Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 629: Mie Yuanying

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At this moment, the flying mandala tentacles approached Li Luo and suddenly began to tremble.

In the distance, under a scream, the castle owner of Langyabao was pierced by vines, and the flesh and blood quickly shrivelled into a corpse and fell to the ground.

The outstretched vines also quickly retracted, the whole mandala turned into a vine armor began to entangle on the ground, and a mandala flower bloomed in the middle part, and a charming fragrance of heart and spleen began to diffuse towards the surroundings. .

"Be careful, the Datura flower is rumored to be poisonous, everyone quickly stay away from here." Fairy Yunshang's expression changed and she reminded him, and ran out quickly.

Everyone followed out without thinking about it.

Li Luo stood there, hesitated, and suddenly stepped on his feet, he came to this colorful flower, and as soon as his hand passed, he picked off the flower the size of a human head.

As soon as he picked off the flowers, Li Luo rushed to the distance, looked back, and was taken aback.

"Huh? This mandala doesn't protect its buds?"

While running, Li Luo was a little puzzled, swallowed the mandala flower in a few mouthfuls, and started to operate the magic power of Fensheng Town. As soon as he worked, Li Luo's whole body was like a prawn, and his whole body became blood-red. A stream of fel energy began to overflow from the skin to the outside, and at the same time, the fel energy seeds in his body began to shrink rapidly.

After a few breaths, Li Luo only felt that the sense of smell, hearing, or vision had suddenly improved, an unprecedented invigoration, rushing to the apex of his heart.

"Good stuff." Li Luo clicked his lips, trying to chase everyone, but he paused slightly.

"Master." He swept his gaze to the mandala in the distance, and saw a sound from the vine swaying in the air.

"You call my master?" Li Luo was a little dumbfounded, hesitated, and walked over slowly.

"Master, don't you remember me?" The mandala's tentacles were wobbly, and continued to transmit the voice: "I am your number one favorite!"

"What? You are a monster?" Li Luo was startled when he heard the words, and mistakenly regarded the demon pet as a monster.

"No. No. Familiar pets are magical pets, not monsters!" Mandala's voice sounded a little anxious, and continued: "Don't worry about this issue. This is just a clone of me, from here before. The wizard found my subject. There were two people who saw that my subject had mandala fruit and wanted to pick it. He was attacked by his companion and suppressed by me."

"Master, if you want to regain your strength, you must find my main body and swallow the mandala fruit. I think you just swallowed my mandala flower, and it has recovered a lot. If you swallow my fruit, you don’t mean it’s all recovered. , It can also recover at least 50%."

Li Luo was shocked when he heard this, and asked quickly: "What kind of person am I?"

Mandala avatar hesitated, and said, "You live by hunting monsters. You are an out-and-out monster hunter."

"Demon hunter." Li Luo's eyes shone slightly, and his hand touched the vine. The mandala followed Li Luo's arm, crawling all over his body, turning into a vine inner armor, and submerged in his clothes.

When Li Luo walked out of Langya Castle, Fairy Yunshang and others were a little unbelievable.

"Let's go. Go to Hundred Thousand Mountains and find the body of that mandala."

Everyone was shocked upon hearing this: "Brother Li Luo, are you saying that there is a bigger mandala?"

Fairy Yunshang paled, as if thinking of something: "You mean the head and the second elder are trapped by the mandala?"

Li Luo nodded and said, "You will know when you go."

Hearing this, several people quickly found the wildebeest not far away, and the whip in their hands exploded, and the horses all uttered a miserable scream and rushed in one direction.

And when a few people ran less than 30 kilometers, a team of men and horses surrounded them.

Fairy Yunshang's expression changed, looking at the black-clothed man in front of her, she exclaimed, "Master of the Yuanying Stage!"

"Hahaha...Everyone says that Fairy Yunshang is cold and ruthless, and she has always maintained her body like a nine-turn mysterious girl. Today, I must be the first to break your primordial yin body, Liao Hua. People! Hahahaha..."

The black-clothed man in front of him flashed with cold eyes.


Fairy Yun Shang looked at the black-clothed old man with a pale face.


That kind of aura was indescribably terrifying. When it erupted, the world changed color, and even Li Luo could clearly feel it. It seemed that the aura of the world in this whole world was rioting at this moment, at an astonishing speed. , Converging towards the source of that breath burst.

That kind of appearance is like something terrible being awakened!

Li Luo couldn't help but see a drop of cold sweat on the palm of his hand, but somehow, instinctively, this Liao Huayi didn't look very strong, but the other party's impenetrable aura exploded in front of him. What is the early and late period of the stamina period, I am afraid To this old man, it was a slap in the face!

The only difference is that it's more or less heavy.

Thinking of this, Li Luo couldn't help but feel a trace of fear in his heart, but his arm didn't tremble at all. He himself didn't know why he had such a great concentration.

"Separately break through!"

Li Luo yelled, and his figure flashed before fleeing away.

Opposite him, there were more than a dozen powerful men in black, carrying swords and straddling their horses before rushing towards him.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

At this moment, countless vine phantoms flashed and pierced through the thighs of these people, and in an instant these people in black fell from the horses.

"Don't hurt their lives!" Li Luo was startled, and quickly patted the vine tentacles shot all over his body.

The surrounding vine tentacles flashed with phantom ~www.readwn.com~, retracted from these horses, and turned into a vine armor covering Li Luo's whole body.

"Huh. You really took the mandala away." Liao Huayi almost squeezed these words out of his teeth, and shouted, "Give back my son's life!"

"Great Asura Palm!"

Seeing this scene, Liao Hua glanced at Li Luo with soaring anger, glared fiercely at Li Luo, punched out, the majestic mana turned into a phantom of magic claws, flashing across the sky like lightning, rushing towards Li Luo fiercely.

"Hmph, your son has done a lot of injustice, so he deserves to end up today!" Seeing that Liao Hua made a move, Li Luo also had an anger rising. The Langfang Fort Lord did not know how many monks had been killed for his own sake, but he saw his palm. Void squeezed, and fist fiercely to the devil's claw.

A weird scene happened. As soon as the Magic Claw Cube approached, it was washed away by an invisible wave of air and dissipated. At the same time, the monstrous spiritual energy fluctuations instantly collapsed, as if the previous momentum was just vain.

"This! How is it possible that Li Luo's physical body is so strong! Even the supreme magic technique of the Great Asura Claw can be dispelled!"

With a full punch to defuse Liao Huayi's attack, Li Luo was taken aback, and his confidence suddenly exploded. I saw a touch of coldness in the corner of his eyes, jumped off the horse, and walked towards Liao Huayi step by step.

The old man's complexion changed, he flew up, the mana surged around him, and fled towards the sky.

Li Luo's eyes were cold, and he suddenly shook his palm!


As Li Luo grasped it, the figure of the black-clothed old man was suddenly locked, and only a muffled sound was heard. The black-clothed old man's body was directly exploded out of thin air, and his flesh and blood flew!

The scene was silent for a moment!

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