Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 594: Kill all

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Li Luo only felt the sky spinning, but when he saw things clearly, he appeared in a granite stone forest.

The surrounding environment is so dark, it looks like it should be somewhere underground. Li Luo walked outside along the stone forest. After a while, his eyebrows jumped, and his figure dodged behind a huge boulder.

Soon, in the direction he was going to pass, there was a rumbling, and several five-meter-high rock giants walked over with heavy steps.

After watching the rock giant pass, Li Luo didn't care at first, but after seeing the back of the rock giant, he couldn't help but slowly lurking in the past with his pupils shrinking.

On the back of this rock giant, a few small pieces of colorful ore were scattered scattered, emitting a faint halo. It was nothing else, it was the Xingchentian meteorite mine!

Following these giants all the way, Li Luo was surprised to find that all the rock giants had some high-grade ore growing on their backs!

Soon, Li Luo followed these rock giants and came to a crater.

He saw that these rock giants, kneeling in front of the crater, devoured lava ashes.

After devouring the lava ashes, these rock giants walked in another direction, Li Luo followed closely, and gradually came to a cave.

Inside the cave, rock giants came in and out, and huge arms pulled down blocks of boulders and swallowed them.

"Is the ore refined through the fire element in the lava? Interesting." Li Luo watched, showing his body shape.

"Who." Several rock giants gathered around.

Li Luoping regained his excitement and said, "Um. Several friends, I am here to make a deal with you."

At this moment, behind a few rock giants, there was a rumbling sound, and a ten-meter-high rock giant came over and looked at Li Luo, as if thinking of something.

"Hey, how many years have passed, finally another wizard came here." The giant rock giant came over, squatted down and looked at Li Luo, and continued: "Let's say, human wizard, what kind of bargain do you want to make with us? "

Li Luo settled down and said, "I want the colorful ore behind you. I don't know what the price will be?"

"Sure enough, there were wizards who came here thousands of years ago and made these deals with me."

"It's still the same as the previous transaction. Hunt us some crystal stonecrackers. We are too slow to catch up with them! If we are satisfied, choose the colorful ore on our back!"

The leader of the rock giant said in a loud voice, his tongue stretched out and licked his mouth to see how long it looked like he hadn't eaten meat, which made Li Luo couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, great giant."

"Those delicious snacks are in the forest fifty kilometers to the west."

Li Luo slowly withdrew from the cave and flew to the west.

Soon, his spiritual power spread out, and he found the so-called ‘snack’ by the rock giant.

This is a lizard with a crimson body and red crystals growing on its back. Li Luo was also not polite, pulling out the newt thunder sword in his hand, and rushed over with a swoop.

These lizards were only Tier 4, and they quickly turned into a pile of corpses, and were taken into the space bag by Li Luo.

And just after he put the lizard into the space, there was a sound of footsteps not far away, Li Luo's heart moved, jumped onto an ancient tree, hidden in a branch, swept his eyes down, and saw A few familiar figures.

"Boy, do you come out by yourself, or let me personally pull you out!" It was the undead warriors who kicked Li Luo that day, and they instantly locked the ancient tree where Li Luo was hiding, and said grimly.

At this time, Li Luo didn't plan to be polite. Although he was surprised that they had found him so quickly, he didn't have the slightest fear, and walked out from behind the old tree swayingly.

The reason why he didn’t fight back with those kicks before was because on the one hand, he didn’t want to be extravagant, and on the other hand, he wanted to get involved in the mining team. Especially at this time, it is not conducive to increase the conflict between himself and Ritter. Waiting for people without support for so long, I'm afraid it should be the undead who encountered Tier 6 and couldn't get out of it. The combination of so many conditions made him have to give up looting these stars and iron ore.

Of course, this is also heavily guarded by the mine. It would be a different matter if it was changed to another open world and could kill them without knowing it.

As a result, a burst of purple energy particles rushed out from behind the ancient tree, and after rolling again, Li Luo appeared.

"Huh? It turned out to be a god-blood wizard!" A few necromantic warriors swept around. They didn't find that Li Luo had a companion in ambush. They immediately felt relieved and looked greedily at Li Luo.

"Hey, since you are a blood warrior, just wipe your neck and wait for us. Boy, I am afraid that the blood on your body has reached Tier 4. If you become our blood slave with obediently, I can consider forgiving you A life. Otherwise..." The leader of the Necromancer unceremoniously threatened.

next moment.

"Spicy, spicy! Bang!"

After a few explosions, these necromantic warriors suddenly rolled out, smashing an ancient tree severely, and at the same time their chest sank, and a large mouthful of blood was vomiting out of their mouths.

"Spare. Forgive." Several necromantic warriors vomited black blood, begging for mercy in horror.

Li Luo walked towards them step by step and said indifferently: "The wizard's heart is delicious, right."

"It was delicious?"

"It was delicious?"

Walking to the necromantic warrior who kicked him before, Li Luo raised his right foot high and stepped on it instantly.

Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The whole ground began to vibrate, and the necromantic warrior began to scream miserably from the first foot. The black blood spit out of his mouth was mixed with several dark green internal organs, and a stench came out.

It seemed that the smell was disgusting, Li Luo casually floated out a purple-red flame, and landed on the body of the necromancer~www.readwn.com~Hula!

As if the fire meets gasoline, the necromancer was instantly enveloped by the purple-red fire, roaring and rolling on the ground for a while, and gradually lost his voice.

Li Luo turned and walked towards the cave of the rock giant. Behind him, several necromantic warriors gradually turned to ashes...

He sprinted all the way, and when he returned to the cave, he found that it was surrounded by groups of necromantic warriors, groups of necromantic warriors were besieging the rock giants.

Although their swords did not cause any harm to the giants, the ore from these giants kept falling off, making a loud roar.

Li Luo's eyes swept sharply, and his figure turned into an afterimage, and the newt sword in his hand flashed with lightning, like cutting melons and vegetables, and instantly the heads of necromantic warriors rolled to the ground.

But at this moment, there was a violent shout in the distance, and a tall, pale-skinned middle-aged man with a withered face rushed over. At the same time, a breath of death not weaker than him, soaring into the sky!

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