Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 647: Retreat

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The miserable roar resounded throughout the world, making it impossible to imagine that it came from the mouth of a beautiful woman. Zhang Xueyi stood there for a while with his eyes blank, and was about to turn around and leave, but a few men in green robes ran in the distance.

"Senior Sister Zhang!" The clothes on the silhouettes were in tatters, and when they came to Zhang Xueyi, a drop of tears fell.

"Several elders were poisoned by spies and were made into zombie puppets by the great elders of the Demon Profound Sect."

Several people exuded bursts of energy and coercion of the cultivator during the pill formation stage, but in front of Zhang Xueyi, not only did there not have any shelf, but drops of unwilling tears fell.

If nothing happens, this hatred is basically impossible to repay.

Li Luo frowned slightly after hearing this, and stretched out a moment later.

"Are you a zombie in the transformation stage? Great, this guy Mandala can bear fruit again..."

He walked in this way, stepped forward, and patted the shoulders of a few disciples at the formation stage, with a smile: "The mountain gate is gone, and the elite disciples are still there. We can go to the mountain gate again."

Li Luo turned to look at Zhang Xueyi, and said faintly: "Your father should not be dead yet. Let's find him together. I know a spiritual spring that can be built into a spiritual blessed land, and the Sky Profound Gate can be reborn."

Zhang Xueyi opened her mouth when she heard the words, and finally closed.

"But let the Li Luo brothers arrange."

Li Luo nodded, patted Zhang Xueyi's shoulder encouragingly, and looked at several disciples.

"Since you are all elite disciples, most of the other elite disciples are probably alive. Find them, and set up the task of accepting ten disciples. Three months later, they will converge in the swamps of the 100,000 Dashan Mountains."

After speaking, he waved his hand, and several elite disciples glanced at each other and left.

After seeing everyone left, Li Luo looked at Shen Xiaoyao and others.

"So, Fairy Yunshang, you should know where the mandala is, take us to see. I must be able to find some news about Miss Zhang's father."

Fairy Yunshang heard the words, her beautiful eyes flashed, and smiled: "So, brother Li Luo will be troubled. You see, thanks to your strength, you can help us in the Sky Profound Sect with your strength. Thank you so much."

Li Luo smiled and said, "Helping you is also helping myself. Okay, let's look around again to see if the spiritual veins of the mountain gate are still there."

Zhang Xueyi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and said: "I heard my father mentioned before that our mountain gate is divided into the main spiritual channel and the secondary spiritual channel. The main spiritual channel is hidden by the formation method and is in the Lingxu cave in the back mountain. You follow me Come."

Several people crossed several mountain peaks, and gradually came to a mountain shining with purple-gray light.

"Lingxu Cave itself is a blessed place, and its space is folded here. Even a cultivator in the transformation stage can hardly find the spiritual vein."

Li Luo nodded, feeling the relentless aura from the cave.


At this moment, there was a burst of wild laughter in the surrounding air.

"Let me just say, how can the spirit veins of a decent and decent Tianxuan gate be so thin? It turns out that there is still a hidden spirit vein!"

In the void, a black robe youth and an old man in sackcloth emerged.

"Lu Huatian!"

"Black Wind Demon!"

Fairy Yun Shang paled, revealing a look of horror.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie." The old man made a weird laugh, and his body suddenly turned black, and ghosts and ghosts appeared. Accompanied by bursts of miserable wailing, the surrounding scenery changed drastically.

Everyone just felt a buzzing in their ears, and under a blur of vision, they were in a sea of ​​corpse mountains and blood.

A strong smell of blood hit his face, and his stomach was turned upside down.

"Jie Jie, you are already hard to fly at this moment, so obediently die! Hey, there is also a strong body refiner. It happens that the deity does not have a good zombie puppet, and today it just made up for the shortcomings in this respect!" The old man Mai's eyes swept across everyone, his eyes fixed on Li Luo, and he said with a strange smile in his mouth.

Li Luo didn't talk nonsense, his figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, and he rushed towards the evil spirit of the black wind.

Before the figure arrived, a few flying knives flashed with snow, and they were thrown out in an instant, turning into a cold light, and they came to the body of the evil spirit black wind.

The Black Wind Demon Jiejie smiled strangely, and a large blood glow appeared on his body, which condensed into a blood cloud more than ten meters in size. A few flying knives hit it like a thorn on cotton, and it was difficult to get a single inch.

Immediately, the sound of scoff was made!

In the blood cloud, ghosts cried and screamed loudly, and then the evil ghosts condensed from it, rushed out, and rushed towards Li Luo.

A flash of astonishment flashed in everyone's eyes. Although these evil spirits were transformed by magic spells, they exuded a solid pill-forming aura, and they were densely packed with hundreds of them!

With a dragon roar resounding throughout the world, everyone was awakened suddenly, seeing Li Luo's body soaring, his mouth wide open, and a loud roar came out, blasting on the bodies of many energetic ghosts.

Suddenly, dense bubbles emerged from the ghosts, and immediately after the sound of ‘pop’ after another, they burst like bubbles in an instant, turning into a stream of **** airflow and dissipating.

This scene couldn't help shocking the evil spirit black wind, and even the people behind him were taken aback.

"I..." Shen Xiaoyao wanted to say something, but smiled bitterly.

"You keep your minds, I will come as soon as I go!" Li Luo laughed, his body turned into an afterimage, passing through the dense blood energy space, a colorful flame ignited on his body, instantly igniting the blood energy in the surrounding space~ www.readwn.com~ The old man watched Li Luo rushing in aghast. You must know how much effort was spent in training this Scarlet Space, and even how many decent disciples were hunted down. They used their spirits to make energy ghosts. In front of the kid, there is no effect at all? Just kidding!

Immediately, he began to retreat.

"Young master, run, this person's strength is still higher than we expected!" With a slight force in the hands of the old man, a strong wind blows Lu Shaohua far away. The latter then took out a cyan speeding car with this strength. Sitting on it, he fled to the distance.

"Where to run!" Li Luo's face was cold, and he ignored Lu Shaohua, his figure shot out from the void with a flash, and fell from the top of the old man's head, and a black fist wind instantly enveloped the old man's heavenly spirit cover. stand up.

The black wind demon flashed a red light in his eyes, waved his hand to play a magic formula, and the blood hovered around his body, unexpectedly turning into a blood-colored giant python wrapped around Li Luo.

But then, a crackling purple thunder gleamed, and the python burst instantly.

But the evil spirit black wind also escaped into the sky after this gap, and escaped.

Everyone quickly flew to the place where Li Luo landed.

"How is it? Are you injured?"

Zhang Xueyi and Fairy Yunshang asked this sentence almost at the same time, and suddenly chuckled awkwardly.

Li Luo didn't care about this, weighing a black space bag from the waist of the evil spirit black wind in his hand, and tore it hard with a chuckle.


The pill that was like a small mountain's treasure suddenly fell down like rain.

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