Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 682: Melee

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   And at this moment, Guitoru's fel energy flashed, and in an instant, dark green fel runes appeared on the ground around him.


   A series of rune plates are constantly intertwined, and a small evil magic circle emerges out of thin air.


   When a few people stiffened, they felt an extremely powerful binding force acting on their bodies, and they couldn't move anymore.


"not good!"


   Zhou Tong and others' complexions changed drastically, and they wanted to do something, but it was too late.


I saw the ghost in the distance retreating quickly, and the fel aura on his body also recovered a little. Suddenly, the dark green light in his hand flashed, and the five corners of the magic circle were surging with fel energy. The figure of Mo Xiu emerged.


   As soon as they appeared, they turned out a sharp blade in their hands and stabbed them at Zhou Tong and others.


   But at this moment, a cloud of soil suddenly appeared on the ground, with a sneer, a scythe and giant pincers emerged, and a slam repelled the attacks of several demons.


   The sickle and giant pincers were slowly retracted, and the figures of insects quickly emerged.


The bug man headed by    screamed, and instantly rescued the nearest short youth, grabbing out of the range covered by the magic circle. Other worms also rescued Zhou Tong and others one after another, forming allies temporarily.


   And just at this moment, a few monsters with human heads in the distance rushed over, and six of them quickly rushed to the front of Chongren, Zhou Tong and others, and launched an attack.


   Several demon men looked ugly at first, but after seeing other races attacking the insects and human races, they looked happy and joined the battle group, temporarily uniting with the demons.


   But the demon clan headed by him is a one-horned rhino. He is wide and big, and his power seems to be endless. He rushed towards the ghost like crazy.


  Ghost's complexion changed, and the fel light in his hand was bright, and a dark green fel fireball hurled at the one-horned rhino.




   A mushroom cloud rose up, and the rhino man was knocked out immediately. But then a bug man flew over, and the ten compound eyes on his face kept turning, quickly locking in the ghost.


  Gui Toru narrowed his eyes, feeling the huge breath of the insect man, his expression was finally a little moved, and instead of retreating, he rushed towards the giant insect.


  As soon as Fang left Universe Gourd, the breath of Guito rose steadily, and quickly recovered, but the breath of insects also rose steadily, and it seemed that it was not much worse than Guito.


Because of the restriction, the outer insects, human races, demons, and demons launched fierce melee combat. The human race has a powerful magic weapon and cultivated sword intent. It is not much weaker than the demons. The two sides can fight well. There were times, but the insects were a bit worse than the monsters, but because of the large number, they were actually better than the monsters.


  Ghost Toru saw the worm man without fear of him, his face was gloomy and watery.


   He looked cold, and said, "The ants dare to compete with Haoyue for glory!"


   The voice fell, and the ghostly ignited bursts of dark green evil energy, which turned into chains and instantly sank into the insect body.


   Suddenly, gleaming rays of light rushed towards the ghost, and the spirit of the ghost rose.


"Hmph. Suck the deity's worm qi, don’t you be afraid of parasite mutations on your body?!" The worm man snorted coldly, and the whole body sneered, instantly transforming into a 20-meter-sized giant worm, rushing towards the ghost. Past.


  Ghost looked inconvenient, turned into a demon, and turned into a four-meter-tall monster with double horns, standing in front of the insect.


   looks asymmetrical in shape between the two cubes, and even the ghostly looks a little smaller.


   But then, with a bang, the insect king seemed to hit a wall, and instantly overturned on the spot.


   "Idiot. Your essence will be accepted." Guito sneered, and the dark green light flashed in his hand, and the wisps of the insect king's essence floated out of the insect, and was inhaled by the ghost.


But at this moment, the insect king's face showed a touch of sarcasm, his body was full of gray light, and the wisps of white essence instantly turned into gray. As soon as the ghost was absorbed into the body, the skin was distorted and deformed. With a muffled noise, black maggots crawled out of it.


   Not only that, these insect repellents seem to be catalyzed by spells, and the more they grow, the ghostly breath quickly drops, and the body dries out a little.


  Gui Toru glanced at the insect repellent that had fallen out of his body, his complexion changed drastically, but then he showed a sullen expression on his face, opened his big mouth, and bit into the body of the insect king.




   "Crack, click, click."


   A large piece of worm person's flesh was swallowed by a few mouthfuls, and at the same time the flesh and blood on his body began to fill up quickly.


   The insect man trembled for a while and seemed extremely painful, but the gray air current on his body was more vigorous, and the waves were swallowed by the Demon King. Then the black insect repellent on his body kept coming out of the broken body, and his breath began to drop a little.


   In this way, the ghost swallowed the flesh and blood of the Insect King, and he was constantly swallowed by the insects. The breath rose and fell. The expression on his face seemed to be experiencing great pain, and it began to twist slightly.


   After the rhinoceros was repulsed, it was entangled by Zhou Tong and could not rush over for a while.


   As time retreats, the energy in the insect king's body is gradually depleted, and it seems to have reached the stage where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dead.


   But then, its ten compound eyes were grayed out, and it raised its sickle-like forelimbs and waved it across its chest.


   "Stab!" After two beeps.


   The black insect king's chest was directly drawn by himself with two blood gutters with deep visible viscera. A large stream of green blood spurted out and directly flowed down, and the billowing blood instantly flowed on the body of the demon king.




   After the wounds on the Demon King's body were exposed to the blood of the insects, the skin on the body surface was like an old tree with the roots intertwined, the veins raging, and the black insect repellents scattered down from it.


   "Demon, you have to pay for your actions!"


   The giant insect king in mid-air roared ~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, a dazzling gray light appeared on his body.




   The wounds on this huge white beetle began to heal quickly, and the wounds on the chest healed quickly.


   But one of its ten compound eyes was closed.


   The huge insect king smiled weirdly, and suddenly he used his force under the sound of his chirping.


   The fel chains that locked it tensed immediately, and burst into pieces under the cracks.


And at this moment, when the Insect King’s chain was broken, the fel rays all over his body mastered the fel light, and the dark green fel javelins instantly condensed, and the dark green runes on it kept shining, a weird magical law. The power rippled in it, and instantly pierced the insect man's body up and down.




   Insect King immediately seemed to be submerged by countless arrows. The carapace on his body exploded. From the washbasin-sized wounds, gray blood spewed out and spilled all over the ground.


   But the expression on its face is still calm, the gray light all over its body suddenly shines, the injury on its body quickly recovered, and at the same time, one of the nine compound eyes closed again.


   However, the worm man at this time had reduced his breath to the fifth-order level, and had obviously been suppressed by the ban.


   Guitoru showed a sneer on his face, and walked towards the insect king step by step.


   But at this moment, the mutant is acting!

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