Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 688: Gene Mixer

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  Because Li Luo deliberately delayed the fighting time, the bar owner here also had time to start betting. Many of the people who pressed Li Luo's victory received the bet with joy.


   "Good job, come to the bar for a drink, I invite you!" The middle-aged man made a lot of money this time and invited Li Luo with a big smile.


   "Boss, come to drink, or we will come to you again in the future!" The soldier on the side also cried out interestingly.


   "Okay. Everyone has a share!" The bar owner is also refreshing, greeted with a smile.


   "What do these people do?" Li Luo asked aloud while looking at the three soldiers lying down on the ground.


   "Come on for the first time, for the losers, the official mercenaries here like to beat down dogs very much." The boss pointed to the three soldiers on the ground and said.


   was talking, several soldiers came over, and the two soldiers violently snatched weapons and armor from the soldiers who fell on the ground and groaned, and threw them into the military levitating car next to them.


   Except for the shadows, the four warriors were all carrying weapons and even wearing armor. All their equipment was taken away at this time.


   "This is the cost of treatment. If you dare to do it here, you will suffer loss if you fail!" A soldier took out the healing potion and poured it into the three soldiers one by one, and then threw the empty bottles on them.


   Li Luo also knew why the official forces here turned one eye to the struggle and closed one eye.


   At this scene, these fighters not only lost a lot of credit points, but also took away valuable equipment. I'm afraid it's no accident, all of them are in the official arsenal. In this way, these soldiers will also get a lot of credit. And credit points can be exchanged for crystal core points, which can buy energy crystal cores, which are necessary materials for refining gene stock solution.


   So, how can you make these mercenaries look down on strength-based work? I'm afraid that at the moment of the fight, mercenaries in the distance rushed to hear the news.


"Little brother, are you interested in coming to us to participate in an empty-handed fighting game? At least 10,000 credits a day, which is much higher than your income from doing tasks!" As soon as I sat down in the bar, the bar owner was right. Li Luo said.


   "This, I run out of credit points, and I will definitely come!" Li Luo said without any accident.


"Okay. This is my contact information. Seeing that the little brother is extremely capable, if you have a chance, come to me to participate in the boxing championship. As long as you can win, the question of credit points is no problem!" The boss clapped his hands, yelled a good word, and said happily.


   "Okay. I get it." Li Luo nodded, took the business card from the hotel owner, and said, "Boss Lu, thank you. Oh, yes, do you know where to recruit apprentices for Gene Source Solution?"


   Lu Tiansheng was taken aback when he heard the words, looked up and down at Li Luo, shook his head, and said, "Little brother, I think you are a tall man, and you still want to become an apprentice of the genetic preparation solution?"


   Li Luo's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he asked, "How to say?"


Lu Tiansheng smiled, and said: "This gene stock configurator relies on the precise control of high-end centrifuges to prepare a very toxic gene stock, that is, an intermediate gene solution. As for the high-level gene solution, it is even more necessary. I have mastered the high-end of the centrifuge. Especially the requirements for the brain are very high."


   Li Luo raised his brows, and said, "Do I look bad-headed?"


   Lu Tiansheng hurriedly laughed and said: "This is not naturally, but if a fighter as strong as you hunts down a few fifth-order insects directly, wouldn't it be faster to get the gene stock solution?"


   Li Luo nodded, and said, "Let's take a look first, after all, going out to hunt the Zerg is time-consuming and laborious. It's not as easy as the gene solution maker."


"Okay, okay. Since you said that, I can only recommend you to the official laboratory. After all, the official stipulates that if you want to become a genetic solution configurator, you must send it to the official to try. Trained. It’s just that, little brother. Your credit point is reduced by five thousand after such training. It’s still a month."


   Li Luo nodded when he heard the words, and said: "It's okay, you can recommend me."


   Lu Tiansheng drank the wine in one sip and led Li Luo out.


   walked out of the bar and called a scooter in the corridor. The two of them walked along the corridor of the mall to a huge iron gate.


   Lu Tiansheng shouted: "Tell Cary that a newcomer has reported."


   Soon, the two strong human men guarding the gate took out the communicator and said a few words, and opened the iron gate respectfully.


   After Li Luo walked in, a team soon came over.


   "Who is going to learn the genetic solution blender? This kid?" Several people glanced at Li Luo and Lu Tiansheng, and said.


   "It's me, my name is Ji Yun." Li Luo raised his hand and said honestly.


   "Well. Come with us. How many credits do you have?" an officer in a camouflage uniform asked.


   Li Luo said honestly: "Ten thousand."


   "Ten thousand?" Several soldiers were taken aback, sneered, and said, "You are not teasing us."


   Li Luo didn't get angry when he heard the words, and said, "Study for a month first."


   "Okay. Come with us."


   Several soldiers led Li Luo into a separate laboratory, while Lu Tiansheng greeted him and left.


   "You have good luck today. Master Karu specially came to the front to teach you newcomers. Today is just the first round of courses. You have to listen carefully."


  Walking into the laboratory, what you see is a dense cluster of students. There are more than 300 students. At the front of the laboratory, a middle-aged man is conducting a teaching experiment using projection.


   An hour later.


   Karu stopped and said:


   "The reason why the centrifuge is difficult to control is because your mental power is not high enough, so if you want to become a genetic engineer, you have to drink a lot of brain development medicine while meditating."


   "When the brain is developed to a certain level, it will be easy to control the centrifuge."


   "However. Even if the brain is developed to level 5, there are often failures. Therefore, there is no massive funding supply~www.readwn.com~ I advise you to stop the idea of ​​becoming a genetic engineer."


Karoo glanced around the crowd, saw no one walking out of the classroom, nodded in satisfaction, and said: "It seems that no one has given up. I have secretly investigated. Most of you are the disciples of a large family, and you have the remaining strength. It’s also powerful, and it’s quick to get credits. If that’s the case, let’s start.


   "You. Karen, come here and try the method I just taught."


   Soon, a tall and thin young man stepped onto the podium and started the experiment in front of everyone.




   Drops of green gene source liquid were separated from the centrifuge, and soon the energy crystal was also infused with his vindictive energy, igniting green rays of light, rushing toward the green liquid.


   Soon, the green liquid began to concentrate, and wisps of impurities began to separate out under Karen's control. In this way, an hour later, Karen had an extra bottle of green potion in his hand.


   "Very good, although it failed, it is also a bottle of low-level gene source liquid." Karu nodded in satisfaction, looked at the surrounding students, and said: "Did you see everything clearly? Try it yourself."


   Li Luo looked at the low-level gene source fluid in Karen's hand, his eyes throbbed, an idea quickly grew, and he looked at the contract line on his chest.


   This is what Pepper left after returning to the fairy world. As long as Li Luo paid some blood and original energy as the price, there was still a way to summon him here.



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