Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 661: Quit the rescue

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   Just as Li Luo swallowed a whole bottle of Dou Jian Pill, his body suddenly stiffened, chain-like black lines appeared on his body, and he couldn't move anymore.


   Immediately afterwards, a four-meter-tall dark figure slowly walked in from outside the hall. Behind it, an old figure also walked in. It was not someone else, it was Guo Tianya who did not leave.


   Guo Tianya's complexion was slightly distorted, looking at the ancient magic repair in front of him, the corner of his eyes began to jump wildly.


"Hmph. Master Guo, if you let me take action to restore your child's sanity, it is a price. Rather than transforming you into a demon, the deity likes to demonize this person even more. After all, this kid has badly damaged me several times. Good thing, don't let him fall into the devil's way forever, and you can't solve the hatred of the deity!" The dark shadow of the firstborn with two horns looked at Li Luo in front of him, with an ugly smile on his mouth.


   "Don't forget your promise, otherwise I will die with you, and I will activate the ancient Zhuxian sword formation here!" Guo Tianya snorted coldly, and walked out.


   The Ancient Moxiu didn't speak, and sat cross-legged in front of Li Luo, a dagger appeared in his hand, and he waved his wrist away.


"Hey. Kid. Accepted the demon blood baptism of this deity, you can only fall into the devil's way if you are a fairy of Da Luo!" The ancient Moxiu sneered, and continued: "I want to come to Ouyangzi to transform the devil for so many years. This is the first time I am so excited!"


   Li Luo felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly became extremely anxious. Looking at this ancient magic repair, he painted runes with blood all over his body, and at the same time, a horrible cold surged to the tip of his heart.


   But just at this moment, there was a commotion outside the hall in the distance, and a roar was heard, and a familiar voice came in.


   "Guo Tianya. You even colluded with the demon behind the decent alliance. Today, the old man will definitely unite with fellow daoists in Burning Demon Valley to flatten your Ten Thousand Sword Tomb!"


   As this sound that resounded through the world fell, a sonorous Lingbao bombardment was heard coming in from outside.


   Li Luo felt a little loose in his heart, and immediately felt a burning sensation from the skin to the depths of his body. At this time, Ouyangzi sneered and said: "Hey. They can't get in for a while, and no one will disturb you demonized."


   Li Luo's heart sank when he heard the words, and the blood of the blood forged with the blood exploded, but the dark lines on his body were too weird, and the blood on his body was silenced in an instant.


   Just when he thought he had nothing to do, a few familiar figures in the distance rushed in.


   "Shen Xiaoyao! Wang Xiaohan!"


   Li Luo was overjoyed and yelled.


   "It's just a bunch of ants." Ouyang Zi glanced indifferently, and then a black wind blade shot away.


   But seeing a bunch of vines shot out in an instant, blocking a few people.


   "Hey. Although the five of us can't save Li Luo, don't forget the devil, there are tens of thousands of heroic souls here!"


After   , Wang Xiaohan drew out a cyan long sword, and suddenly a surge of sword intent rose into the sky, and a cyan sword aura slashed down at the ten thousand sword grave.


   Suddenly, under the sword mound below, the sky was full of glow, and the space was instantly frozen under the cry of a crane.


   Then, tens of thousands of blue sword aura shot out from the sword mound, carrying the tens of thousands of huge sword intent, and instantly enveloped several people in the hall.


Ouyangzi's expression finally showed a dignified expression, but when he saw his hand, the black rune pattern on Li Luo turned into a pitch-black hole, like a siphon absorbing water, absorbing all the sword intent. At the same time, the demon swung the embroidered robe, and a black mask instantly enveloped Li Luo and him.


   The sword intent without the sword aura, like a sharpened blade, slashed on the light mask, just arousing a ripple.


   At the same time, Shen Xiaoyao seemed to have expected it, as soon as he opened the folding fan in his hand, a few talismans were thrown out in an instant, swish, spontaneously burned out of thin air, turned into five rounds of giant wind blades, and slashed towards the demon.






   The seemingly powerful mask broke apart under the sound of tooth rubbing.


   The devil touched the blood mark on his waist, and his complexion changed immediately: "Heaven Blade Talisman! Very good, you hypocritical righteous way, you have so much blood! This deity really looks at you with admiration!"


   Immediately, the demon walked towards several people step by step.


   But then, a few people tore the talisman in their hands, turned into a few white lights and disappeared.


   Ouyangzi snorted coldly, turned around, and was about to continue the ceremony, but saw the figure of a beautiful woman, and also took out a talisman, and after tearing it, he disappeared with Li Luo.




   The demon's complexion changed drastically, he closed his eyes to perceive, and coldly snorted: "This kid has been planted by the deity. Do you really think you can escape the palm of the deity?!"


   Immediately, his face turned a sullen face, and it turned into an afterimage and disappeared.


   In a hidden cave.


   Li Luo's black lines spread all over, but soon under a golden light, it began to dim.


  Shen Xiaoyao and others looked at Li Luo nervously, Zhang Xueyi was even more worried about covering her mouth, and for a while her eyes were reluctant to leave Li Luo at all.


   After about a quarter of an hour, when a few people were feeling extremely anxious, a peaceful atmosphere flew over from the cave, and a hearty laughter came.


   "Apprentice. Or is it calculated?" As the voice fell, a chunky monk appeared in front of a few people.


   Shen Xiaoyao looked at the fat monk in front of them, and smiled slightly: "Abbot Jiekong."


   So, a few people felt a little relieved.


   Li Luo also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Jie Kong, bowed with his left hand, and smiled: "Master, I'm careless."


   Jikong nodded, and said: "I saw that your sanity has not recovered, and I expected you to have this day. However, it will be a little bit late than I expected. It seems that you are really talented."


   Immediately, quit the empty hands and put his hands together: "Amitabha. My Buddha is merciful. This is the relic made by the ancient Tibetan Arhats. You can take it. You can quickly refine the magic seeds in your body."


   Li Luo was shocked when he heard the words, and replied: "This is the essence of Buddhism in the predecessor. What would the other brothers think if Master did this."


   Jiekong smiled and said, "Swallow it quickly and refine the magic seed so that you can deal with that Ouyang Zi with your teacher."


   Li Luo's heart sank when he heard the words, he quickly swallowed the golden relic, and sat cross-legged. Suddenly, a rush of heat from his entire body surged toward the magic seed in the sea of ​​knowledge.


   After sinking his mind, he was shocked to see that there were three demon species appearing there. Immediately, his body trembled slightly and he began to worry.


"Don't worry, the monks in the predecessor of the Ksitigarbha relics are all the power of Ksitigarbha Sutra, enough for you to refine these three demons." Although Jie Kong said so, the expression on his face was a bit solemn, and his hands were On Li Luo's body, Buddhism's mana suddenly rolled towards Li Luo.


   Soon, the first demon seed was quickly refined, but the Buddha power transformed by the relic was also reduced by more than one-third.


   It took a quarter of an hour for the second magic seed~www.readwn.com~ The Buddha power transformed by the relic suddenly disappeared by three-quarters, and only one-fourth was left.


   Jiekong hesitated, and immediately folded his hands together and opened his mouth. A golden little figure flew out of his mouth and instantly sank into Li Luo's body.


Immediately afterwards, Li Luo was shocked to see that the magic flame transformed by the demon seed, under the pounce of the golden villain, shattered like a decay, but the golden villain also became sluggish. , Flew out of his body listlessly.


Having said so much, more than half an hour has passed. Shen Xiaoyao and the others watched Li Luo recover, and they immediately looked happy, but then, a monstrous vicious atmosphere surged from a distance, making several people look uncomfortable. Immediately tight.


   "Apprentice, I have accepted 30 apprentices for my teacher's life, but you alone have cast the golden body in the ground."


   Jiekong grabbed Li Luo, and instantly appeared in the sky like a displacement. Opposite the two of them, there was a four-meter-tall magical shadow, and his eyes were looking at Jikong coldly and mercilessly.


   "Quit the air!" The demon shadow almost popped out these two words through gritted teeth, and immediately gushed out the billowing demon energy, pressing towards the two of them.


   "Hopefully, this is the famous martial art of our Ksitigarbha Arhat, the clutches of Ksitigarbha Town!"


   Jie poked out his bare hands slightly, a touch of solemnity appeared on his fat face, eight mantras in his hands emerged, and he pointed out a palm towards Ouyangzi who was on the opposite side.


   Suddenly, a bright golden light bloomed in front of Li and Luo, and the heavens and the earth were immediately paled!



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