Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 676: Bamboo forest

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   After so many days of chasing and fleeing, Li Luo has wasted a full two weeks, and it is impossible for people who want to come to Jiekong to continue to heal their stupidity, and they can only go on the road alone.


   Fortunately, he still has the location of the Stone Island marked by the bug man before, and they should go there if they want to stop.


   After identifying the direction, Li Luo glanced at the map again. Immediately adjust the direction, lasing away in a certain direction.


   At the same time, the human races of the various faces who entered in the ancient ruins, as well as the demons and some powerful monster races began to encounter frequently, and they fought with each other to an unimaginable degree.


   without any reason. Regardless of the human race, the demon race or the demon race, they had forged indelible hatred during the ancient wars. Now that they encounter one, it is natural that they will fight if they don't agree with each other.


   Somewhere in front of the ruins of a building, on a bare street.


   Here, the heaven and the earth are surging, and there are high-level spiritual grasses everywhere, but there are faint red lights emerging in the building complex, and it seems that there should be some kind of powerful beast hidden.


at this time. There was a void that was only five or six feet high from the ground. Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and then two fleeing lights flew in, and two figures of a man and a woman slowly emerged.


   Among them, the man is tall and strong, with blond hair flying free and easy, and there is a pair of golden light on the face of the Chinese character.


   The woman has long jet black hair, her red eyes are as bright as rubies, and there is always a faint smile on her lips.


   Judging from the two people's clothes, they should be from the same plane and the same force.


   "Junior Brother Yue is okay." The tall man glanced at the back and said calmly.


"Relax, Senior Brother Mo. Although Junior Brother Yue is equivalent to our cultivation level, his strength is far superior to me. It shouldn't be a problem for him to lead away the dragon, and even Senior Brother Yue will kill the dragon. What a strange thing." The black-haired girl said lightly in her beautiful eyes.


   "Well, that's all right. Sister Jiayun, let's take the treasure to see the Master. With this treasure, we will have more protection for the future exploration of the Stone Island."




   Jia Yun gave a hum, and his hand changed his hand. A roll of white clouds lifted it up and turned it into a white light, flew away to the distance.


   The man surnamed Mo followed, turning into a golden light and chasing him away.


   As soon as the two of them left, the corner of the nearby street suddenly felt black.


   In the black mist rolling, there was an alien man with black scales all over his body and a pair of strange horns growing above his head. His eyes kept flashing and he looked at the direction where the two of them were leaving.


"I have long heard that there is a mysterious human organization called Guangyuan Pavilion in the Aurora Star, which has a thousand planes of intelligence. If you didn't need to wait to find that place for me, this constellation would have torn you to pieces." The monster man murmured to himself, his expression slightly distorted, his body surface suddenly became full of black light, and he turned into a black dragon with a length of more than twenty feet, breaking through the air.




   Under a towering cliff with rugged rocks on the surface, there is a dark cave with the size of three or four feet.


   In the cave, seven or eight scholar-like monks were sitting on the ground, closing their eyes and adjusting their breath, all with tired faces.


"Brother Wei, what should we do next? For this iron scroll ban, we have spent a lot of money to inquire from Guangyuan Pavilion, and we must not fall into the hands of these monsters who have come out of nowhere!" But she was a woman in her twenties, who looked a little charming and lovely.


"That's natural, but we have also seen it from a distance. The two demon cultivators have already stepped into the Void Refinement, and we are only eight people. We are definitely not their opponents. We can only take the treasures to avoid them for a while. But when we meet with other seniors..."


   Before the handsome scholar could finish speaking, there was a flash of thunder at the entrance of the cave, and several black and white claws emerged from the entrance of the cave, and went straight to the place where everyone was sitting cross-legged.


"Be careful!"


   The girl reacted very quickly. Before she could say anything, she raised her hand without hesitation, a dark brush in her hand danced quickly, and after a trickling transformation, she drew a giant tiger out of thin air and rushed to the entrance of the cave.


   After a few bangs, the giant tiger trembles suddenly, then it breaks open with a "bang", and ink splashes all over the floor.


   At the entrance of the cave, a black and a gray two rolls of demonic energy rolled in. As soon as the demonic energy dispersed, there were actually two demonic monks with crocodile heads.


   The two human bodies are very similar, but the skin color is different. One is covered with black armor, and the other has the same gray armor.


"Hey, you go and deal with a few others. That little girl asked me to come, saying that this human race female monk has fine skin and tender meat. Today I must let her know exactly where our crocodile man is strong!" The crocodile man, his eyes stopped on the beautiful woman, and said with a greedy color.


   "Hey, big brother, your taste is really strong!" The gray crocodile man smiled, licked the corner of his mouth, and showed a cruel look on his face.


   "Go, now we are not rivals."


   The brother Wei was shocked when he saw this, and immediately flipped over with one hand, and an extra chessboard appeared in front of him.


   This chessboard is no more than a ruler, but it is inscribed with some mysterious patterns, and it emits a wave of mysterious laws.


   Suddenly, the chessboard turned around and turned into a cover over the two people's heads.


   A huge suction exploded from above, and the two crocodile men flew upside down uncontrollably and landed on the chessboard.


   "Hurry up, this trapped animal chess can't hold them for too long!" The scholar surnamed Wei shouted, took out a cyan speeding car, and after a few people jumped on it, it turned into a blue light and left.




  A patch of sky over the Thunder Bamboo area~www.readwn.com~A patch of magic clouds the size of acres is roaring, and there are screams from time to time.


When all the demon clouds disappeared, several hideous-looking demon cultivators inside fell from mid-air. They were all shriveled and abnormally. There was only a single demon monk with first-born double horns left in the sky. People can't see their appearance.


   The demon monk glanced at a thunder bamboo, and said lightly: "Since your Excellency is here, why not show up?"


   After a while, a handsome man slowly walked out of Lei Zhu, looking solemnly at the demon in the sky.


   This person is not someone else, it is Li Luo. Originally, he just wanted to come here to improve the quality of the Pseudo-Fairy Salamander Thunder Sword, but he did not expect that he encountered a demon in the Void Refining Period.


   But it has already been promoted to the late stage of the seventh stage, naturally it is not as weak as before. He stared at the demon in the sky, and his momentum rose in vain.


   The devil looked at Li Luo disdainfully, with an ugly smile on his vague face.


"Hey hey, I knew someone would come here to use these warding off thunder bamboos to upgrade pseudo-immortals, and the deity has been waiting for your humans and monsters here for a long time!" It climbed up steadily.


   Li Luo's heart sank after hearing the words, this demons dare to wait here alone to ambush the demons and human races because they must rely on something.



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