Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 603: Romer

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   After a while, the old man returned to the main chamber of the main room and waited quietly for two hours before a few figures walked in from outside.


   "Luo Quan, did you find the fighter?" A man's voice suddenly came in from outside.


   "Yes, sir." The old man agreed, got up from the chair, and stood aside respectfully.


   Outside the hall, two men and one woman pushed the door and walked in.


The faces of the two men are quite similar, but one is wearing a robe and is about fifty years old, while the other is in his forties. He wears a black leather armour and a three-foot long slung around his waist. Cross sword. The female student has a beautiful appearance, but the expression on her face is ghostly and strange, holding a staff in her hand, exuding a faint wave of elemental particles.


   "The old slave pays homage to the young lady, the master, the second master!" Luo Quan immediately took a few steps forward and gave a respectful salute to the three of them.


   "Well, what is the strength of the person who fought this time? What is the expression of that person and did he say anything to you." The man in the robe hurriedly asked after waving his hand.


"Returning to the master, this person seems to be extremely confident in his own strength, and he even helped us solve all the troubles. As for what he said, besides saying that he must see the mountain giant cub, he didn't say anything else. Yes." Luo Quan replied respectfully.


   The man in the robe is obviously Luo Zhentian, the current head of the Luo family.


   "That said? Didn't you ask about the strength of those who are looking for trouble?" Another man dressed as a knight asked with a flash of gaze.


   "Return to the second master, no." The old man replied without thinking.


   The man in leather armor is naturally Luo Tianba, the second child of the Luo family.


   "Father, is this guy not in good spirits?" The girl asked with disbelief.


   "Miss Hui, this person has a calm look, and with years of experience of seeing people by old slaves, this person is murderous and restrained. He should have come out of the sea of ​​swords and fire, and it seems to be a ruthless character." Luo Quan replied with a wry smile.


   "Oh, in this way, there is no need to question the strength of this person. It seems that maybe he can really help us through this difficult time." The man in the robe raised his eyebrows and his face suddenly stretched.


   "Well, our family has offended many forces over the years. To be honest, I really don't know what it would be like without these mountain giants." The man in leather armor said with a sigh.


"The mountain giant is gone, isn’t there still Keqing’s. This time as long as this kid has the reputation of our Luo family, first-class sages and knights, not many can be hired. Hey, at that time, these amazingly appetizing giants , What else do we need?!" Luo Tianba said with a smile on his face.


   "Yes, the second child is right. Our Luo family has been struggling for so many years, and finally rose up. We will never allow us to fall off the cliff again." Luo Zhentian's eyes flashed and his expression was serious.


   "In this way, we must be sure that this kid is the identity of the young master of our family." Luo Tianba pondered for a moment and said.


   Luo Xue heard this, Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, and said: "This guy is here for these mountain giants. We can try our best to let him stay in our house for a while."


   "No, the old slave looked impatient at him. I'm afraid he would never agree." Luo Quan shook his voice and denied it.


   "The only question now is what kind of bargaining chip can impress this kid." Luo Zhentian's eyes were low and he said slowly.


   "Hey, brother don't have to think too much, wait until tomorrow in the ring, let him try, everything will be clear." Luo Tianba smiled and stood up.


   "It's getting late, I'm going to rest, and I'll watch this kid's performance tomorrow. If it's a personal thing, it's worth paying for my girl."


After    said, Luo Tianba turned around and left the hall.


   After watching Luo Tianba leave, Luo Zhentian's eyes flickered, and he beckoned to Luo Xue: "Xue'er come here, and I have something to say to you for my father."




   After Li Luo entered the room arranged for him by Luo Quan, he adjusted his state. As soon as his pocket watch rang at ten o'clock, he set out two puppets to patrol, fell on the bed and fell asleep.


   Regular work and rest times have steadily improved Li Luo's physique, which is also a good habit to develop.


   Early the next morning, Li Luo, who was still asleep, suddenly changed his face, opened his eyes, glanced lightly outside the room, and then closed his eyes again with a calm expression.


   A few dozen meters away from the room, a man and a woman are standing side by side, staring at the room where Li Luo is at the same time.


"This person is no more than the breath of a Tier 1 powerhouse. I dare to appear here. I am afraid that he is hiding his breath, or he is a liar who eats and drinks." The young man with a blue robe and an unusually handsome face suddenly turned his head. Rushing to the slender woman next to her, said with a smile.


"Huh, I want to see, what's the difference between my father asking me to marry this person after the matter is done!" The slender woman's pretty face was cold, showing a face like a country and a city, suddenly seemed like a bud. The snow lotus waiting to be released is just like that.


"Hmph, if this kid dares to enter the ring, I Calder will be the first to challenge him. But Meier doesn't have to worry, this kid will really hold the ring, Luo Zhentian, that old thing, must first give out Luo Xue. Your and mine business will come to an end." The blue robe man snorted first, then said with a smile.


   "Hey, I don't believe what this guy has." The expression on the woman's face was cold, and she walked slowly towards the room where Li Luo was, while a wave of vindictiveness from a sky knight rolled away in all directions.


   This woman called Meier is the second lady of the Luo family, no doubt, she is actually a real Tier 5 powerhouse.


   Luo Mei is naturally charming and charming, and she walks vigorously and gracefully, and the eyes of the man behind her are wonderful.


"Little Biaozi, when I get you, I will surely let you survive and die!" The man murmured viciously. He was about to raise his head to watch the show, but he was stiffened by a sentence. .


"Who is it?" In the room, Li Luo's lazy voice came out, and then a powerful energy coerced out, the window was suddenly blown open by a whirlwind, a naked eight-pack abs. The handsome man stretched out his head slowly.


   Li Luo looked at the man behind the woman, with a slight tick at the corner of his mouth, and said: "What little frame, let Lao Tzu get you, so you can't survive and die?"


   "Hey, what about you, what do you mumble about?"


   Li Luo rubbed his eyes, and saw that the two of them were suppressed by their own energy ~ www.readwn.com~ dumbfounded, and closed the window.




   After entering the room, Li Luo couldn't help his expression anymore and laughed.


   Luo Mei's face turned blue and red when he heard that, and he glanced at the man who was in shock behind him, with the same dull look, flung the lotus skirt, and walked out in one direction.


   Just not long after Luo Mei left, the butler Luo Quan walked to Li Luo's room and knocked on the door a few times.


   When the door opened, Li Luo walked out just wearing shorts and a vest.


   "Sir, you... at least wear a set of leather armor."


   Li Luo was taken aback, looked at the old man, and asked with some doubts: "Does your empire have a Tier 6 powerhouse?"


The old man almost fell to the ground when he heard the words. He looked at Li Luo with some suspicion. After a while, he calmed down and said, "No. That's right. The ring is in the arena in the center of the city. You can raise your spirits if you go there. Get ready and wait until our people and the challenger have a round, it’s not too late."


   "That's it." Li Luo nodded, picked up a handful of stones, and said faintly: "I'm afraid it will not be my turn to play."


   "Sir, are you breaking the contract? This time the empire's top powerhouse is here!" The old man was startled and almost yelled.


   "You just watch it quietly." Li Luo smiled mysteriously, stopped talking, and walked slowly towards the city center.

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