Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 725: Siege to die

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   The cross cut instantly fell on the two monsters, but it only stirred up a spark. A large diamond shield instantly condensed in front of Li Luo, and the large shield shattered with a loud sound of gold and iron.


   Seeing Li Luo's hands, the mercenaries and royal guards also rushed out without hesitation.


   Because Li Luo was close to the two monsters, everyone chose to shoot at their side. But seeing them grasping the guns steadily in their hands, under a loud noise, it turned into a white electromagnetic light curtain and spewed towards the demon and the Zerg queen.


   Li Luo's eyes were full of purple light, and the light flashed, and a huge transparent bubble was sprayed out of his mouth. With a shake in the wind, it turned into a large transparent bubble, and instantly enveloped the two monsters.


   This spell is also an auxiliary spell, and its name is three-phase water. It is a confinement spell composed of water element, earth element and wind element. Even in this environment, it is more than enough to trap two monsters for one second.




   Under the intensive roar, Li Luo had only time to hold up a large shield, and then he was lifted off by an incomparable shock wave.


When he got to a tumbling station, he was shocked to find that the Zerg queen and the demon in the distance had all inspired the Dharma, one is a giant white silkworm chrysalis phantom, the other is a black demon god, the breath rises again. Some.


   But the mercenary horses around were happy, the weapons in their hands kept roaring, and they kept shooting regardless of the back-shock injuries.




Under the sound of intensive explosions, the underground space began to collapse, but all the high-ranking soldiers present were naturally not afraid of this level of alive burial. Not only did the firepower not decrease, but it instantly turned into a more powerful silver light curtain. The two monsters were enveloped.




   Cracks suddenly appeared in the two magic elements, and then they broke apart, revealing two pairs of **** eyes, staring at Li Luo firmly.




   The queen of the Zerg claw let out a roar, and the two sharp front paws were blurred. The nails actually drew two black lines of energy in the void and slashed towards Li Luo's body.


   The demon's eyes flashed with cold light, and the dark green light on his arm was brilliant. Under a blur, a half-moon-shaped dark green pike shot towards Li Luo.


   Li Luo's face changed, and he quickly urged his body to shoot backwards, and at the same time a thick diamond armor appeared on his body.


   With a "chih", a black line pressed close to Li Luo's chest, and red blood appeared on Li Luo's chest, blood spurting out, but it finally resisted the Zerg queen's planned blow.


   But immediately after the attack of the devil, Li Luo didn't dare to take it hard. He saw the thunder dragon sword in his hand flashing with a purple shadow, and a crescent moon sword shot out, and instantly collided with the dark green horse.


  铮! laugh!


  The dark green evil energy instantly shattered the sword energy, but it also weakened seven or eighty eight, and burst into Li Luo's body.


   The raging evil energy exploded at this moment, but it was absorbed by a layer of purple ripples on Li Luo's body, and gradually turned into a piece of blue energy that poured into Li Luo's body.


At the critical moment, the mystery totem’s absorption of magic and spatial stacking saved his life. Not only did he endure the angry blow of the eighth-order demon, but also destroyed and purified the evil energy, turning it into a pure mana, and poured into Li. Luo's pubic area.


  The black shadow flashed, and Li Luo appeared ghostly beside the Zerg queen, his fist glowing with purple light drew a huge arc in the air, and the dim underground cave was instantly illuminated and the light burst.


   In the low and whistling fist wind, the purple fist slammed on the head of the Zerg queen.


   There was a cracking sound louder than before, and the Zerg queen's head was shattered with a punch.


   This blow was not only the surrounding soldiers stunned, but even the demon in front of him was stunned on the spot, unable to make an effective attack for a while.


"good chance!"


   The many mercenaries and royal guards in the distance seemed to have recovered from the counter shock. The guns in their hands burst out of a hundred silver light beams, and the dense electromagnetic particle stream instantly enveloped the devil.




   Under the devil snorted coldly, the dark green rays of light condensed on his arms, and the fel light in his hands condensed to the extreme.


   A large dark green fireball slowly emerged.


"not good!"


   Li Luo's complexion changed, and he directly used the mana he had just obtained, a beam of destruction like a reduction, instantly shot into the fireball.




  The fireball that had not yet formed burst instantly, and the dark green flames raged in all directions. They saw each mercenary put out their shields to block them, but they were immediately rushed out by an incomparable shock wave.


   Each of the mercenaries and royal guards suddenly vomited blood, and Li Luo was not much better, but at last it was just a trace of blood spilling from his mouth.


   After landing, Li Luo narrowed his eyes and saw that the demon in the distance was also bursting. He looked at Li Luo with a distorted face, and there was an extra rag doll in his hand.


   But seeing the phantom of the Demon God emerging from behind the demon again, a sharp needle of black energy gushed out of his fingertips, and it instantly plunged down towards the doll.


Li Luo only felt a malicious attack from the void, his head seemed to be inserted by an iron rod, and the tissues in his brain seemed to be disturbed. The indescribable pain spread to the depths of his soul, and he couldn't help but fall down. On the ground.


The surrounding crowd has no fighting ability. Several movable royal guards are holding electromagnetic blocking guns~www.readwn.com~ constantly shooting, but when they hit the devil, they don’t care at all, it seems that only Li Luo is in their eyes. Only one person.


   The demon walked towards Li Luo step by step, but then his complexion changed and dodged in one direction.




   The lin armor on his arm burst instantly, and in the distance was a golden beetle. Under the loud hum, it shot towards the demon again.


The devil felt Xiaojin's strength in the middle of the seventh stage, his face changed, and he shouted angrily: "Good, good. There is also a seventh-order sky eater! Damn, no matter what era, you **** sky eater choose to help the wizard ?!"


Xiaojin flashed past the devil, and after cracking a few pieces of lin armor, he stopped in the air, and said with a milky voice, "Is it possible to be faithful to you and turn the beautiful forest into a dead wood forest, or a demonized forest? Sorry, I still like to eat things from the order of the world!"


After   , Xiao Jin suddenly turned into a gold thread and began to shuttle around the devil, and the devil's armor began to shatter one by one.


"Damn it. If this was in the abyss, the deity would have confined you with fel energy and chewed it to pieces!!" The demon knelt on the ground, howling in pain, and continued: "Originally, this villain was just for you. These sky-eaters were prepared. The **** wizards are all this **** wizards!"


   The devil's voice gradually became quieter, and after a while, he crashed to the ground. On his neck, there was a cracked blood gutter, and dark green blood gushed out.



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