Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 699: Murder with a knife

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Inside the unmarked virgin forest.

A figure wearing a black robe quickly passed by. Behind him were a dozen men in black. Although they were covered, it was not difficult to see that they were in a terrible mood at this time.

Since going deep into the Zerg Demon Mountain Forest, the surrounding Zerg beehives seemed to surge, and they actually bypassed Li Luo and rushed towards them. I didn't know how many zergs had been killed along the way, and kept moving away from Li Luo.

They didn't know that with Xiaojin, most of the Zerg chose to bypass Li Luo.

"Damn it. Why wouldn't that person be attacked by these zergs?" A tall and thin man in black stopped on an ancient tree and couldn't help but speak.

Looking at the Zerg corpses all over the floor, the black-clothed old man also stopped.

"Huh. Our twelve shadow guards are the top masters of the family, and we are afraid that these worms will not succeed." Although the old man said that, he did not continue to give orders to pursue.

"Captain, that's what I said. But once we encounter groups of flying dragons and insects, we can't flee away." One of the small masked men couldn't help but speak.


"Damn it. Had it not been for a group of flying dragons and insects flying in the sky from time to time, we would have caught him!" A tall and thin man in black hit the old tree with a fist, and the old tree fell down with a bang.

"Humph. Wouldn't he fly away?" a tall man in black snorted coldly.

Everyone fell silent for a while. After a while, the black-clothed old man's face was covered, his eyes hesitated, and he continued to chase Li Luo's direction.

"This person dares to get rid of the fiancée of the big brother, **** it! My Whampoa family must have him die without a burial place!"

The old man's voice came over, and eleven men in black jumped from the old tree with a sharp spirit.


The twelve continued to chase in the direction where Li Luo escaped.

Li Luo rushed for his life, and the surrounding ancient trees quickly retreated, and gradually came to a zerg nest.


Xiaojin flew over Li Luo's shoulder.

"I will help you change your breath, and you will follow me invisibly."

After speaking, a green light instantly enveloped Li Luo, and his aura began to gradually change, and he was no different from the insect demon he had encountered before.

After Xiaojin flew back into Li Luo's sleeve robe, Li Luo dived towards the worm's den.

Along the way, except for one sarcoma, there were groups of zerg. After carefully avoiding it, Li Luo gradually walked into a huge sarcoma nest.

What caught the eye were the larvae of the Zerg race, which looked extremely hideous and nauseous, making Li Luo a little nauseous.

But at this moment, the surrounding larvae squeaked and squeaked, causing Li Luo to alert Dasheng to look around.

I saw a human woman slowly walked into the nest and walked towards a fleshy seat in the nest.

To be precise, it should be a worm with two wings on its back. Although it has the face of a human woman, it exudes a Zerg atmosphere comparable to an eighth-level powerhouse.

Although Li Luo was not afraid to go head-to-head with him, after experiencing the scorpion venom, he became a little more afraid of the strange abilities of these worms, and quickly retreated outside.

And just when he was about to exit the lair, the whistle and whistle whistle sounded in vain, and Li Luo's heart was tense in fright.

Just when Li Luo thought he had been discovered, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and he saw a figure two meters tall slowly walking in.

What came in was a man wearing a tuxedo. He looked no different from an ordinary human, except that the dark green light flashed slightly, and an evil and violent aura spread.

"So, devil, what was my condition before?" said the Zerg woman, sitting on the chair and looking coldly at the demon in front of her.

The two-meter-tall man smiled slightly, he looked very gentleman, he just grabbed a larva and swallowed it.

"Very good, the meat is delicious." The devil man's mouth twitched, revealing a satisfied look.

The demon man took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, and continued: "Our demon clan can send troops, but after defeating the human clan here, our demon clan will send a part of its troops to the planet for a long time. Of course, this part of the force is all elite troops. Of course, you only need to provide enough human flesh, or this kind of larval flesh and blood."

"Kicadiro, how many larvae do we Zerg provide a day?" The Zerg queen asked with a cold light in her eyes.

"We only dispatched 300,000 troops. After the entire planet is taken, I believe that the larvae of your Zerg race can produce tens of millions of giants in one day." Kildiro said calmly.

The Zerg queen's eyes flickered, she looked at Kildiro coldly, and then the corner of her mouth twitched slightly and said, "Deal!"

"Then, now it's almost time to open the portal of the abyss plane." Kildiro said, turning and walking outside.

"Is the sacrificed Zerg ready?" Kildiro gradually expanded into a four-meter-tall demon.

"Huh. This time there are twelve powerful human races. It happens that the main force of my Zerg race is nearby. After besieging them, we will definitely get enough of our race corpses, plus these human corpses. The portal should be easy to build." The Zerg queen looked far away and flew high into the sky.


With a piercing cry, the forest in the distance shook for a while, and then, a yellow cloud floated in the sky, pressing down in the direction where Li Luo came.

Li Luo looked at Huang Yun in the distance, suddenly surprised. When these yellow clouds got closer, they were all brown flying dragons, insects, and monsters. The number was densely packed with hundreds of thousands of giants!

Then, at the end of the forest, there was a roar and a roar.

The battle lasted for seven hours~www.readwn.com~Li Luo quietly beside a pile of larvae, until the Zerg queen and the demon walked in that direction, they chased them again.

When he walked not far from the twelve corpses, Li Luo's expression was slightly moved.

These corpses are very well preserved, but each has a few fatal injuries on the chest.

"These corpses cannot all be sacrificed. I want this old man's corpse to be made into a brainworm puppet." The Zerg queen neighed and said.

Immediately afterwards, a sword insect demon came over with a brainworm on his back.

Li Luo was shocked and quickly retreated to the distance.

After the brainworm got into the body of the black-clothed old man, Li Luo was shocked to find that the black-clothed old man had actually stood up, and his breath was no different from before.

The black-clothed old man half-kneeled in front of the Zerg queen, kissed the queen's ankle, stood up, his gaze swept sharply, and looked towards Li Luo.

"His Royal Highness, found a Zerg." The brainworm puppet said lightly.

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