Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 631: Dirty stream

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Li Luo followed him, walked through a corridor, and then entered a rather luxurious room. Then, not surprisingly, he saw the face of a strong man, but then he glanced aside. But it was a woman in a red dress. Tingting stood there, under her bright and charming face, she outlined a proud curve, extremely seductive.

Beside the woman, another woman is even more dazzling than this woman. This woman is standing here, her body is definitely not inferior to the brawny man beside her, but her face is bright and beautiful, a lively King Kong Barbie. .

   After a while, the old man who was appraising treasures also walked in.

   "Hehe, this little friend, we meet again." Looking at Li Luo, the old man smiled and said.

   Li Luo smiled back and said, "Thank you for your Yang Lingye, it has been a great help to me."

"Hehe, he is really a stupid big man. At this age, he killed the Great Asura hand --- Liao Huayi. Unfortunately, there is no spiritual opening. If the spiritual roots can be unlocked, the future achievements will definitely be limitless!" In the room, the woman in the red robe also looked at Li Luo curiously, and then smiled sweetly.

   "I don't know which other brother will go with me besides this brother?" Li Luo knew that the King Kong Barbie in front of him might be another person, but he still asked without giving up.

   Following a King Kong Barbie all the time is definitely not a pleasant thing.

   "Huh. Look down on people!" King Kong Barbie squeezed her hand and made a creaking sound. With her bright and moving face, the atmosphere became strange in vain.

   "Uh." Li Luo smiled embarrassedly, then closed his mouth.

   "Hey, I must have guessed that the girl next to me is the last person to walk with you." Jia Wancai smiled, and stretched out his hand to hold the girl's arm, revealing a touch of kindness.

   "You are a father and a daughter!" Li Luo was slightly surprised, and said.

   "Not bad." Jia Wancai smiled, turning his head to smile at King Kong Barbie beside him: "I haven't seen senior yet, this little brother has killed Liao Huayi's existence with his bare hands!"

   "Wan'er has seen seniors." When King Kong Barbie heard the words, there was a blush on his face, which made Li Luo's heart chill.

   "It's easy to say. It's easy to say. After entering the filthy stream, I must protect Ling Qianjin." A cold sweat broke out on Li Luo's forehead, and when the last word'jin' was spoken, he felt a little nauseated in his heart.

   "Little friend Li Luo, I know your physical strength is amazing, but the yin qi in the dirty stream is too heavy, and you still need this mysterious yin pearl body protection." The old man smiled.

   Li Luo took the milky white bead in the old man's hand, only feeling a blast of cold air seeping through, but immediately felt a rush of black air in his body pouring toward the Xuanyin bead.

   "Huh. Why do you have a devilish energy?" Jia Wancai asked with some worry.

   Li Luo smiled half-truth and said half-truth: "I was tricked by a demon before, but this Profound Yin Bead can absorb devil energy, which is pretty good."

"Yeah." The old man looked at Li Luo and touched his beard, and said: "Little friend Li Luo, you can call me Xue Lao with the surname Xue Dan. If you need to use this mysterious yin bead to get rid of the devil, I There are still a few more, which can be borrowed from you."

   "Really? Old Xue?" Li Luo asked with joy in his heart.

   "Hey, I can't lie to you." Xue Lao smiled, took out a few Profound Yin beads, and passed them over.

   After Li Luo took it over, several people were thinking that they would hold them in their hands for refining, but they were shocked to see that this guy swallowed a few Profound Yin beads alive in one bite.


   The first shocked was King Kong Barbie, pointing at Li Luo, his mouth seemed to be stuffed with an egg for a while.

   The others were also shocked and speechless, looking at Li Luo dumbfounded.

   But soon, Li Luo vomited out a few Profound Yin beads, but the few Profound Yin beads all turned into a dark color, and the surrounding environment changed slightly while the devilish energy was rising.

   "What a strong devilish energy, are you the reincarnation of a demon?!" Jia Wan'er's expression changed, and she asked in a frightened manner.

   "Don't worry, I haven't transformed into a demon. I have Fen Shengzhen magic power protection body, and I will never transform into a demon." Li Luo waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

   A few people only noticed that Li Luo's radiant head shape seemed to be a monk.

   Suddenly, the expressions of a few people eased.

   "Then, that's it." Jia Wancai and Xue Fu looked at each other and nodded.

   "The team will leave in three days, and the little friends will go back and have a good rest." Jia Wancai smiled and said with a fist to Li Luo.

   Li Luo saluted with one hand, turned and walked towards his hotel.


   filthy mountain range, where yin is raging, and there are yin beasts rampant, hence the name.

   At this time, three rounds of bright moon, moonlight pouring down from the sky, dyed the entire forest into a silvery white, and a cold atmosphere quickly fermented towards the surroundings.

   The filthy mountains in the past, at this time, are almost full of yin beasts. The strong human beings dare not stay in it for too long because of the wind and wind, but tonight, it is obviously an unexpected situation.


Suddenly, there was a rushing sound in the silent sky, which immediately attracted the attention of some powerful evil beasts in the mountains, but before these evil beasts became angry, they saw it, in the distance, like a locust-like figure , Flying across the sky, the violent wind breaking sound, like a muffled thunder, instantly smashed the peace in the mountains.

   Immediately, these yin beasts seemed to be frightened and stupefied.

Although the inner alchemy of these Yin Beasts is invaluable to some people who practice Yin attribute techniques, no one in the crowd at this time is willing to attack these Yin Beasts. They are all in the same direction. Blast away.

   The crowd rushed deep into the filthy mountain range very quickly. After a short time, a huge stream of sky with no end in sight appeared in front of the crowd.

   This filthy sky, a piece of gray, I don’t know where it extends. And in the stream that day, all kinds of extremely terrifying cold air erupted from the sky like a fountain, and when they collided with each other, a terrifying spiral air current was formed, rushing from the ground to the sky above, like a huge spinning top, directly It is blocking the front of everyone.

Looking at the huge spinning top that appeared in front of him, Li Luo's complexion suddenly changed. He touched his hand lightly, and a deep chill rushed into his body, causing him to shiver. Then he was completely absorbed by the Profound Yin Pearl. Recovered.

   But looking at the airflow in front of him, Li Luo always felt the strangeness that he had seen before ~www.readwn.com~ which could not be described.

   "Perhaps entering it, it's only right to remember one or two things from the past."

   Li Luo muttered to himself, waiting quietly.

At this time, the bright moon in the high sky is already complete. Under a soft moonlight, the spinning speed of the top suddenly slows down. The top cold air that could easily shred a strong man has become less dense and violent. .


   Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and jumped down towards the dirty stream.

After rushing into the filthy and gloomy stream, he also clearly understood why here, why these strong men would not dare to come here, those gray and cold airs flooded from all directions, and every cold air seemed to be It is conceivable how terrible it can be to freeze a person, such a cold turbulence, in the ordinary.

   Therefore, at this time, the dirty stream can be opened.

Li Luo's physical body is strong, but there is not much feeling, but Jia Wan'er and Liu Gang next to him are shaking their teeth, their eyes turn into a silvery white color, like a walking corpse, and the breath has become strange and cold, short. In just a few minutes, the two of them were about to change their bodies.

   But soon, the two of them drank a bottle of golden liquid, and the silver in their eyes faded away and turned to dark brown.

At this moment, Li Luo's face changed slightly, and he turned over and fell to the ground. After catching the other two's figures, his eyes were fixed in one direction, where there were heavy footsteps, and he walked away rumblingly. come.

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