Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 690: Exposed and hidden

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After Li Luo got home, he was ready to purchase genetic waste liquid, but when he thought of the scarred man and his few tattooed men, he felt a little uneasy.

Temporarily letting go of the idea of ​​purifying the gene stock solution, he confirmed that the door had been locked again, and then ordered Xiaojin to patrol the room, and fell asleep.

Three days later.

Li Luo's room is not far away. A military suspension vehicle is parked here.

"Aileen, have you breached the security system?" Viper Velod asked the female mercenary who was using the electronic intrusion device beside him.

This time, the No. 1 Killer Viper of the Blood Tiger Mercenary Corps led the team and brought three experienced mercenaries to Li Luo's residence, wanting to explore Li Luo's reality.

"Elder Hui, it has been completed. The security system here is extremely backward, even just using our smart computer to crack it by itself." Ailian replied respectfully.

With a satisfied look on the hazy face of the poisonous snake, he said faintly: "Let's go. Let's try this person's depth."

Several warriors in armor slowly touched Li Luo's room.

During the day, the snake asked the red-haired woman next to him to find out the location of Li Luo, but only waited until night before he started acting.

"Robert, Ed and Sartre, the three of you will enter with me. Ailian is on the outside and must try to find out the depth of this kid!" The snake turned around and greeted the three of them, and then touched Li Luo's house.

"I said the boss. The person that Mr. Salm looked for lives in such a shabby place? Why doesn't it conform to common sense." Robert couldn't help but ask while sneaking.

"Huh. Isn't it? You'll know after you try it." The poisonous snake snorted coldly, his eyes flashing.

At this time, the only protective electronic door of the house had been closed, but the few people still looked cautious.

The entire protective gate is only made of alloy steel. The third-order alloy axe in Robert's hand easily cuts into the gate and directly cuts into the lock of the steel alloy gate.

Then Robert's hand gently pushed, and the seemingly safe steel alloy door was broken open.

The poisonous snake instructed the three of them to dive to the bedroom on the second floor with sign language. He checked the biological warehouse, and then showed a disappointed look.

Seeing the empty appearance in the biological warehouse, the poisonous snake no longer had any fear, but ran toward the second floor with a grim face.

But immediately, he heard a groan from the second floor, and hurriedly ran to the second floor to check it out.


A golden thread shot past, instantly smashing the combat video device on the viper, but the viper's eyes were blurred and it just walked towards the bedroom step by step.

Li Luo looked at the poisonous snake that walked in, then glanced at the three people around with the same dull faces, and shook his head slightly.

There was a word in his mouth, and about a quarter of an hour later, the four of them swayed and walked out.

When they came to the door, the expressions of several people changed, looking at their disheveled appearance, showing a look of contempt.

"This Ji Yun is really rubbish. For the sake of his own life, even his girlfriend is willing to offer it with both hands." Next to the poisonous snake, the tall Robert said with disdain.

"Huh. It's a bargain for this kid this time." Sartre said with a sneer.

Ed also nodded, showing a hint of sarcasm, and spit out.

The poisonous snake moved its neck, glanced behind him contemptuously, and walked towards the floating car.

"How about. Ailian? Has the battle been recorded?" The Viper said faintly, and glanced at Ailian's chest inadvertently, swallowing and spitting.

"No, your wartime video device shattered when you entered the room." Ai Lian took away her chest and said with some disgust.

"Huh?" Several people were surprised when they heard the words, and quickly looked at the recorder on their shoulders, their expressions changed slightly.

"Boss Venomous Snake?" Several people looked at the Venomous Snake, and the latter's complexion changed, and said: "Something's wrong. Withdraw, quickly notify Lord Salm."

A few people were shocked, and quickly got on the floating car and galloped away in one direction.

A gleam of golden light passed by, and the cars of several people suddenly ran into a house out of control and exploded with a bang.

The poisonous snake and others were enveloped in energy flames and rushed towards the nearest water pipe in surprise, but before they ran a few steps, they turned into a piece of coke and fell to the ground.

Li Luo slowly watched several people turn into coke from a distance, his expression a little gloomy.

His eyes flashed a few times, then he turned and walked in the other direction.

A few days later.

Inside the home of the taxi driver Wang Guoqiang, Li Luo sat here quietly.

At this time, he has changed his identity, with a face that looks like a stranger, smiling at Wang Guoqiang's son, Wang Hao.

"Excuse me, if you really only charge 10,000 credits, can my son become a first-class fighter?" Wang Guoqiang asked incredulously.

"Of course, but I want to live in your house for the time being. One-on-one teaching. This child has a good talent, I decided to train one or two." Li Luo nodded, looking like a compassionate teacher.

"Then, I would like to thank Master Kasai." Wang Guoqiang smiled, and quickly took out his identity token and scribbled on Li Luo's new identity token. Suddenly, 10,000 credits were added to Li Luo's bill.

"Very good. This is the exercise method for a fighter apprentice to a third-order fighter~www.readwn.com~ You collect it, and your son doesn't know what to do, just ask me." After that, Li Luo specifically explained to Wang Hao. After an apprenticeship breathing method, he walked outside.

He walked all the way, and gradually came to the farm.

The reason why he came here, he still wanted to get a job in the transportation of genetic waste liquid.

Usually these genetic waste liquids are fed to cattle, sheep and horses. These animals drink the liquid medicine, although their lifespan will be reduced, but their strength will increase rapidly. After reaching a certain level of slaughter, the meat quality can be made into delicacies to quickly supplement the training of the fighters. Consumption.

High-end hackers can look up a person's consumption data. If Li Luo buys genetic waste liquid from the Internet, he is simply writing the four characters I am Li Luo on his face. After all, his previous identity has not lost his purchase of genetic waste liquid. Hackers only need to find the next person who buys genetic waste liquid on a large scale to find him.

In the farm, the farmers kept checking the status of the cattle and sheep, and what was recorded in the booklet. Li Luo walked all the way into the office on the second floor and knocked gently on the door.

After a while, the door opened.

A middle-aged bald man walked out and looked at Li Luo, his face was not very good. Behind him, a enchanting woman stomped her foot and quickly left here.

Li Luo's eyes flashed, his face suddenly condensed, and he asked, "Boss, have you been feeling fatigued, waist sore, and still can't sleep well?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked: "How do you know?"

Li Luo smiled and said, "I used to be a doctor. Seeing that your Yintang is still a little dark, I'd better go to the hospital."

The middle-aged man's complexion changed and he hurried out.

Li Luo looked at the middle-aged man's back, stroked his chin and thought about it, then sat down on a chair beside him.

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