Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 620: Fairy

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Li Luo didn't know how long he slept, and gradually woke up, but when his vision was clear, he returned to his thatched hut. Beside him, there is a beautiful woman named Wang Qiulan, Wang Mo's sister, she has also taught Li Luo the language word by word in the past three years.

"Qiulan, thanks." Li Luo sat up slightly, and instinctively distanced himself from the woman.

"You. Tell you not to remember, don't you? I don't listen." The woman chuckled lightly, put a change of clothes in front of Li Luo, and said with a smile: "You don't know how much you have cut for Mo'er in the past three years. Chai, here I went to the city and bought a new dress for you. See if you don't agree with me?"

"In the city?" Li Luo's eyes lit up and he murmured: "By the way, if you can walk around, you might be able to see something familiar before, thinking about asxs."

Qiulan fell silent for a while after hearing this, and after a moment, she said quickly: "Look at you, as soon as you recalled the past, it became like this. I think it's better not to remember the past."

Li Luo smiled, how could he not know Qiu Lan's friendship with him over the past few years, but instinctively, he felt that he absolutely had an unforgettable past, holding this belief, he has been alienating the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Hey, I went to the city, and how can I run." Li Luo smiled and touched Qiulan's head. The latter looked at Li Luo's handsome face, his face flushed, and he panicked towards the house. Ran out.

Seeing the beautiful woman in front of him fleeing in panic, Li Luo also shook his head helplessly, and walked out facing the dazzling sunlight outside the door.

"It's Li Luo from the Wang family. Look, it's said that this guy can chop off an ironwood tree with an axe." The villagers looked at Li Luo with a strange look.

Li Luo has long been accustomed to the strange gaze of the villagers. He sat on the rock at the head of the village and looked into the distance. Soon, the figure of the strong man who rescued him that day walked slowly from a distance.

The Orion’s name was Wang An. According to the locals, he was a five-fold powerhouse. Although he was still a mortal, he was more than enough to hunt down common beasts. Therefore, the villagers respected Wang Liehu very much, and when Li Luo was in Wang Liehu's house, he made offerings like a bodhisattva.

Li Luo smiled slightly when he saw Wang An approaching, and said, "Brother Wang."


Wang An also respected Li Luo very much. Even with this kid's ability to chop iron wood with one hand, he didn't dare to slow down.

"You kid, waiting for me here today, do you want to go out for a walk?"

Li Luo was taken aback and said, "Big Brother Wang, how did you know?"

"I knew that your kid would be like this. After all, the outside world is much more exciting than here. Hey." Wang An scolded, then sighed and said: "Although the outside world is wonderful, it is also dangerous. If you are After thinking about it, let's follow the team from the village to Tianyuan City, fifty miles away, tomorrow."

"Thank you, Brother Wang." Li Luo looked happy when he heard the words, and quickly took the backpack on Wang An's back, and his face changed slightly when he touched it.

"So many wild ginseng?"

Li Luo looked at Wang An in surprise and looked into his backpack.

"Fortunately for you kid, I will leave you with two 30-year-olds. This is a little interest for Mo'er from cutting iron wood." Wang An took out two mountain ginseng and handed it reluctantly. Li Luo.

Li Luo wanted to refuse, but at the moment of the mountain ginseng, a burst of heat rushed through his body, and a burst of comfort came to his heart.

"Huh." Li Luo smiled, opened his mouth and bit down.


Swallow two wild ginseng in a few mouthfuls, and enjoy the most enjoyable appearance.

Wang An's expression suddenly froze at this moment.

"you you you!"

He pointed to Li Luo's nose and couldn't say anything for a while. It looked like a certain scientist had seen some prehistoric creature.

"Don't you take it in divided doses? Aren't you afraid of getting angry!?"

After a while, Wang An suffocated such a sentence, then his face changed again, sighed, and said: "Okay. When I didn't say it."

Seeing Li Luo's flushed face, Wang An walked towards his courtyard with some speechlessness.

No words for a night.



The melodious bells reverberated in the city. As the closest city to Qingniu Village, Jiangdong City also ushered in the morning of a day, a red sun rose from the sky, stars and three bright moons disappeared in the sky.

To the northeast of Jiangdong City, near the outskirts of Jiangdong City, a large group of convoys came slowly, one by one sturdy men pushing a trolley, and iron woods on top of them emitted a gloomy light and pushed forward with difficulty.

Under the sun, the backs of the strong men were wet with sweat. At the end of the convoy, a tall and handsome man followed the convoy closely and looked at the passing crowd.

"Hey, Brother Li Luo. Jiangdong City is here." A strong man smiled and said hello to Li Luo, and continued: "The reason why our Qingniu Village is peaceful all the year round depends on the protection of Jiangdong City and Tianxuanmen. The same Yes, teenagers between the ages of fifteen and seventeen have also squeezed their heads and drilled into the Tianxuanmen. You also seem to be twenty-five or sixteen years old, and it seems that you don’t meet the conditions of the Tianxuanmen. It's a pity to speak of it."

Li Luo nodded, as if thinking of something, and asked: "Brother Liu, I don't know if there is any other school recruiting disciples besides the Tianxuan Sect? What are the conditions?"

The big man surnamed Liu looked ugly when he heard the words, and said, "Yes, yes. The Hehuan Sect recruits some over-aged teenagers every year, but...most of the people who have gone have never come back."

"There is also the Demon Xuanzong, which also recruits over-aged youths, and it is even worse than the Hehuanzong."

"As for the decent sect, there is only Jing'an Temple. Although the over-aged young people recruited, most of them do not teach the method of cultivating the immortal mind, and cannot return to the vulgarity. Most of them die in the temple."

"Hey. Look, while talking, the market in Jiangdong City is here." The big man named Liu pushed the car, looked at the iron gate in front of him, slapped his forehead, and laughed.

Inside the iron gate, there is a wide street full of stalls, but it is surprisingly quiet.

"Hey, Brother Li Luo, here are the rules set by the immortals, anyone who dares to yell here ~www.readwn.com~ will be caught and handed over to the deacon stationed at the Tianxuanmen in Jiangdong City. Whip for three days and three nights!"

"I heard that after some immortals were caught, they went crazy after they came out, let alone us mortals."

The big Han surnamed Liu came to this point, as if thinking of something terrible, he closed his mouth quickly.

"It was Qingniu Village who gave Tiemu, right?" a guard asked lightly, coming from the iron gate.

"Yes, my lord." Wang An walked over and greeted with a smile.

"As before, Tiemu stayed and went to the Department of Finance and Money to collect the silver." The guard took out a compass and flicked it a few times. A man wearing a robes slowly flew over from a distant mid-air, and lowered it. Throwing his sleeves, under a blue breeze, iron gates flew up, shrunk by an unknown number of times, and fell into his sleeves.

Li Luo looked at the fairy's methods in front of him, his pupils shrank, only feeling a sharp pain in his head, foaming in his mouth, and falling down.

The immortal not far away was taken aback, and then as if he had discovered something, he walked towards Li Luo with a ‘huh’.

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