Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 658: Black heart is mistaken by black heart

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Li Luo watched that Guo Qitian was about to bow down with Zhang Xueyi, his eyes flashed, and he took out the sensory gem, but it buzzed and shook.

After taking away the treasure, he waited quietly, and after seeing Guo Qitian and Zhang Xueyi flying up, quietly followed.

He tossed around one mountain after another, and finally came to a mountain wall behind the main peak.

Looking at the mountain wall with no entrance in front of him, and the slightly shaking Baoyu in his hand, Li Luo frowned slightly, and took out the newt sword and waved his hand, which was a sword gas blasting towards the mountain wall.

The mountain wall did not change at all, as if the Thunder Sword Qi and the mud cow entered the sea, but the next moment, there was a crackling sound on the mountain wall, and countless runes emerged from the surface of the mountain wall and spread under the thunderous slurry of sword gas. , Shattered suddenly.

"Thunder already has the function of breaking the ban. I am afraid that head Guo will never think that I can get in through the back mountain passage."

Li Luo muttered to himself, looking at the place where the talisman broke, a huge gap gradually appeared on the mountain wall.

"Sure enough, it is the main hall leading to the Heavenly Sword Tomb."

Li Luo's face was as usual, without revealing any unexpected expressions, looking at the passage that emerged in front of him, a faintly powerful sword intent scattered.

The black passage is not short. It takes a full quarter of an hour to reach the end. At the end is a huge blue stone gate with countless runes inscribed on it, which looks very primitive.

Li Luo waved his hand and took out the induction jade pendant from his waist, and found that the vibration was extremely severe, so he fisted fiercely with his right hand, his arm crackled, and the arm became thicker than three circles in an instant. With a hard push, the bluestone gate opened .


And at this moment, under a buzzing sound, a dazzling light suddenly shone out from inside.

The light was so sudden that Li Luo closed his eyes subconsciously, but he still felt a tingling pain in his eyes, and even the spirit sea tingled slightly.

When he opened his eyes again, he felt that there was a whistling wind suddenly coming from his ears, as if there were countless swords in the hall filled with incomparable sword intent, and he was stabling at him in a mess at this moment.

He was slightly awake, and glanced around. Everywhere he looked was verdant and green. At the center of the hall was a huge bottomless pit. Looking down, there were densely densely inserted spirit swords. There are more than ten thousand swords in number.

On the other side of the hall, Guo Qitian and Zhang Xueyi each wear a blue and red crown on their heads. The cyan crown on Guo Qitian's head only feels a wave of concentration and calmness, and the red on that Xueyi's head The crown actually gave people a violent fluctuation, and there were faint cyan air currents surging towards Guo Qitian's crown.

The two seemed to be in a deep meditation state, but Guo Qitian's eyes clearly floated, as if he was about to wake up soon.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes and circled around to Guo Qitian's side. A hand knife hit Guo Qitian's back. Guo Qitian fell to the ground with a faint sound.

Li Luo looked at the crowns on their heads, his eyes flickered, and the crowns of the two of them were exchanged. Then he felt a tingling pain in his head, but the sharp sword intent around him struck him. The sea of ​​spirit stings endlessly.

He hurriedly backed out, returned to the front of the mountain wall, waited for a while, and returned to the hall when his mind was refreshing.

At this moment, Zhang Xueyi seemed to wake up and was looking at the surroundings in confusion. Li Luo greeted him and gave Guo Qitian a hand knife, and then slowly recounted their experiences over the past few days.

"Miss Zhang, I can only help you here. If you are lucky, you should raise your sword intent to a very high level with the help of this crown." Li Luo glanced at Guo Qitian, faintly To say.

"Brother Li Luo, if it weren't for you this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up again." Zhang Xueyizhen bowed her first salute, staring at Li Luo, her cheeks reddened, she stopped talking, and started to comprehend the sword intent. .

"Miss Zhang took advantage of the fact that they didn't realize it quickly. I am afraid we don't have much time." Li Luo's mental power spread, and his complexion changed slightly when he felt the figures walking by the entrance of the hall.

"What's the matter? Why haven't Qitian comprehended the sword intent yet?" An old voice came from the entrance of the hall, making Li Luo's heart tense.

"Going back to the head, Young Master Guo has prevented anyone from entering, he said...After comprehending the sword intent, there are other things to do." A hoarse voice came out, and Li Luo heard it. The look was slightly relaxed.

"Give him another quarter of an hour, don't let him be stabbed into an idiot by the ten thousand sword intent, understand?" The old voice came out again, and the entrance of the hall gradually became quiet.

After another quarter of an hour, Li Luo gave Zhang Xueyi a wink, and the latter quickly changed the crowns of the two of them. Li Luo quickly retreated from the secret road and closed the Shimen smoothly.

After a while.

He heard a long, heart-piercing roar, and the entire hall of the Ten Thousand Sword Tomb began to vibrate violently.

The corner of Li Luo's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a sneer, and he turned and returned to Hidden Jianfeng. This mountain was specially prepared for Keqing. Every cave house on the peak was extremely luxurious. There were even some delicacies of mountains and seas that could not be found in the outside world.

After returning to the cave, he couldn't help laughing wildly, and it took a long time before he gradually recovered.

the next day.

From the entire Xijian Pavilion, there was a news that Guo Qitian and Zhang Xueyi had double repaired, because they were accidentally shattered by the sword intent, and they had become idiots. The headmaster specially assigned two missions. The first mission was to take the tenth-ranked Lu Ling Sword and head to Hundred Flowers Valley in exchange for the transformation master Guo Qitian to restore his sanity.

As for the second task ~www.readwn.com~, it is to find the person who broke the restriction on the mountainside after the Tianjian Peak was opened that day, as long as it is found, whether it is life or death, bring it to the head. This task also marked that this person is good at using thunder attribute sword energy.

Li Luo heard that it was natural to take the first task. But after seeing the introduction of the second mission, I felt that I had to be more careful when using Thunder Sword Qi in the future, and I couldn't be seen by others or could see any clues.

In this way, carrying heavy treasures in exchange for high-level pill, this kind of task will basically be fixed by demons or simply targeted by demons, and few people dare to take it.

When Li Luo took over the task, only a handful of three people took over the task. These three people were all elders or Ke Qing in the Yuan Ying period, but from the faintly flickering cold light in the eyes of the three, it was not difficult for Li Luo to judge that most of the three would find a chance to take this spirit sword as his own.

In this regard, Li Luo didn't even point to wear them. The combined strength of these people was not enough for him to cut with a single sword. He calculated in his heart that if he was outside the sphere of influence of the Xijian Pavilion, he relied on the speed of escape comparable to that of the cultivator of the transformation stage. , Leaving a few people far away, as to whether to change the Pill of Transformation, that is not necessarily.

In this way, Li Luo and the three of them just flew out of Xijian Pavilion's sphere of influence, when Li Luo was about to stretch the distance between them.

The surrounding sky suddenly darkened, and sudden changes occurred!

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