Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 637: Devil's Might

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Li Luo stared at the figure floating in the air, and a solemn color appeared in his eyes. Today, he understands that only one person and this demon can leave alive!

"Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The breath exploded and opened, like a flood, whizzing down, oppressing Li Luo below.

"Huh? Yang Lingye?"

The breath pressure came to the body again, but Li Luo's body trembled slightly, and he raised his head proudly. He was indeed not the opponent of this demon. Even if he tried all his hole cards, he was only 30% sure to severely wound the demon. But if he drinks the remaining Yang Lingye, he is definitely not so powerless!

Immediately, with a wave of his embroidered robe, an altar of Yang spirit liquid flew out of the **** battle gang members' hands. Under a burst of energy, it broke apart and turned into a stream and poured into Li Luo's mouth. .

"Huh?" The demon's figure stagnated, revealing an unexpected look: "You can drink so many Yang Ling liquids at the same time. Okay, very good. If it swallows you, it will definitely increase the power of the deity!"

"Huh, do you have this ability?" Li Luo sneered, with a dark long sword in his hand, and a low buzzing sound erupted at this moment, echoing in the sky.

On that day, he also kept one piece of Liao Huayi's equipment, but did not sell all of them, in order to cope with possible crises. Now it seems that this magic weapon that exudes tyrannical aura has come in handy.

The demon stepped into the air, and every time his footsteps fell, the tyrannical demon energy condensed into a substantial appearance under his feet, like a staircase, which made him stop in the air in front of Li Luo.

"Since the deity entered the Demon Path, few people have dared to speak to me like this. You are one of them, and you have the capital to speak big words."


The sound of his voice fell, and a halberd flashed out with a palm of his hand. It lightly waved at Li Luo, the tyrannical force directly tore the space apart, and a black pike instantly came to Li Luo's body. before.

Li Luo's face was solemn, and the black long sword in his hand suddenly burst into black light, and immediately a thunder sword shot out. The extremely powerful thunder and lightning surged out, directly turning into a tens of feet in size, tearing the air. , Yijian cuts away at the demon in midair.

Li Luosi didn't care about cutting the halberd light, like a mountain, with a layer of silver diamond armor condensed on his body. With a bang, he caught the halberd light abruptly, and was shocked by a shock. Go, the dead leaves on the ground were all shaken into powder instantly!

The demon's random blow didn't break Li Luo's defense. With such a mighty power, I'm afraid the others here simply can't handle the move!

But looking at the demon head, under a burst of black light on his body, a layer of black lin appeared, thunder sword qi slashed on it, and under a burst of electric light, the black lin burst a few pieces in an instant, and drops of black demon blood came out of the air. Falling down instantly.

"Shoot him!"

Fei Yuanzang narrowed his eyes and shouted loudly. The crossbow arrow in his hand flew towards the demon in front of him.

An overwhelming rain of arrows hit the demon's body in an instant, but it was blocked by a layer of black scales. The demon's head also gave birth to two horns, and his eyes were completely black.

Suddenly, Fei Yuanzang's heart was chilled, and a sense of crisis came to his heart, shouting: "Disperse!"


The ground exploded in an instant, and the members of the blood war gang had to do something to dodge in the future. They were swept away by an extremely powerful halberd, and split into pieces in an instant.

Fei Yuanzang, because of his strong strength, avoided the key points, and looked at the demon in mid-air with a smile on his face.

I saw that the demon's head was injured by the thunder sword, and a few arrows were nailed there, and pus flowed out. Seeing that this corpse demon scale powder actually had a good effect on the devil's head, it was a lot of puss flowing out of the spot! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"Damn you!" The demon's face was cold, and he pulled out the arrow inlaid on the scales, and took a shot with his hand toward the ground. The rolling and shattered flesh and plasma were sucked into his mouth, and the injuries on his body began to recover quickly.


A black light appeared in front of Fei Yuan's hiding like a teleport, but was blocked by a silver phantom.

The phantom was solidified before Fei Yuan hid, revealing Li Luo's pale face.

"Damn it. The devilish energy of this demon is too domineering." Li Luo's expression changed, and purple-red mystery totems lit up all over his body. His figure was like firecrackers, crackling, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a purple-red pattern. The little giant, holding a black long sword, burst into the air.


With a move of mind, the three layers of Yuehua burst out, but before the three sword qis reached the devil's head, they were directly collapsed in front of the arm of the devil's black Lin. Of course, Li Luo didn't expect it. How much effect can the sword move I recall just now? In that short moment, the figure successfully came to the devil's head, the silver light in his hand was released, the sword flashed with thunder, and the hand burst into dazzling light. Yijian slashed down at the demon.


The demon's halberd slanted in an instant, blocking in front of him, making a sound of gold and iron.

But seeing Li Luo's movements keep moving, his other arm made a fist fiercely, and he slammed a fist toward the demon's chest.

"Dead!", the demon head held the halberd, and a black flame ignited on the halberd. He forcibly shook the long sword in Li Luo's hand, and banged Li Luo's fist heavily.


When the two touched, an extremely powerful wave suddenly broke out. The dead wood trees around were directly exploded, the strong wind roared, and the wood chips drifted away.


The demon was startled, his face suddenly changed when he looked at the silver armor on Li Luo's fist.

The boy in front of him seemed to be more than just a strong physical body, and a fanatical expression appeared on his face immediately.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!" The demon suddenly opened the distance from Li Luo, and said with a strange smile: "Eating your flesh and blood will definitely change the blood of the deity. Today, let you see the deity's famous stunts. ---Thousand Ghosts Eat Heart!!"

Between the monster laughter ~www.readwn.com~ the halberd in his hand burst into dazzling black light, and ghost head ghost shadows emerged immediately, and there were ghost head ghost shadows rising on the ground towards the halberd. Gather away.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color, and gray clouds and mists lingered high in the sky, and black lightning began to spread on the clouds like black pythons.

The demon stared at Li Luo closely, and the halberd in his hand seemed to be swept away randomly.


A series of pitch-black cracks in the void then appeared out of thin air, and then burst open instantly, a pitch-black halberd light, like a teleport, struck the void in the blink of an eye, and came to Li Luo's body.

Li Luo's pupils shrank, the long sword in his hand flashed with thunder, and at the same time his eyes turned into a piece of pure silver, a huge sword intent instantly rose into the sky, instantly blowing away the clouds in the sky.

I saw that he swung his long sword fiercely at the halberd, with a buzzing sound, the void began to vibrate violently.


Li Luo, who burst out of sword intent, instantly shattered the halberd light, but the whole person also flew out, and was instantly submerged by tens of thousands of dark energy skeletons.

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