Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 694: Big brother's fiancee

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The spaceship shook for a while, and several huge zergs in the starry sky surrounded the spaceship.

But then, a huge battleship quickly approached, and a small spaceship flew out from above and flew towards several huge zergs.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of laser shots caused several huge zergs to quickly escape from here.

The spacecraft slowly entered the atmosphere and flew in one direction. A dozen small planes escorted the spacecraft, and soon landed on a huge open space.

Half of the open space was moored with houses. Just as Li Luo was wondering, he saw Tu Jieshang press a button, the spacecraft vibrated violently, and there was a chaotic sound, which also turned into a steel villa.


Walking out of the spaceship and looking at the villa full of technological sense, Li Luo secretly wondered.

Soon, a group of figures walked out of the villa.

They wore a camouflage uniform with a fierce face, but when they passed by Li Luo, they paid a military salute.

After Li Luo returned a military salute one by one, he walked into the villa again, but couldn't get out with the door behind closed doors.

Soon, a week passed.

Tu Jieshang brought back a corpse. This corpse was an ordinary expedition mercenary who died in the hands of a knife and insect, and his entire abdomen was hollowed out, looking extremely miserable.

"I know this person, his name is Zhu Quan, and his identity is already there"

Li Luo gave a hum, and after instructing the others to leave the room, he looked at the face of the dead body, and it changed for a while, and it was exactly the same as him.

Picking up the identity token and communication watch of the dead body, Li Luo pointed his finger, and the dead body turned into a burst of energy particles and drifted away.

After walking out of the room, Li Luo put away his identity token, and couldn't get out with the door behind closed doors.

For a month, Tu Jieshang didn't dare to take on the risky mission. Li Luoduo gave them a few buckets of high-level gene stocks, which was barely enough to spend on the base.

After all, the entire team is more than 300 people, and Tu Jieshang uses a large amount of gene stock to improve the strength of the players, so the crystal points on his body are somewhat insufficient.

It is a pity that the high-level gene stock solution is not used to improve strength. If it is sold too much, it will attract the attention of others. Li Luo understands the team leader's method very well.

To deal with such a large number of Zerg species, Li Luo wanted to use magic tricks, but the elements of heaven and earth are extremely rare here, and some are just crystal cluster energy comparable to aura. As a last resort, he had to purchase the AS type anti-aircraft rifle for self-defense.

"Mr. Zhu Quan, I invaded Skynet just now, and your fingerprints have been spread from the bounty hunter. I hope you stay at home and don't run around." Hannah chuckled and looked at Li Luo with helplessness. To say.

Li Luo gave Hannah angrily and walked directly into the biological warehouse.

He went directly to deep sleep, and in his dream, let the spacecraft brain infuse him with some hacking knowledge of smart computers.

With Xiaojin, Li Luo was not afraid of being disturbed by others. He just studied hacking knowledge of smart computers wholeheartedly, and quickly mastered it, and learned the advanced version of electronic warfare knowledge.

As far as his mental power is concerned, he can perform thousands of virtual exercises of electronic countermeasures without even having a small wit, and he has reached the proficiency level directly from the entry point.

Of course, compared with Hannah, there was still a slight gap, and he was not in a hurry. When he slowly walked out of the biological warehouse, it had been more than a month.

"Hey, Brother Zhu Quan. As expected, these dog-day mercenaries have begun to attack our team." Tu Mieshang watched Li Luo wake up and complained.

Li Luo looked at Tu Mieshang, muttered to himself, and walked out of the room after a while. "I'll go out and see if there are any tasks that pay a lot of money."

The voice came from outside, and Tu Mieshang hurriedly ran out in fright.

"Eh. You wait for me to finish talking."

Tu Mieshang swallowed and said, "This time the rescue is the girlfriend of Emperor Ziyuan’s apprentice, and the daughter of Emperor Ziyuan, named Luna Perni. Don’t ask me why he is like this. The surname, all the children of the emperor, follow the mother’s surname."

"This time Luna went to the Insect Mother Forest for a trial, hunting down an Earth Insect Demon alone. However, we encountered a large number of worms and dogs. Although we paid the price of hundreds of people, we finally rescued Luna. Up."

"In addition to the dead brothers, there is a small part of the bounty left, enough for three years. Uh. I mean saving some flowers."

The scar on Tu Mieshang's face was distorted, and he said, "It's still the old rule. In the past three years, you try to extract high-level gene stocks. Improve the strength of me and a few backbones. We will continue to fight for you for three years."

At this point, the meaning is obvious.

"Three years of training resources, in exchange for the protection of your team? It seems that your team's ability is only that." Li Luo's eyes flashed, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "Very good, I agree."

In this way, Li Luo's life gradually stabilized. I spent three months in refining high-level gene fluid and practicing.

On this day, Li Luo walked out of the biological warehouse.

"Xiaozhi, put advanced electronic warfare experience into my mind."

"Dididi. Start transmitting."

"1%, 2%...100%"

The silver light in Li Luo's eyes gradually dissipated, and a brilliant light flashed.

He slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, put on a pair of gloves, and kept tapping in front of the computer screen.

There are no arrays of constantly refreshing data on the display. For people without relevant knowledge, these data can't even read it, let alone operate it.

However, Li Luo operated very easily. There was already master-level electronic countermeasure knowledge in his mind, let him know how to skip Skynet and artificial search, and it is possible to successfully modify the identity token.

He even successfully captured the'first-level search program in Skynet' in just ten seconds, and began to tamper with ~www.readwn.com~ and soon discovered the code that exposed his location, every minute Send out a concealed program for positioning.

Ten fingers kept tapping the keyboard like a phantom, and soon a brand-new search program became the target of Skynet's search again. Li Luo's fingers were linked, and Skynet's previous search program was deleted.

All this can only happen within a minute, and when he finishes it, it can reach 58 seconds. After pulling out the identity token and plugging it into the computer, Li Luo finally showed a smile after looking at the brand-new identity data.

Turning off the computer, then restarting, and formatting the security system of the entire villa, Li Luo's face changed for a while, changed into the image of a handsome man, put on a camouflage uniform, and walked out.

He did this because of the three-year period.

After three years, this Tu Jieshang must tear up the alliance, in order to protect himself, this Tu Jieshang must hand him over to the red-eyed mercenaries.

He is not arrogant to think that in the front line of this master like a cloud, he will not be besieged and die. After all, the elements of heaven and earth here are extremely thin, and the ability of a wizard is temporarily useless.

Soon after he walked out of the villa, he walked all the way towards the fortress.

However, he has not waited for a few steps.

A sweet female voice like an oriole reached his ears.

"Cut. Coward. Dare to invade Skynet."

Li Luo's face changed drastically, and he quickly turned his head to look at the owner of the voice behind him.

What caught the eye was a young woman with snow-skinned skin, ink-like eyes, sparse eyebrows on a pretty face, and a suitable nose bridge. Although she was still a bit childish, she was already too beautiful.

"You are..." Li Luo looked at the girl, always feeling like he had seen it somewhere, and his expression changed greatly.

"You are the fiancée of Big Brother! I'm Cao!"

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