Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 663: The horror of the ancient demon

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"Huh, how many times can you release this kind of attack?!" Ouyangzi's blood knife trembled slightly, his eyes locked on the thunder sword in Li Luo's hand coldly, the cold voice, revealing the intent to kill that could not be concealed, and So a trace of fear.


   Li Luo closed his eyes tightly after releasing this sword aura, as if he had fallen into a state of epiphany, but soon opened.


However, just when everyone thought that Li Luo was going to fight the demon with a sword, Li Luo put away the thunder sword of the salamander, and his fingers touched the center of the eyebrows, and a black light shot out from the center of the eyebrows, one by one. It was more than a meter long, and the brown stone tablet fell on Li Luo's hands.


   Suddenly, under the devilish energy around him, he couldn't get close to Li Luo the slightest.


   "That's right." A smile was drawn from the corner of Li Luo's mouth, and he said: "Ouyang Zi, you can't get close to my body because you have no chance of winning."


   Ouyangzi's face changed, as if thinking of something, he narrowed his eyes and said: "Suppression of the Demon Monument! My brother was suppressed by this Suppression of the Demon Monument. What did you do to him!?"


   "Kill." Li Luo's voice was so flat that there was no turbulence, but it seemed like a thunder burst in Ouyangzi's ear.


"Good! Good! Good! Little beast, today is your death date!" Ouyang Zi was so angry that his arms trembled, and he said three good words in a row. The two pitch-black corners on the top of his head were full of true magical energy. , The entire sky was darkened with devilish energy, pressing towards Li Luo.




However, at the moment when the devilish energy was surging out, Li Luo appeared in front of Ouyangzi like a ghost. With the palm of his hand, the monument to the devil was like an iron rod, and he flung it away from his hand. , Brought an extremely heavy force, and slammed it down at Ouyangzi.


   "Looking for death!"


That Ouyangzi apparently exploded with his own devilish energy, with strong confidence. With a sneer, the blood knife in his hand swiped fiercely, and the blade slanted immediately, directly bringing up a strong **** law, hacking and slashing heavily. On the ancient monument.




   The two collided, and the crisp sound of gold and iron suddenly swept away from the sky with an astonishing rippling wind.


The blood knife and the stone stele slammed into each other, but Ouyangzi's complexion suddenly changed at this moment, and there was a thick shock in his eyes, because he found that when his blood knife touched the stone stele, his body was devilish. It decreased rapidly, and it was swarming toward the stele.


   "No wonder my brother was suppressed by you, that's how it is!" Ouyangzi's face was slightly cold, but his expression was still calm.


   But when he saw his blood knife roll back, he made a black crack on his arm, and the black blood spurted out and splashed onto the stone tablet.




   Suddenly, the stone tablet began to vibrate violently, so as to let out a wailing, and immediately looked like a great loss of spirituality.


   Li Luo's heart sank, and the Buddha's light in his hand was released. The magic blood on the stone tablet burned out of thin air, and the stone tablet turned into a stream of light and returned to Li Luo's eyebrows.


   Li Luo shook his hand, and the newt thunder sword held in his hand again, taking advantage of Ouyang Zi's decayed stele, the thunder sword in his hand burst into dazzling thunder light, and the backhand was a sword smashed.


   The space instantly solidified at this moment, and where the Thunder Sword Qi passed, a pitch-black crack emerged, but it was immediately blocked by a **** sword light.


   "Hmph, kid, this deity has already exploded with blood evil spirit, so please ask for more blessings!"


   Ouyangzi laughed wildly with crimson eyes, and his body was full of blood. A **** magical energy suddenly erupted, pressing towards the golden Buddha light on Li Luo's body.


   Li Luo only felt a rusty sound of teeth all over his body, and the Buddha's light on his body quickly dimmed.


   Ouyangzi narrowed his eyes, pointed at Li Luo from a distance, and suddenly dozens of black strange birds flew out of him and flew towards Li Luo.


   A series of weird calls came from the mouths of these strange birds. One by one, they looked quite ugly, with a bloated body, and a pair of blood-red eyes exuded a cold light.


   Li Luo suddenly felt a very cold and strange force acting on the depths of his soul, as if even his body was frozen.


   Li Luo's complexion changed, and he shouted, thunder swelling from his body, and at the same time, a thick layer of diamond armor was condensed on his body, and the newt thunder sword was bursting with dazzling thunder.


   The shadow of the sword flashed, and the sword covered with thunder pulp crazily slashed on the strange birds.


   Amidst an astonishing thunderstorm, some of the strange birds suddenly "cracked" several times, bursting into several blood-red devilish bursts, but the strange birds still looked like a lot, and they continued to fly towards Li Luo.


   Dozens of strange birds all around Li Luo, making a noisy call almost at the same time.


As soon as Li Luofang heard this sound, he only felt a "buzz" in the spirit sea, as if he had been hit hard with a heavy hammer. At the same time, a strong feeling of dizziness surged up, and his spiritual consciousness couldn't help it. Somewhat in a trance.


   The Buddha power in his body also stopped abruptly, the golden light wrapped around his body suddenly dissipated, and the Buddha light protection body on his body suddenly collapsed.




   On the ground, Shen Xiaoyao and the others heard this weird cry, and immediately the Qiqiao bleeds and fell to the ground, and the breath becomes absent from time to time.


Although there was some confusion in Li Luo's mind, after taking a deep breath, he forced the feeling of discomfort under the volume of his huge mental power, and the feeling of dizziness and brain swelling began to subside, but he looked at Shen Xiaoyao and others. His face was ugly.


   "I can bear it!"


   Ouyangzi saw that Li Luo just swayed a few times, and then regained his stature, his face changed immediately.


   You need to know that he once used this magical bird to deal with a master at the peak of the transformation stage. Just after it was used once, the opponent's blood flowed back, turned into a pool of blood and fell.


   However, Li Luo actually resisted the magic bird's consciousness attack by relying on the early stage of the transformation stage ~www.readwn.com~, but he was also surprised by the seemingly innocent appearance.


Speaking of, these demon bird souls are usually raised by the souls of the monks he hunted, and they have to devour a large amount of his demon energy every day. Even with his demon energy, it is only enough to release twice, and the demon energy is consumed. Empty.


   And after Ouyangzi's face changed continuously at this moment, he suddenly gritted his teeth, and the whole body's demon energy rolled out, and then swarmed into the soul of the remaining Moshabird.


   "The Devil Bird Soul Eater!"


   The demon bird hovering around Li Luo suddenly stopped, and his blood-red eyes suddenly shot out two substantive red lights, both of which were a noisy and strange sound at the same time.


"not good!"


   Although Li Luo still had some confusion in the spirit sea, he felt the spirit sea violently shake, and a wave of powerful mental attacks directly acted on his spirit sea.




   With a stern scream, his blood flowed backwards, and with a puff, a mouthful of blood spurted out, a trace of blood penetrated through the seven orifices, and the skin on the upper and lower parts of his body also appeared purple!


   He just fell from the sky! But at this moment, with a creak, a white beast shadow with soft hair galloped from one side, and instantly fell on Li Luo's body.


   Suddenly, a colorful glow enveloped him.



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