Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 626: Torn

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Jingxinzhai is the official hotel at the foot of Jing'an Temple. Although it does not sell alcohol, it is full every day. Most of the people who come are wealthy businessmen, and most of them come here to pray.

Li Luo came down from the mountain and came to Jingxinzhai to have some snacks, and waited for a few acquaintances by the way.

Soon, snacks and tea were prepared, and a handsome young man outside the door shouted: "Haha, brother Li Luo, you have not seen you in three years, you are getting more and more unfathomable."

"Shen Xiaoyao." Li Luo saluted with one hand, stood up and greeted him with a smile. It was Shen Xiaoyao, Xue Shaoxian and others who came, but behind a few people, there was another woman in a white dress. .

I saw a group of six of them, each dressed in a different way, with various colors, much better-looking than the coarse cloth clothes in Jing'an Temple.

Suddenly, I don't know who pushed Li Luo. Li Luo followed his strength, only to feel that his body's center of gravity was lost, and he stumbled forward.

Li Luo was surprised and vaguely saw that the person pushing himself was the second senior brother of Jing'an Temple. He had a face with Chinese characters, and the most striking thing was his thick black eyebrows. At this time, he was not With a kind look, she looked at the woman not far away with a smile.

Li Luo was afraid of crushing the ground under his feet, making it difficult to maintain his balance, but the second senior brother who was known for the strength of the dragon's elephant shot was amazing, and he could only see that he was about to fall into the girl's arms.

At this time, the girl's scabbard danced slightly and gently pressed against Li Luo's shoulder.

The girl's force was very light, and Li Luo's figure suddenly stopped under the scabbard, and he didn't even restore his balance due to the pain of recoil.

Li Luo even forgot to settle accounts with the second brother, and was shocked by the swordsmanship of the woman in front of him. But seeing the woman under her willow eyebrows, big apricot-core eyes, simple black hair curled up, she was wearing a white dress, she was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and she looked extremely cold.

Her pink lips opened slightly, and her voice was as clear as an oriole: "Jing'an Temple claims to have no desires and no desires. Is this how the brothers get along?"

"Hmph, everyone has seen it, the brother Jiesha broke the **** just as soon as he came down the mountain!" The two senior brothers did not answer, just hummed softly and yelled loudly.

The girl turned her head to look at Li Luo, snorted coldly, and said, "Little monk, looking at you with no mana, you actually make your brother so jealous."

Having said that, she squeezed her mouth lightly, as if thinking of something, and said: "You brothers want to try this girl's depth. How about, the little girl's strength can enter the magic eyes of the seniors? "

"Haha, Fairy Yunshang is really strong, and his swordsmanship is astonishing, I will admire it." The second senior brother hurriedly walked over, stood beside Li Luo, and said with a smile.

Several other seniors also came over, causing Li Luo to be surprised, and at the same time mixed with mixed feelings.

At the same time, he admired the woman's strength more and more, and he felt an absolute confidence in the woman.

"Thank you girl for helping me." Li Luo stood still, subconsciously thanking him.

The girl retracted the long sword and said coldly: "I'm afraid I can be your grandma at my age. You should call me Fairy Yunshang."

Li Luo's expression changed, and he quickly said yes.

Looking back at the second brother, Li Luo thought he would be normal, and teased him a few words, but after looking carefully, he could see from the eyebrows that the second brother's face was slightly solemn.

The task this time is probably not that simple... Li Luo restrained his emotions about having to do some tricks with the second brother, and thought to himself.

"Senior Brother Li Luo, although we understand your strength, this trip is extremely dangerous. Senior Brother...If there is no accident, he will have passed away." The second Senior Brother looked a little ugly and said.

"What?" Li Luo was startled, and his face instantly became serious.

"Hey, after you have said so much, my stomach is starving." Shen Xiaoyao grabbed Li Luo's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Alright, let's talk while eating." Li Luo nodded, and walked to the table where he wanted a good meal.

After sitting down, several people looked at the meat in front of them, their faces were a little weird.

"Hey, I said the great monk, are you quietly fasting and not abstaining from meat?" Xue Shaoxian, dressed in brocade clothes, took out an ingot of gold and placed it on the table.

"Little Er, let's have a few more plates of bloodtooth wild pork!" Shen Xiaoyao seemed to be very familiar with Xue Shaoxian's movements, and shouted the moment the gold ingot fell.


The shop Xiaoer picked up the gold ingot and walked towards the back kitchen.

"This time, the second elder and Zhang Sect of my Sky Profound Clan went to Shiwan Dashan to search for a bead of elixir, but there was a crack in the head of the soul card. I am afraid that they were seriously injured and were trapped in Shiwan Dashan. "

"The disciple within the door, went to the 100,000 Dashan Mountain for the first time, but encountered a large number of disciples of the Demon Sect. After a few months, the Demon Profound Sect and my Sky Profound Sect were dead and injured.

"We suspect that someone from the Demon Profound Sect ambushed the head this time."

Shen Xiaoyao said the money, and seemed to be a little bit eager to try it.

"Hey, is it possible that we are afraid that those magic gates will not succeed!" Wang Xiao smiled coldly, and the sheath in his hand shook slightly.

Li Luo was taken aback and exclaimed: "It's the sword intent!"

Wang Xiaohan was taken aback, and asked: "You also know sword intent? By the way, I felt strange when I saw you dancing sword three years ago. Now it seems that you inspired the sword intent. Who are you? !?"

Li Luo shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "All memories are blurred. I only know that I have a wonderful past, but I can't remember anything."

Several people looked at each other, their expressions changed slightly. The woman in the white skirt looked at Li Luo, her beautiful eyes flashed, her mouth opened and closed, but she didn't say anything after all.

"Let's go. It should not be too late. According to the disciples inside the door, they met the bandits of Langyabao. From those bandits, they learned that the castle owner of Langyaburg seemed to have participated in the operation of the severely wounded leader. The task is to go to Langyabao to find out, it is best to find out about the whereabouts of the head."

"Langyabao." Li Luo murmured, took out the map and found that the Langyabao was in a mountain range a hundred kilometers away from Jing'an Temple.

"Let's go."

A few people ate and drank enough, then rode on a few fast horses, and rushed towards the wolf fang.

In the afternoon, a dark wolf's head castle appeared in front of a few people.

Around the castle, there were teams of men in black patrolling. Several people waited patiently. After knocking out a few men in black, ~www.readwn.com~ put on their clothes and walked towards Wolffang Castle.

"Stop! Who are you, why I have never seen you!"

The two guards in the distance looked at the strange faces of several people, snorted coldly, and shouted.

Before a few people could explain, Li Luo smiled slightly and walked forward. With his arm blurred, the foreheads of the two guards swayed past him. Then, the two guards thumped and fell to the ground.

Li Luo shot like a thunder, a few people just vaguely saw a hand shadow shake, and the two guards lost their combat power. I was naturally surprised and happy.

Li Luo unceremoniously tore open the space bags of the two guards, took out a few bottles of pill, smelled it in front of the tip of his nose, and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

"You...you, you!" Fairy Yunshang pointed to Li Luo's nose, and after a while, she couldn't say a word.

"Hey, the space bag has no mana and can't be used, so I tore it off." Li Luo touched his head, smiled apologetically, turned and disappeared into the passage of the castle.

Several people opened their mouths, but did not say anything, and followed closely.

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