Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 624: Misunderstanding

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   Li Luo ran all the way, gradually showing some fatigue, and began to cough violently.


   touched the sweetness at the corner of his mouth, and there was a smear of blood in his eyes. Li Luo's complexion changed, and he quickly slowed down. After a while, a figure of a woman behind him quickly chased him.


   Li Luo looked back and saw a figure of a woman rushing over. The woman was born all over the country. Under the proud curve, was a red dress and black hair, fluttering like a celestial woman.


   But now, Li Luo has no time to appreciate this.


   Behind the woman is a man in a green robe. Behind the man in the green robe are dense black-haired zombies, roaring towards Li Luo's side.


   Immediately, Li Luo didn't care about the injuries on his body, and the speed was suddenly mentioned, and he rushed in the direction he came.


   ran for a while, and finally showed a touch of fatigue and leaned against a big tree. After a while, the woman in the red skirt also ran over. Li Luo subconsciously glanced at the woman in the red dress, but he was taken aback.


   The young man in the woman's hands is not someone else, it is Wang Mo who is not fake.


   "Wang Mo!"


   Li Luo yelled to the woman, and the teenager behind the latter greeted Li Luo quickly.


   "Li Luo." Wang Mo yelled, and then his expression changed. He got off the woman and ran to Li Luo's side.


   "Girl, you take my brother away first." Li Luo hesitated and said, "I'll attract those monsters."


   The woman's beautiful eyes swept across Li Luo's body, flashed, and did not go far, but took out a blue long sword, hesitated, and threw it to Li Luo.


   "I never accept favors from others. If you rescued me and escaped today, please join me in fighting the enemy."


   Li Luo took the long sword thrown by the woman, looked at the gloomy light flashing above, his expression changed, and asked, "Is this a legendary spiritual weapon?"


   The woman nodded, and admitted it.


   Li Luo smiled upon hearing this, grabbed the sword and stood up.


   In the distance, the woman's senior surnamed Lu also chased over.


   "Sister Xueyi, let's go quickly, the zombies behind are chasing you!" Senior Brother Lu said anxiously, looking at Li Luo beside the woman.


   Li Luo frowned and said, "The girl can run away with your brother. With this sword, I alone can deal with these zombies, but remember to bring my brother."


   The woman hesitated, and was about to refuse, but was grabbed by the arm of the senior brother Lu next to her and ran away.


   Li Luo saw that Wang Mo also followed the woman to escape, only then his face condensed, and he looked at the zombie group chasing in the distance.


   There are not many black-haired zombies, only about thirty. After they came around, they rushed towards Li Luo.


Instinctively, Li Luo felt that he could definitely smash these monsters. The sword in his hand danced sword flowers in his hands. Under the silver moon blooms, the black-haired zombies were like cutting melons and vegetables. Generally, the head was decapitated and the ears removed.


   Li Luo saw that all the zombies were wiped out, and then he continued to flee in the direction of Jiangdong City.


   ran a full ten kilometers away before Li Luo once again caught up with the woman in the red dress and Wang Mo behind her.


   After catching up with Wang Mo, Li Luo's complexion gradually improved.


   "Big Brother Li!" Wang Mo looked at Li Luo's peaceful appearance, with a happy expression, and ran over.


   Behind Wang Mo, the woman in the red dress also turned around. Seeing Li Luo's unscathed appearance, her eyes lit up.


   And at this moment, Senior Brother Lu in the distance distorted his face, took out a compass, pressed it for a moment, and quickly retracted it.


   Li Luo thanked the woman with a smile, and quickly led Wang Mo towards Jiangdongcheng. The woman followed closely. Behind the woman, Senior Brother Lu followed with a gloomy expression.


   "The young lady is a member of the Xiuxian School, I wonder if she is a disciple of the Tianxuan Sect?" Li Luo greeted the woman with a smile while fleeing.


   "That's good. Seeing your brute force, I'm afraid you have reached the peak of forging." The woman smiled and said.


"Hey, I am born with supernatural power in the next generation. I am afraid that it is just like the girl said. I almost drink the elixir liquid and give birth to the spiritual root." Li Luo smiled unconfirmedly, then stopped talking, and accelerated towards Jiangdong City. Run away.


   And at this moment, the ground sneered in the distance.


   A series of purple-haired zombies came out, blocking in front of several people.


   "Not good! It's a purple-haired zombie comparable to the pinnacle of Qi training." Senior Brother Lu yelled with his eyes flashing.


   Li Luo's face changed, and he asked the woman beside him: "How powerful is this zombie?"


   The woman's complexion changed drastically, and she was about to move when she saw a figure in a black robe flew in the distance and stopped in mid-air.


   "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!" After the black robe figure stopped, he let out a weird laugh, and at the same time a faint gray light flashed on his arm, and a bone spear instantly condensed out.


   "Die! Crawlers!"


   Under the hoarse voice of the black robe man, the bone spear in his hand trembled slightly, and under his arm slightly lifted, it instantly pierced towards Wang Mo behind Li Luo.


   Li Luo felt cold in his heart, and suddenly his body became clever.




   Before he could yell out, he heard a miserable howl behind him, and Wang Mo's whole body was directly penetrated and nailed to the ground.


   Li Luo turned his head and saw Wang Mo's face still in horror. At the same time, the bits and pieces of his life with Wang Mo over the past three years began to emerge.


  At this moment, Li Luo's eyes gradually turned into a **** color, dark green evil energy began to emerge on his body, his breath began to rise steadily, and soon a monstrous magic power began to spread in all directions.


   "I! Want you! Die!" Li Luo's eyes were completely bloody, and his figure appeared in front of the black robe man in a flash.


The black-robed man was also taken aback by Li Luo's dark aura. He didn't react for a while. The face of Senior Brother Lu in the distance changed even more. A cyan dagger appeared in his hand, and a few spells flashed in his mouth. The dagger flashed. Turning into a blue light, it swept across the neck of the black robe man.




   The head of the black-robed man suddenly rolled down from mid-air, and Li Luo's scarlet eyes gradually dispersed and fell down from mid-air.


After the surrounding purple-haired zombies were under no control, they rushed towards Li Luo, but the senior brother surnamed Lu was tight in his heart, and his figure flashed in front of Li Luo, holding a long sword, almost like cutting melons and vegetables. , Chop all the zombies with purple hair.


   Behind Senior Brother Lu~www.readwn.com~ The red dress woman's complexion changed, and she slowly walked over.


   "Senior Brother Lu, thanks to you today, Xueyi can escape the danger."


The man surnamed Lu chuckled softly when he heard the words, and said: "Sister Zhang, since you and I have already set a double repair ceremony, why do you have to be so different? Today, Lu is also fighting to lose his vitality to save you and this little brother. "


After   , he walked towards Jiangdongcheng with Li Luo on his back.


   Looking at the back of Senior Brother Lu, the beautiful eyes of the woman in the red dress flashed and followed.




   I don't know how long it took before Li Luo gradually woke up.


   When his vision gradually became clear, he saw an additional man beside him. No one else, but the man surnamed Lu that day.


   "Damn the villain!" Seeing Li Luo wake up, the man surnamed Lu quickly knelt down.


   Li Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, and said: "What the **** are you damned? I should be the damn!"


   The man surnamed Lu didn't even explain it, he said directly: "What you inspired that day was my magical secret technique?"


   Li Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then thought of the black anger that aroused in his anger that day, he hesitated, looked at the man surnamed Lu, nodded, and shook his head again.


  Looking at Li Luo's dumbfounded appearance, the man surnamed Lu changed his complexion, then he gave a cold snort and walked out.



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