Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 705: Develop demonic power

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"Find the coordinates of the world where this jade slip is located as soon as possible." Li Luo said lightly, waving his hand.

Several demons took their orders and retreated.

Sitting on a sarcoma, Li Luo's eyes were deep, thinking about something.

First of all, the food in his space bag is almost running out. If he wants to take the food of the abyss world, it will probably erode his body to some extent. Therefore, even if these demons don’t find him, he will return to the normal world and hoard some food. .

Secondly, after fighting in the arena, the demons in this city may have begun to doubt him and must leave here.

But all of this must be said after he has finished this battle.

Soon, the conquering team set off again.

Because Li Luo is a Tier 4 demon lord and has the right to recruit widows, he directly found these demon loyal to him and followed the demon army.

This time, he plunged seventeen little demons into the cone witchcraft and started data analysis.

The rain of blood wafted in the air, and above the mighty sky, the blood-colored moonlight fell straight down, and then shone on the rain of blood, transpiring the rain of blood into a blood-colored mist, and enveloped the earth.

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at the scene in front of him, Li Luo quietly raised his head, sighed softly, and then slowly put away the Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand.

An inexplicable mood swing surged from his mind. In an instant, an unprovoked hatred grew in Li Luo's mind, and it rushed straight into his mind. It seemed that he couldn't help but find someone cruelly. Fight together.

This is the power of the abyss of the Slaughter Domain. Although he has fought a limited number of times in the past month, this power still discovered Li Luo and rushed towards him frantically.

Even with Li Luo's destructive power, facing this weird abyssal force, he has become extremely strenuous, and the emotions in his mind are slightly out of control.

"It's horrible..."

Slightly shook his head, looking at the subordinates who had grown into the third-order great devil around him, Li Luo directly pulled out the conical witchcraft on their spine and began to connect his mechanical heart.

"Master Kilsef, the entrance to that ruin is on a cliff in this decisive battle." A big demon who swore allegiance to Li Luo said hoarsely.

"Got it. Let's go."

Li Luo got up and walked away with a few of his men.

"Kilserf, where are you going?" a four-legged abyss lord, grinning at the corner of his mouth, revealing an ugly face, shouted coldly.

Li Luo turned to look at the abyss lord, just watching him quietly.

The latter palpitated immediately, and an unprecedented sense of horror spread all over his body, and he dared not say any more objections.

Under the horrified gaze of the surrounding demons, Li Luo quickly led his men and left here.

They walked all the way, past huge rocks around them, and gradually came to a cliff.

In front of the cliff, a long and narrow gap emerged, and Li Luo and a few demons got in.

Along the way, a few people passed through the cliff and gradually came to an underground city.

The building is quite old-fashioned, all of which are all bluestone houses, without any dangerous organs and traps, except for the jade slips given by these demons before, and some spirit tools and array flags.

"Master. With these things, we can quickly locate this plane." The tall Aksala roared.

Li Luo nodded, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Then, there are still some corpses for sacrifice."

"My lord. Just wait until the two armies go to war. We clean the battlefield, I'm afraid it will be enough." Abyss Demon Arthur Kil opened his mouth, with an ugly smile on his mouth.

Li Luo patted the abyss demon on the shoulder, turned and walked outside.

"Let's go. Don't be so troublesome."

Several demon men looked at each other, not knowing why, but they still followed.

After walking for about an hour, Li Luo returned with his men.

Looking at the demons around, Li Luo raised the Thunder Dragon Sword high.

boom! ! !

A purple ray shot out immediately, traversed a distance of thousands of meters, and instantly slashed into the demons.

In an instant, the purple rays of light turned into a purple sword energy, and then it turned into a tornado hurricane and then raged.


The rain of blood in the sky drifted away, and the stumps of limbs and broken arms drifted down with the tornado, and were crushed by smaller hurricanes, turned into a rain of blood, and drifted away by the transpiration of the blood day.

Accompanied by a sharp roar, the remaining demons, thousands of huge demons, rushed over in anger, bringing slight shocks to the earth.

Li Luo raised his arm high again.

Immediately afterwards.




Sword Qi shot out, passing the demons in an instant, turning into an arc-shaped sword Qi rotating and raging, like a round of grinding discs, crushing all the demons into pieces of flesh and blood, and then evaporated and dispersed by the blood day. .

"let's start."

Li Luo turned his head and said to the surrounding subordinates who were still in a daze ~www.readwn.com~ slightly panting.

A dozen gigantic sword auras were released at once, which was quite a consumption for him, let alone being in a very aggressive environment like the Slaughter Domain.

Fortunately, this consumption is worthwhile.

Soon, a few demons established a blood-colored portal, and Li Luo and a few demons stepped in.

After a moment of dizziness.

The fresh air then fell into the tip of Li Luo's nose, making him refreshed.

Looking at the familiar old green trees around, Li Luo's mouth twitched, revealing a smile.


Several demons spit out eggs, Li Luo turned his head and glanced, but did not stop. In the introduction of a jade slip, the magic repairs of this plane have unified the orthodoxy of the entire plane, and it has turned into the end of the world where zombies are rampant and monsters are in trouble.

Since it is the end of the world, it doesn't matter whether the demons or the demons rule. Even according to Li Luo's idea, he still hopes that these demons will form a demon army as soon as possible.

However, the magic repair of this world has an existence comparable to the seventh order. Li Luo has to personally supervise the battle. In the stage of the reproduction and development of these demons, he plans to find the high-end combat power of this plane first, destroy it in one fell swoop, and pave the way for his demons.

Let his subordinates develop on their own, Li Luofei flew up, flew into the sky, carefully identified it, and flew towards a village.

He flew all the way for hundreds of kilometers before he fell down.

The village in front of me seemed to have a small population. The villagers looked dull and looked at their children, crying from time to time.

Li Luo slowly walked towards the villager, and was about to ask something, but a hoarse voice suddenly rang.

"What a lovely boy. Bring this kid to the temple!"

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