Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 653: Between

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Shen Xiaoyao took out a bottle of gray powder and instantly scattered into the air.

"Don't panic, this high-level walking corpse fan makes monks below the Nascent Soul Stage, exuding the aura of zombies. These zombies will not attack us for a while."

When Li Luo heard this, his heart was settled, and the newt thunder sword in his hand burst out with a dazzling purple light, and his figure rushed towards the many zombies in a flash.

The body of the zombie body itself is terrifyingly strong in the Deity Transformation Period, and with the infusion of devil energy, it is even more shockingly hard. Li Luolei's sword slashed on it, and it only caused the black Lin to burst.

Ten zombies roared and swarmed. Li Luo's wrist flicked, and a sense of familiarity surged into his heart, turning into a spinning top.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

In front of the circular sword curtain, sparks were shining from each zombie body. With the sound of gold and iron, the black flakes exploded and fell on the ground. The stained green blood sneered the ground. Potholes were corroded.

Li Luo's complexion also paled as he performed this swordsmanship with all his strength. He was also fully activating the thunderball in his body. He only felt that the ball in his dantian was exhausted, and a sense of exhaustion surged into his heart.

Coping with ten monsters of the same level at the same time, the consumption is not generally large!

Fortunately, the mandala looked at the right time, and the vines fell into the wounds that these zombies blasted away. Soon after a few of the zombies broke the vines several times, they finally slowed down. Falling down for one withered bones.

However, Li Luo tried his best to urge the power of Thunder several times, obviously a little weak, and the speed slowed down.

But at this moment, he was not cautious, and a black shadow flashed behind him, and a zombie came from behind him, opened his blood basin, and bit his neck with one bite.

"Be careful!"

Zhang Xueyi's complexion changed drastically, Feishen stood in front of Li Luo, and suddenly two sharp fangs pierced towards her.

The crowd closed their eyes in shock.

next moment.

There was a "click".

Everyone opened their eyes and saw a silver shield blocking Zhang Xueyi's body, but the diamond armor turned into a shield to block the zombie's fangs, and with a sound of gold and iron, the zombie's teeth split instantly. .


Under the vines, the zombie was shot away by the vines with a huge mouth, and soon turned into a corpse and fell down.

"There are five left. The mandala will not allow you to make another move!"

Li Luo's eyes flickered, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the nearest zombie. At the same time, the thunder sword in his hand raised the momentum, and a monstrous sword intent rushed up.

Three crescent moon sword energy instantly enveloped this zombie. At this moment, it was split into three halves in an instant. At the same time, Li Luo's hands kept moving, vines shot out, and instantly enveloped the other four zombies. Fixed in place.

Immediately, under the purple thunder sword aura, these zombies were chopped in half, and they couldn't die anymore.

"Amitabha Buddha, the deity will be your superbirth."

Li Luo folded his hands together, then slowly let go, a golden Buddha species flew out, turned into a golden rune, and burned. Immediately, a little lotus-shaped golden flame enveloped the remains of the five zombies, and the golden flames began to spread rapidly, quickly burning these corpses.

The golden flames faded, and the three golden buddha species that were replaced by them went into Li Luo's head and disappeared.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged and began to revolve the Ksitigarbha scripture, two new runes, and gradually he meditated.

I don't know how long it took before Li Luo gradually woke up.

"Senior Li Luo." Shen Xiaoyao looked at Li Luo feverishly, with a bit of excitement on his face.

Li Luo moved his shoulders, felt the hot and gentle Buddhism power in his body, smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Shen asked me for the mandala vine whiskers."

Immediately, four vines and whiskers broke off from the mandala and handed them to Shen Xiaoyao and others.

"Let's go." Li Luo took a look outside and said, "Maybe the demon knew the moment I killed these zombies. Fortunately, I only stayed in seclusion for seven days, otherwise one or two days at night. The demon will probably return."

"I'll go." Shen Xiaoyao's expression suddenly changed, and he hurried out to the outside.

A few people followed closely, exited the mountain gate of the Demon Profound Gate, flew up, and disappeared into the sky as a shocking rainbow.

"Look at what it is?" Wang Xiaohan swept under the ground, his face changed.

"This village is blocked by zombies. Let's go take a look." Zhang Xueyi said with a slightly wrinkled nose.

Li Luo glanced at it and replied faintly: "Go and come back quickly, I am waiting for you in Jinyao Cave."

After speaking, he turned into an afterimage, and disappeared like a flicker toward the depths of the hundred thousand mountains.

One month later.

In the depths of a hundred thousand mountains.

Although the sky is dazzling with sunlight swaying down, but it is a gust of gloomy wind blowing, and the atmosphere is a bit numb under the bone-chilling chill.

A path full of grasses stretched in one direction.

Li Luo stood at the entrance of the Jinyao Cave and looked around inside. He saw his eyes wide open. There were wild weeds everywhere. Trees stood neatly in the distance. In the strange cold wind, the air was It looks a little dry, and the faint black mist like yarn floats, making the surrounding environment even more weird.

It was just that the golden light in Jinyao Cave came out through the entrance of the cave, adding a touch of warmth to the surrounding cold environment, making Li Luo feel a little more at ease.

If the demon was here, there would be no such warmth.

Li Luo no longer hesitated, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the cave.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie."

Just as Li Luo was about to step into the cave, accompanied by a weird laughter, a figure shot out from the depths of the cave, blocking him.


Li Luo looked at the two-meter-tall figure of Hei Lin, thinking of the ancient demonic cultivator he met that day, his face became solemn.

"Hey, yes. Since accepting this power~www.readwn.com~, the strength of the deity has been rising steadily, and it has reached the middle stage of the transformation period! Today, it is just time to try your newly realized killing knife intent to verify the demon. Blood improves the deity!"

On the face of the black Lin Jia, the demon said hoarsely, with a large ghost head in his hand, and walked towards Li Luo with a cold expression.


Li Luo took the newt thunder sword out of the scabbard at his waist, his eyes condensed, and it turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the demon.

A purple crescent moon and a pitch black horse flashed past.


Li Luo's diamond shoulder armor split instantly, and a splash of bright red blood dripped, and then under a burst of white steam, the wound healed.

And the pitch black armor on the demon's body split instantly, and a few drops of pitch black blood fell, scornfully corroding several pits on the ground, and the wounds healed quickly.

Turning around and looking at the devil's appearance that there was nothing serious about it, Li Luo's expression became extremely serious.

The power of the demon seems to be above his expectations! The strength of the two seems to be between the two.

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