Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 583: Weird wraith

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   "Death! You have to die! I want to kill you all!" The head flew up and rushed towards a few people with a roar, but then stood there shaking like something terrible, and could no longer move.

   In the corridor, a series of dark phantoms appeared, and hundreds of ghosts rushed towards a few people.

   The Nether Clone's complexion remained unchanged, and he grabbed the head, and a dark rune shot out from the center of the eyebrows, instantly imprinting on the center of the head.

   The blue light in Yumeng's hands was strong, and an ice wall slowly condensed out, blocking them not far in front of the four.

   There are golden lines appearing on the ice wall. When many ghosts pass through, they are as if they are still there, and they can't move anymore.

   Soon, this flying skull stopped struggling, and a wave of information was also passed into the mind of the ghost clone.


   The expression on the face of the Nether Clone was a little surprised, his face darkened as he watched his head.


   Li Luo asked quickly.

   Nether clone hesitated, and said, "This is the head of the boss. It is unbelievable that the boss was killed by the workers he hired."

   Li Luo fell silent for a while, and after a while, it seemed that he thought of something.

   "Then. Let's start reasoning."

   "First, the boss hired other workers and killed the mechanic. Then, a few workers killed the boss because of internal conflict. Then the question is, who on earth sealed the boss's head here?"

Yumeng heard the words and flashed her beautiful eyes, and said, "From a different perspective. After the mechanic died, he turned into a ghost, controlled a few workers and killed the boss, and because of excessive hatred, the boss's head was sealed. In this picture."

   After hearing this, Anda thought about it carefully, and said, "It makes sense."

   "Stop this resentful spirit."

Li Luo turned and looked at Netherworld clone, the latter nodded, a burst of blood bloomed in his hand, and a cold breath spreading, the void seemed to have the sound of running water, and an illusory river of blood appeared in an instant. Soon, this Fei Head seemed to have found a home and plunged into the river of blood.

   Suddenly, the outside sunlight shone in instantly, and a warm feeling enveloped the four of them.

   "It's really comfortable." Anda stretched out comfortably, with a look of enjoyment.

   "It seems that the prohibition here has been lifted, and we will no longer absorb our spiritual power to create grievances." Li Luo glanced around and said.

   Several people nodded, expressing their understanding, and quickly walked down the stairs that resurfaced.

  As soon as I got off the stairs, I saw a few workers come in and yelled.

   "What's going on today, why is my aunt no longer there!"

   "Auntie is not here, isn't there they?"

   "Hey. Are you new chefs?"

   The four shook their heads, without saying much, they were about to walk outside, but they had to stop.

   "If not, just leave here, you are not welcome here!"

   "Yes. The sheriff said, there are often monsters here."

   The four of them looked at each other, Li Luo winked, and several people followed him upstairs. When they reached the second floor, it turned into another scene.

   The big hall is here, where the kneading machines, vegetables, and even the dead bodies of monsters are placed here, and it looks more like a kitchen than when the four first came in.

   A few people left and started to start cooking.

   As the plates of food were ready, a few people brought them down, but they stared at the children who came in at the door, and couldn't move their eyes anymore. The few children in front of them were as good as the grievances they encountered when they first entered the illusion!

   After all the food was left, the four of them had to turn around and leave here. But it was stopped by a few children.

   "Big brother. Big sister. I haven't eaten enough yet." Several children cried and walked over to the four of them.

   Anda glanced back, not almost frightened to death, only to see a few children whose mouths seemed to be torn apart, and one opened to the position of the hind jaw, like a deformed monster, walking towards several people.


   The four turned around and ran outside.

After    ran out of the canteen, Li Luo thought about it as he ran, turned and ran towards the factory building.

   The four sprinted all the way until they left a few children behind and quickly entered the factory.

   At this time, the factory building is quietly, and the surrounding light is also dim and hazy, as if someone is calling for a few people.

   "Come here."

   "Come and play with us."

   "Come here soon. Cocoa card issuance here. It's fun."

   A few people looked pale when they heard the ghost sounds coming around, and followed Li Luo towards the room on the side of the factory.


   Yumeng heard the words, subconsciously about to look behind him, but was grabbed his head by the ghost clone, and immediately reacted, and hurriedly bowed his head and walked towards the room.

   Behind her, a porcelain baby face shed tears of blood and tears in her eyes, showing a weird smile, and disappeared under a twist.

   After the four people opened the room, they entered an empty room, just a few one-meter-sized wooden barrels, sealed and placed here, which is particularly conspicuous.

   Nether Clone came to the barrel and turned to look at Anda. The latter hurriedly stepped forward. Under the silver light in his hand, the barrels suddenly emitted a stinking smell.

   "What the **** is it?"

   Several people opened the barrel lid, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

What catches the eye are the children with the seal strips, standing there quietly, and looking at a few people, revealing their mouths full of fangs and a weird smile~www.readwn.com~ The ghost clone did not hesitate immediately, The phantom of the river of blood in his hands continued to flow, and suddenly the child was about to flee away as if encountering something terrifying.

   But then, the phantom of the blood river twisted for a while, as if there was a huge suction force, it instantly sucked the child in, and then slowly disappeared.

   Soon, all the barrels were opened, and all the children were overwhelmed. There was no accident here. The whole factory was bathed in warm sunshine.

   When the four of them walked out, they saw a few workers with frowning faces.

   "Uncles, what's the matter?" Li Luo's eyes flashed, walked over, and asked.

   A worker holding a cigarette took a deep breath and sighed, "What else? Someone disappeared."

   "When?" Li Luo asked.

   "Just now. Ah Jiu said it was going to be convenient, but after going out, he never came back." The workers all showed the sadness of rabbits and birds, and their expressions were a bit ugly.

   The four looked at each other and asked, "He went to the toilet?"

"No, it is convenient for him to go outside on the grass." The cigarette-smoking worker shook his head, as if thinking of something terribly frightened, his face paled, and said: "We only heard a scream After the ah, we couldn't stop any more sounds. Just now when the sun was shining, we dared to go out and take a look, and found nothing, Ah Jiu seemed to have evaporated from the world."

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