Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 587: Assassinate

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Whisper the forest.

There are no powerful monsters here, but a paradise for small animals and ordinary monsters. Around the Whispering Forest, the most powerful mercenary group in the Silverbird Empire: Paradise Mercenary Group is stationed.

The year when the Wizarding World descended on God's Grace was called the first year of God's Grace, and it was also the moment when the heavenly mercenary group rose.

In the mercenary group, there are all blood warriors, and their overall strength is stronger than the general Principality Guards.

It killed all the powerful beasts in this forest and became the best choice for the nobles to travel and hunt.

Outside the forest, Li Luo and his group walked slowly from a distance, standing in front of this scent of birds and flowers, a scent of fragrance rushed toward their faces, and they couldn't help taking a few deep breaths greedily.

"Is this the Whispering Forest? It really is... it's extremely beautiful." Anda couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at the flowers growing among the ancient trees.

Yumeng picked up a pile of white jasmine, took a deep breath, put it on his ear, and smiled at several people.

"Village girl."

Li Luo said this casually, and then turned into an afterimage and ran towards the depths of the whispering forest.

"You!" Yu Meng was so angry that she instantly stiffened, her face flushed, and she bulged.

"I said, Young Dean of Phoenix Wings, are you learning toad, toad, or toad?" Anda sneered and teased.

Nether Clone could not stand it anymore: "It's OK, don't ridicule our eldest lady."

Immediately, the ghost clone also ran towards the depths of the forest, and Anda followed closely.

Two hours later.

Li Luo, Nether Clone and Anda all walked out with the two wildebeests, looked at each other, their faces collapsed in an instant.

"Lost Miss?" Several people couldn't believe it.

"Isn't it the meeting at 10:30?" Li Luo frowned slightly and looked at Anda.

The latter took out a compass and said, "It's already twelve o'clock. It should be kidnapped! I put an alchemy frog in her backpack before and can sense her position."

"Right here."

Anda rushed to the front, rushed in one direction, and gradually came to a camp.

"Heavenly Mercenary Corps..." Several people looked at each other, all showing solemn faces.

"Let's go, this mercenary group will be great."

Several people lit up all kinds of lights, put on masks, and rushed towards the camp in front of them.

"Enemy attack!"

The harsh siren sounded at this moment.

Then, there is no more.

Anda directly released hundreds of Tier 5 puppets, and instantly swept the entire camp with a crushing momentum.

After a while, several people walked into a cellar.

"Several adults. That woman just walked into this cellar and never came out again. Usually this cellar is a forbidden area in the regiment, so I don't know what secret rooms are here, you have to find it yourself." A servant with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek The soldier said tremblingly, his eyes lowered and he dared not look directly at a few people.

"Is it a secret room?" Anda looked around for a while, fixed his gaze on a protruding stone, and pressed it down.


Suddenly, the wall on one side of the cellar moved downwards, revealing a black hole tunnel, and a damp and stinky breath came to his face.

"Lead the way." Anda said coldly, looking at the sharp-mouthed mercenary with a playful look.

The face of the sharp-mouthed mercenary changed, coughed, and turned around the protruding stone again, and the wall on the left fell again.

"On the right are people who oppose the Heavenly Mercenary Corps. On the left is a place where the deputy and the head of the regiment entertain. The woman should be locked there." The sharp-mouthed mercenary said. Go inside.

"No one is leading it. Entering the channel on the right will directly trigger the trap."

"I can only take you to the second corner of the left aisle. As for the entertainment place for the group leader and a few people inside, I won't go in."

At this point, the sharp-mouthed mercenary's face was slightly pale, as if he was thinking of something terrible.

"If you don't bring it to your head, I'll let you get rid of it now." Li Luo's voice was very weak, but something unspeakable came to light.

The sharp-mouthed mercenary gritted his teeth and said: "Then you should do it thoroughly, don't leave a living!"

Immediately, his footsteps became faster, and he quickly met the guards in the cellar.

Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng!

Suddenly, in the narrow passage, under the shadow of the sword and the sword, the corpses of the blood warriors fell to the ground horizontally and vertically.

These sacred blood warriors were only as powerful as Tier 4, and they were generally hovering at Tier 3 levels. They hardly encountered any decent resistance along the way, and a few people slammed into the room of the head of the Heavenly Mercenary Group.

At this time, Yumeng was **** on the bed, and several strong men poured some medicine into her with malicious expressions.


Several brawny men were shocked, and they rushed towards Li Luo and the others when they raised the sword beside them.

The blood-colored sword intent burst out instantly, the blood-colored sword light flashed, and a few cracks made a muffled sound. Several arms instantly tore apart and fell to the ground.

How can a few regiment leaders and regiment assistants only have the strength of Tier 5, how can they be opponents of a few people? Even Nether Clone instantly crushed these strong men and fell to the ground.

Several people screamed and fell to the ground. Although their faces were pale, there was an indescribable sullen appearance.

Li Luo didn't pause at all, holding down the heads of a few people, and starting a soul search.

An hour later, Li Luo assisted Yumeng and walked out of the room. Behind them ~www.readwn.com~ a purple-red flame spread.

"I didn't expect that the current King of the Silverbird Empire is not of Rand's blood..." Anda shook his head in disbelief.

"Hehe, let alone that Rand's direct bloodline was imprisoned in the prison on the right." Yu Meng seemed to have recovered and said with a smile.

"Yes, we are also lucky. This way, we can save this Ritter and let him inherit the throne, so that the Dragon Blood Legion can send troops." Li Luo smiled, seemingly in a good mood.

Several people propped up the energy shield and walked forward talking about the passage, opening all the gates of the prisons passing by.

"You are free. After returning to your territory, you will send troops to fight against the fake king and let Ritter legally inherit the throne!" Li Luo shouted and walked deeper.


The bodies of several people convulsed, and their faces dignifiedly backed away.

"It's a thunder and lightning ban!"

Li Luo's complexion was as usual, a thunder garment condensed all over his body, and he continued to walk inside, pressing for a while on the wall of the second fork that passed by, and the thunder slurry on the ground slowly faded.

The torch on the wall crackled and beat, reflecting on several people, and the reflected shadows also kept beating, and the surroundings gradually became quiet.


A phantom swayed past several people, and then, at the end of the passage, there was a miserable howl.

"Damn, someone assassinated Ritter!"

Li Luo and the others were shocked and rushed over with a cry.

I saw a man wearing a brocade robe lying here, already losing his breath.

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