Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 640: Rob 0 Flower Valley

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Jiangdong City.

At this time, mysterious figures in black on the street kept walking, coming in and out of shops. They wear hats, only a pair of eyes are exposed, emitting a little bit of light, which looks very strange.

A figure galloped from a distance on a horse, and was blocked by the two guards guarding the city.

"Name, identity."

Li Luo touched the hat he was wearing on his head, and inadvertently swept his eyes to a few people in black in the distance, and said, "Common people, Luo Li."

The two guards looked at each other and stepped aside.

Li Luo rode a horse on the street, looking at the hurried crowd, his eyes flickered slightly, and he walked into a post and temporarily set up the horse.

He took out the letter, confirmed it again, and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

But when he approached the City Lord's Mansion, what he saw was a few big seals and blood stains all over the floor, and a **** smell floated from the City Lord's Mansion.

With a slight frown, Li Luo looked around. After confirming that there was no one, he was about to jump in with his tyrannical body, but a familiar figure appeared in the distance and waved his hand vigorously.

Looking at Shen Xiaoyao not far away, Li Luo chased him quickly, and the two of them chased and ran, and gradually came to a courtyard.


Shen Xiaoyao opened the door, looked around, and quickly took Li Luo into it.

After entering the courtyard and walking into the room, Li Luo found that not only Shen Xiaoyao, Fairy Yunshang and others were there, but also a beautiful girl, one of whom was wearing a red dress, it was Zhang Xueyi who was not fake.

"Huh?" Li Luo lightly took off, took off the hat, and carefully looked at the girl in front of him, revealing a touch of recollection.

Zhang Xueyi looked at Li Luo's appearance and hesitated. She seemed to think of something, and said, "Is it you?"

Li Luo smiled and said, "You saved you last time, how can you thank me this time?"

"Huh." Zhang Xueyi suddenly showed a look of contempt: "Isn't it enough to take you to Jing'an Temple?"

Li Luo nodded suddenly and smiled: "Thank you girl for her cultivation."

"Don't thank me." Zhang Xueyi shook her head and said: "I never expected that you were so powerful, and you even joined the blood war gang to kill the legendary demon, and... that mandala Did Luo's Snippet really say, as the rumors say, that you have cultivated the strength close to the main body of the mandala?"

Li Luo smiled, did not say much, and said, "It's just a fluke."

Immediately, he patted his forehead: "By the way, the letter said that the Tianxuan Gate was under siege by the Demon Gate. Is this true or false?"

"What magic door is besieging?" Several people were taken aback, then their complexions changed drastically.

Shen Xiaoyao's face paled, "Not good. We are in the game!"

As soon as the crowd pulled out their weapons, they heard a burst of applause coming in from outside the door.

Li Luo glanced outside the door, and it was no one else who had come, but it was Senior Brother Lu who was not fake that day.

"Lu Huatian!" Zhang Xueyi narrowed her eyes, revealing a murderous intent in her eyes.

Lu Huatian smiled and walked step by step: "Everyone, Lu has been waiting for you for a long time."

Approaching the door, Lu Huatian patted his head, as if thinking of something, and said, "Oh. By the way, you are all already poisoned, so it's better not to resist."

Li Luo's complexion changed slightly, and he took out a mirror to look at his face, looking at Lu Huatian in a daze.

"Hmph, don’t look at me, I have poisoned you several times, but they have not been able to kill you. I think your kid is born to be invincible. However, you'd better follow us obediently, otherwise, these few The poison in the human body can't be solved!" Lu Huatian snorted and said in a deep voice.

Everyone's complexion changed when they heard the words, and they were about to use their mana, but they turned black in front of them, and they all slumped down.

"Take them away!"

Lu Huatian shouted in a low voice, and suddenly a few people in black came from outside and tied ropes to Shen Xiaoyao and others.

"How about? The number one disciple of Jing'an Temple?" Lu Huatian had a playful expression on his face, and looked at Li Luo with a sneer.

"Not so good. What do you have to do with me when you catch them?" Li Luo raised his brows and continued: "Presumably catching them is also to threaten those immortal cultivators at the Profound Sky Clan?"

"Hey, it's unfortunate. I am a body refiner underneath, and I don't want to participate in the battle of immortal cultivators!

After speaking, Li Luo walked out of the room and walked outside.

"Huh?" Lu Huatian was taken aback, his eyes swept behind him, and a figure of an enchanting woman appeared.

"Miss. This person is strong and strong, I can't keep him, you see..." Lu Huatian stood in front of the woman respectfully and said.

"It's okay. He will be mine sooner or later!" The woman's scarlet tongue licked the corner of her mouth, and her figure disappeared under the black anger.

Lu Huatian watched the woman disappear, the expression on his face was slightly distorted, whispered a few words in the ears of several people in black, and several people in black took Shen Xiaoyao and others and walked away.

After Li Luo walked out of Shen Xiaoyao's room, he turned left and right, found a shop, bought a black suit and a mask, put on a mask, smelled the scent of a few people in the air, and touched it in one direction. .

Soon, he chased all the way to the east of the city. After renting a wildebeest again, he followed the smell all the way and gradually came to a valley.

"Hundred Flower Valley..." Li Luobi checked the map and muttered to himself, smelling the fragrance of the valley.

"Hundred Flower Valley has always been outside of the two struggles of righteousness and devil, and relied on selling pills for a living. Why did it collude with Demon Profound Sect?" Li Luo frowned slightly as he watched the mist in the valley.

After thinking about it, Li Luo shrugged and walked towards Baihua Valley.

"Hmph. Whatever the reason, since you have joined the struggle between the two factions, let's contribute the pill!" Li Luo twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a tricky sneer, and walked in.

"Who? Dare to trespass into the Valley of Hundred Flowers!"

Several figures sprinted over from a distance, and surrounded Li Luo in groups.

"Huh. You and Moxuanmen are holding decent disciples together, and you are asking me instead!?" Li Luo's expression flashed, his hands clenched his fists, and a black fist against the abdomen of several people Dig it out.

Li Luo was beaten to death by a god-changing demon that was comparable to a seventh-order beast. How could these people withstand his strength? Even though he took back ninety-nine percent of his strength, he still flew out the blood from the beating of a few people.


Several people fell heavily on the ground, looking at Li Luo wailing in horror.

"Say. Where is the most secret and valuable place of your school?" Li Luo asked a man in a green robe in a cold voice.

"Hundred Medicine Pavilion!"

"where is it?"

"It's on the westernmost side of the valley."

"Yes. He is right."

Li Luo nodded in satisfaction, and ran toward the west. Behind him, the painful faces of several figures showed a sullen look.

"Son of a bitch!"

"There are several elders guarding the Baiyao Pavilion, I curse you not to die! Whoops."

Several people in Baiyao Valley suddenly wailed.

"Who~www.readwn.com~ dare to enter the Baiyao Pavilion privately!" Several elder figures flew out, looking at Li Luo, full of murderous intent appeared.

then. There's no after that.

Li Luo directly inspired the mystery totem to transform. Several elders of the Nascent Infant stage didn't even take Li Luo's move and a half before even one face. They all vomited blood and flew out.

Entering the Baiyao Pavilion, under the horrifying gazes of many alchemists, Li Luo swallowed bite by bite no matter whether it was a poison pill or a spirit pill. In a blink of an eye, the entire Baiyao Pavilion was almost wiped out. .

"Hero! Go away!"

A Maid alchemist ran over and knelt in front of Li Luo: "We have been bankrupted by you! Uuuuuu..."

Li Luo's expression changed, he patted the man on the shoulder, and asked, "How many people have you met who were arrested by men in black? Two women and five men, one scholar, one..."

"I have seen them. They came and said that they had gone the wrong way. They had already passed through the Hundred Flowers Valley and ran their horses towards the southeast!"

Li Luo's face turned black when he heard the words of the Mai Demon Refining Master: "Huh?"

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