Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 731: crisis

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Three months later.

Li Luo left the newly built altar. However, at this time, he had obtained the latest mutant Zerg virus gene and walked towards the base.

When he walked to the base, Li Luo looked at all kinds of robots, but he could not see a human shadow. His complexion was a little strange.

"Captain, all races have entered the biological warehouse and have begun to clone our fighters." A robot came over and said ethereally.

"Clone? Is it... cruel StarCraft, it is impossible to always let these mercenaries fight on their own." Li Luo nodded suddenly, and said, "Are they copying their memories now?"

"Yes. Captain. These clones are all injected with potent overdraft potions. Although this leads to a short lifespan, their combat power can be quickly increased." The robot stood aside and replied.

Nodded, Li Luo walked towards the laboratory of the steel fortress.

So, three months later.

Li Luo took the newly mutated genetic virus and handed it to the robot.

"Spread these viruses out." After an order, Li Luo walked towards Luna's room.

Knocked on the door of the room, no one, Li Luo found Dray Dawei.

"Luna took someone to raid the nearest kryptonite mine entrenched by the Zerg, and walked for about three hours."

Li Luo followed the direction marked on the map and walked all the way, gradually crossing a creek and coming to a cave.

Seeing the footprints on the ground, Li Luo slowly sneaked in. After passing a sarcoma tunnel, a huge cave entrance in front appeared in front of him.

Listening to the faint shouts and the roar of guns, Li Luo hurried forward.

Perceiving behind closed doors, and after confirming that there were no worms in the ground, he jumped down and landed on a sarcoma.


The sarcoma burst, and an underdeveloped Zerg queen appeared in front of Li Luo.

Immediately, Li Luo swept his eyes sharply, watching dozens of figures standing in a circular square in the distance, constantly bombarding the surrounding hunters with the electromagnetic artillery in his hand.

Li Luo hurriedly ran over, and instantly released a clear-thinking spell to Luna and the others, and the dense electromagnetic cannons gradually began to hit these speedy insect killers.

"Fire cover!"

Several clone fighters ran over to meet Li Luo.

After entering the team, Li Luo took out his KSS blocking electromagnetic gun, and began to shoot the surrounding insects.


"Li Luo. Be careful. All the worms here have acquired the Queen's virus antibodies." Luna reminded.

Several hunters locked Li Luo at this moment. Seeing that, it turned out to be rushing towards Li Luo regardless of casualties.

The ‘Hunter’ was so fast that he rushed to Li Luo not far from him in an instant.

"Boom!" With a sound, the body of the ‘Hunter’ flying over hit the diamond shield heavily. The strength of this force caused Li Luo, who had been prepared, to sink his feet deep into the ground. Ran Wen

Li Luo's eyes were cold, and the Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand danced, and the hunter was instantly cut in half.

At this time, on the watch, the clone Fox had already accepted it, and the electronic light screen in Li Luo's eyes showed the clone's combat power message.

This was the first time he saw this kind of rapidly generated warrior message.

"Clone Foss, in the early stage of the fifth stage, the body is at the peak of the sixth stage, the most potential is overdrawn to the fifth stage."

At this time, the battle axe in Foss's hand had already attacked, and several'hunters' felt the power contained in the battle axe and quickly dodged.

If the ‘hunter’ continues to move and attack, Li Luo will shoot them one after another, but if he doesn’t move, he can only choose to fight with Li Luo and a few clones that have come over.

Several clones, except Foss led by Fuchs, reached Tier 5, and everyone else reached Tier 4 peak.

But their armor seems to have a booster system, and the speed and power it exerts are terrifying.

However, although the few people are not the opponents of these hunters, Li Luo has already charged up and is ready for a series of attacks.

These "Hunters" just evaded Foss's battle axe, and the swords in other people's hands immediately slashed up. "Hunters" wanted to evade upward, but they were blocked by Mond's warhammer.

Several'hunters' evaded continuously and kept approaching Li Luo. It seemed that they had received orders to behead Li Luo, a powerful reinforcement force, on the spot, but the combat experience of the several clones present was really old. At the mercenary level, I saw Mond's Tier 5 warhammer hitting the back of a'hunter' under one rotation.

Although the ‘Hunter’ was hit by the warhammer and fell to the ground from the air, when he was about to struggle, Li Luo also reacted, and the Thunder Dragon sword turned into an afterimage and slashed.

Losing the advantage of flying, the ‘Hunter’’s speed couldn’t be achieved either, and Li Luo’s Thunder Dragon Sword was severely slashed and instantly cut in half.

"Boss is mighty!" Foss said with a big smile.

Immediately afterwards, Mond's five-level warhammer swept across, hitting a'hunter' in the head, severely wounding it, and then a round of battle axe slashed, in the same position. Hit, the struggle of the'Hunter' stagnated, and the whole head grumbled down.

Foss and Mond didn't stop. When killing the hunter, the remaining hunters also gave up Li Luo, and the two bone arm sickles staggered and slashed towards them.

Although the speed of these ‘hunters’ is very fast, at first glance, a few of them are men who have experienced many battles, and they have displayed their martial arts one after another.


Foss shouted, his body shape blooming like a spinning top, and green insect blood flowed out of the hunter's wound. Li Luo could see that this'hunter' was chopped off in the heavy axe whirlwind. , Even the bone sickle was broken, and another'hunter' was hacked to death.

At this time, Li Luo finally understood why the Purple Yuan Galaxy had such a profound background.

Because of these old mercenaries who have experienced many battles and continue to participate in the war as clones, even if there are a large number of Zergs, they can only stalemate with the Humans on the front line, and are unable to take down the planet with complete Human defenses.

Soon, more hunters rushed towards this side~www.readwn.com~ Not only did Li Luo not continue to rush towards the team, but instead distanced himself from Luna, he started shooting with electromagnetic guns.

With several clones to respond, several hunters were instantly bombarded into scum.

Suddenly, the pressure on Luna and others in the distance was greatly reduced.

Then, with the explosion of the electromagnetic cannon, the number of worms around began to rapidly decrease, but then, a zerg queen, more than three meters high, came out of a sarcoma wall.

Feeling the breath of the Zerg queen, the kind of spiritual pressure that resembled a mountain, Li Luo's expression changed.

At this moment, Li Luo judged the strength of this Zerg queen, the late eighth stage! Has begun to touch the existence of Tier Nine!

At this moment, the crisis began to come!

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