Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 608: Death is coming

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As soon as Bai Ze's speed had dropped, Li Luo looked happy, and immediately turned into an afterimage and chased after him.

One person and one beast chased and fled, and ran hundreds of kilometers away. Li Luo only felt that the concentration of element particles around him was getting higher and higher, almost catching up to the strength of a wizarding world.

Just when Li Luo thought he was about to catch the divine beast in front of him, Bai Ze suddenly stopped in front of him, and he saw a silver vortex emerge in front of the ancient tree not far away, and Bai Ze's entire body disappeared in an instant.

Li Luo's speed did not decrease, and he rushed towards the silver vortex. As a result, the silver vortex flashed and dissipated.

But at this moment, a few roars in the distance pulled him back from his good wish to catch the beast.

In the distance, several huge dinosaurs walked towards him step by step. Although these dinosaurs were not strong in dragon power, they had huge auras, and they had obviously evolved to a very high level.

Li Luo's complexion changed slightly, and dazzling scarlet fireballs condensed in his hands. With a movement in his heart, rounds of sun-like light bloomed in front of many dinosaurs.


Most of these dinosaurs were velociraptors. After being hit by a fireball, a heartache from the soul struck immediately, and the burning soul passively enveloped these dinosaurs instantly, making them lose their combat power.

Li Luo glanced at the silver vortex that dissipated not far away, gritted his teeth and returned to the direction he had come.

But not long after he left, the silver vortex slowly emerged again, and a white figure walked out of it, lowered his head and ate a few bites of weeds, looked at the direction in which Li Luo disappeared, and chased him back.

When Li Luo returned to the two girls, it was already evening.

"Didn't you catch it?" Luo Xue asked with some surprise.

Li Luo's face looked a little ugly, and said, "This Bai Ze, when I chase him, there are always beasts blocking me. Although they are all blindfolders, they still slow me down."

Luo Mei chuckled and said, "Bai Ze was originally a beast of auspiciousness. It is lucky, so naturally the enemy is bad luck.

. "

Li Luo nodded uncontrollably upon hearing this, and said, "It seems that we can only find another way."

Soon, the three of them took turns to watch the night. Until the next morning, the space bag around Li Luo's waist shook violently.

Looking at the communicator taken out of the space bag, Li Luo's expression changed slightly.

"What's wrong, Brother Li?" Luo Xue asked sleepily, rubbing the corners of her eyes.

Li Luo sighed and said, "Some changes have occurred on my apprentice's side. Go back on your own. The points you get should be enough for your family."

After speaking, Li Luo didn't wait for the consent of the two girls, and disappeared into the dense forest directly into an afterimage.


The location of Gaia's accident was in the middle area of ​​the wild forest. Li Luo found him easily and successfully rescued Gaia after killing a few high-level fire phoenix birds.

Walking in the middle of the wild forest, Li Luo thought carefully about what happened to Bai Ze in the past few days. After thinking for a while, Li Luo nodded suddenly.

"Gaia, have you met anyone from the Black Hand Brotherhood these few days?"

While walking, Li Luo asked Gaia.

Gaia stood there thinking for a while, and said: "I have encountered it several times, but because my spells are too powerful, they all ran away."

Li Luo nodded, and asked, "Will you find them under the remnants of the spell?"

Gaia nodded and said, "This is natural, and the students have mastered the most basic wizarding ability."

The two quickly ran out in one direction.

at the same time. Inside a camp. ,

"Haha, come back? How are things going?" In the middle of the camp, a strong man looked at a black man and asked indifferently.

"Huh? Look at your appearance, things haven't been done?" The sturdy man looked cold and his tone became cold.

The black-clothed man gritted his teeth and said: "It's not that the mysterious strong man is helping. Just now we are about to take down the two Luo family ladies. It's really unlucky."

"Oh? It's not to blame you. Hey, in fact, the two girls from the Luo family are beautiful and powerful. If they can conquer, it will be a joy in life." Someone was surprised.

"Hey, just rely on you? The two girls of the Luo family, but the real Tier 5 strength, here, besides the commander, who is the opponent of these two women?" Someone sneered.

"Big brother." The black-clothed man ignored them, but looked at the center of the crowd. The man who always closed his eyes in meditation, the man has long hair, draped over his shoulders, and the element particles around him are constantly surging. It looks like it should be. A strong man with both magic and martial arts.

"The Luo family is too much, it doesn't put you in the eyes at all."

Hearing the words, the man smiled faintly, and raised his head. A faint bright light flashed in his eyes. A wave of elemental particles surged from the surroundings, submerged into his body, and suddenly a powerful mana pressure spread. .

"Why are you going to provoke Luo's family? Those two girls are not weak at all, and there is an extra mysterious helper. If you don't want to offend, don't offend." The black-clothed man smiled lightly.

The man in black saw that the leader didn't mean to help him, so he could only murmur twice, and said: "Anyway, we only took the task of suppressing the Luo family. It was just that mysterious strong man took action. We have damaged so many brothers. .",


The black blade was suddenly pulled out from the man’s waist. Everyone on the side suddenly became quiet. Even the black-clothed man quickly closed his mouth. He looked at the sulky leader, the latter at this time. , A blood-red violent air suddenly exuded from the body.

"Big brother, me, what did I say wrong?" The black-clothed man swallowed, and said with some trepidation. For the first time he saw the leader's breath so terrifying.

"Huh. During the meditation just now, the deity communicated with Pluto. This person is probably the top of the reward list of our Black Hand Brotherhood, Li Luo!"

After speaking, the leader of UU reading www.uukanshu.com began to mutter words, and a ghost of death slowly appeared behind him.

Suddenly, the leader's breath began to rise steadily, and he broke the limit in an instant, jumping from the peak of the fifth order to the sixth order.

At the same time, a **** river of phantom slowly appeared behind him, and a wave of dark air spread to his body, and he was quickly inhaled into his body.

Gradually, the leader's breath began to change dramatically. A breath of death instantly enveloped the forest, and the beasts and insects began to die one after another. Even the members of the Black Hand Brotherhood around were also wailing in pain. Down, quickly lost his voice.

When everything calmed down, the leader's eyes showed a dark light, and his eyes looked in one direction.

Li Luo watched all this quietly, sent Gaia away first, and walked towards the leader of the Black Hand Brotherhood in front of him step by step.

"Did the **** of death come?" Li Luo's mouth raised slightly, and continued: "Then, your lord, how many times have you descended the clone? This is not a small cost to you, isn't it?"

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