vampire exuding Tier 6 blood energy.

"Unexpectedly. The so-called my lord turned out to be a clone of human beings." The vampire stood up, picked up a bright red wine glass, and Yaoyao touched Li Luoxu.

The Nether Clone's complexion changed, and said: "You are not completely controlled by me!?"

"Introduce myself. My name is Conrad Marshall. You can call me Marshall. Thanks to your holy blood, I can stand here today. By the way, my bloodline has advanced to the level of the vampire prince. It's completely out of your control." The vampire said indifferently in an elegant manner.

The four of them were shocked when they heard this, and they were about to rush outside, but the door was blocked by a team of death knights.

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