Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 674: Join hands

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   "According to legend, there was a pseudo-celestial vein in this canyon. In ancient times, when the ruins were not separated from the immortal world, they were guarded by powerful puppets." Yue Yao explained as he walked.


   The three of them fumbled in front of a rock from time to time, and after smashing them, they got a shining stone of law, and their faces were very happy.


   "Here, Brother Li Luo." Shizuka smiled and handed over a stone of law.


   Li Luo was not polite, and took it directly.


   "Girl Shizuka is polite. It seems that even if there is a great danger, I must help your palace master complete the task." He naturally knew Shizuka's purpose and said.


   Yueyao focused on looking for the psychedelic law stone that exuded a pink halo, and only found three pieces all the way down. It's the stone of the six basic elements, and the three have gotten a lot.


   Regarding the two girls' disdain for the Stone of Basic Law, Li Luo didn't say much. Instead, holding the Stone of Psychedelic Law in front of him, he secretly pondered something.


   "Xiaozhi, calculated a magic circle that can transform the power of the basic law into the power of the psychedelic law. The cornerstone of the magic circle is the stone of the six basic laws."


   "Ding. It is expected to be completed in seven days."


   Li Luo looked happy when he heard the words, and said: "Two, I have a way to set up a magic circle, so that the power of your laws can quickly increase."


   "Just give me seven days, I can deduce the psychedelic law array set by the basic law stone."


   The two girls looked at each other.


   "Let me just say it. Why is this person so poor. Turns out to be a formation mage."


   "Yes. Shizuka. This will explain it."


   Yueyao nodded and smiled: "Then let's go out and wait."


   Li Luo raised his hand and said, "No, most of the demons outside have not left yet. I will deduct it here. Is your medicine enough?"


   "Enough. I'll give you eight days." Yue Yao said with a flash of beautiful eyes.


"it is good."


   ten days later.


   "Sister. I didn't expect our law power to increase so fast, the ancient ruins are indeed an extraordinary mystery!" Jingxiang waved her tail, swept across Li Luo with a light smile, and looked at Yue Yao.


   Yueyao also looked very happy, turned her head to look at Li Luo, and said, "Your faculty is very real, and Yueyao has thanked you. In this way, the probability of me accepting the inheritance is higher."


   Li Luo nodded slightly, and said: "It's not too late, let's go."


   The three people quickly left the canyon.


  So, after the three of them flew away for three days, the expression on Li Luo's face finally relaxed a little.


"It seems that the demon and those sword repairers lost too much vitality that day, and there is no time to pay attention to Li." Li Luo said with a smile, landing on a gravel ground and picking up a vermilion red one. ore.


   "Huolin Pseudo Fairy Mine."


   Li Luo glanced at the illustration book Yue Yao handed him, smiled and put it away.


   "You guy is really jealous. You can find this kind of fairy treasure from a long distance. Is it possible that your nose can smell hundreds of kilometers?" Shizuka Qiong's nose shrank slightly, and said unconvincingly.


   Li Luo smiled, did not say much, and divided a few stones of various colors between the two.


   Yueyao's beautiful eyes flashed, and said: "Your Excellency is different from other human races. Not only did you not deal with us, but also gave us the fairy treasure.


   Li Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked: "What reason do I have to take action against you?"


   "Huh. Don't all of your human races like to take action against our fox monsters?" Shizuka heard a whirlpool in the dimple at the corner of her mouth, and said crisply.


   Li Luo shook his head and said, "I still have a hobby of imprisoning girls, so please don't worry."


   Shizuka snorted disdainfully, and said, "Speak up without shame."


   "Alright, Jingxiang. The magic valley is here." Yue Yao looked into the distance, turned and flew up.


   Li Luo and Shizuka hurriedly followed, flew for another hundred kilometers, and finally came to a pink misty valley.


   Suddenly, a fascinating, slippery force of the law spread to the three of them.


   Li Luo was startled, and quickly stepped back.


   The psychedelic laws here seem to be stronger than he expected.


   But then, under a soft pink glow, the power of these laws was blocked, and Li Luo stopped retreating.


   "Your time has come to exchange your promises." Yue Yao looked at Li Luo lightly and said.


   Li Luo frowned slightly, and followed Yue Yao into the valley.


   An hour later.


   Deep in the valley, in front of an underground entrance.


"Someone got inside first! But it didn't take long to get in, let's go!" Yue Yao looked at the footprints in front of the underground cave entrance, a flash of anger flashed between her eyebrows, and after turning back to Li Luo, her body was pink. Se Xiaguang rolled up and fell to the entrance of the cave.


   fell into an underground passage. I don’t know where it leads to. On both sides of the cave wall are some **** rocks and a few red plants of varying heights. It seems that this passage should have been forcibly dug out.


Following the passage all the way, the three came to a cave. At the top of the cave is a huge night pearl. The white light will dazzle the whole cave floor. If it hadn’t been for such a deep passage before, I can't feel that I am under the ground at all.


   At the end of the cave is a cyan stone gate with a brilliant stream of light, and there should be some high-level prohibition.


Shimen is three or four feet high, and about two feet wide. A circular hole with a radius of several meters was broken at the center. Many densely packed spiritual patterns can be seen on the remaining part, crisscrossing each other. To take care of is to have lost spirituality.


   Li Luo touched these ring-shaped spiritual patterns on the stone gate with his hands, and a faint volume of magic energy lingered at his fingertips.


   "This is a devil, the two girls be careful~www.readwn.com~ There should be a demon coming in." Li Luo turned his head and said to the two Yueyao, the expression on his face began to become serious.


   After he pondered for a moment, he fixed his gaze and looked at it.


   "Huh? This is... the chain prohibition of heaven and earth!"


   I saw only the blue giant gate. Between the runes, dense and intricate shallow grooves are outlined, and under the spread, they are connected end to end. A sense of mystery came, making Li Luo not want to look away.


Li Luo once read the ancient forbidden descriptions in the Tianxuanmen Cangjing Pavilion and accidentally read the descriptions of such ancient prohibitions. This array contains several small prohibitions, but because the prohibitions are connected to each other from end to end, they are layered. In addition, the defensive ability is very strong, and only those who are proficient in the magic circle can break through if they find the eye of the circle and release and add another layer of the banning magic circle.


   If someone wants to break it open with brute force, I am afraid that even a strong person in the transformation stage will not be able to do it for a while.


   But this door has now been forcibly opened with brute force, and judging from the surface traces and residual aura, it seems that it happened not long ago, and only one person broke it.


   At this time, Li Luo's face changed drastically.


   "No, it's that demon!"


   Li Luo's face changed and he exclaimed.


   But Yueyao's expression turned ugly, and said, "This demon is probably rushing to the bloodline altar of the ancestors of my monster fox clan. He must be prevented from devouring the blood of the ancestors!"



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