Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 736: Worm Lair Fierce Battle

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Li Luo's expression changed, and he walked outside with Xiaojin.

After the two left the city, Li Luo directly connected to the main ship in space.

"Anti-Matter Cannon, target Panshi City. The human race there is a mixture of insect demons and human races!"

Following Li Luo's order, the main ship of the universe immediately locked onto the city of Panshi.



With a loud noise, the entire Panshi City vaporized instantly with a huge beam of light coming directly.

After seeing the power of the anti-matter cannon more than ten kilometers away, Li Luo couldn't help but feel shivered. If this gun is aimed at him, I am afraid that a face-to-face will also end in this way.

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Luo walked towards the ruins of Panshi City.

Walking into the vaporized ruins, Li Luo kept scanning his eyes, spreading his spiritual power, and constantly searching for the underground entrance.

Since the worm has taken root in Panshi City, it is impossible to have an underground incubator.

Soon, he found a huge sarcoma entrance in the Xicheng District of Panshi City. It's just that the sarcoma channel at this time looks scorched.

Fei jumped down the passage, and the burnt smell rushed into his face, until it fell on the ground, the smell faded a little.

Looking at the eggs one by one, Li Luo's complexion changed slightly. Looking in the distance, there are intricate sarcoma passages, and I don't know where to lead. He pointed his watch around and began to ask other cities for help.

The picture was quickly transmitted to several nearby cities via satellite.

Although other people were notified, the insect king here is likely to move to another location, and Li Luo must relieve this trouble in advance.

His eyes swept sharply, the Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand burst out with dazzling brilliance, and purple sword aura shot out, instantly turning into a huge lotus sword curtain, covering the surrounding insect eggs.


The worm eggs shattered, revealing undeveloped figures. After Li Luo cut off their heads one by one, his expression was a little ugly.

"Boss. Leave this to me."

Xiaojin's figure changed instantly, turning into a giant sky-eater, with a mouth open, and these mixed-blood worms were inhaled by him.

"Ma Ma Ma..."

Chi Chi Chi Chi, Xiao Jin seems to have not eaten enough.

But at this moment, several sarcoma passages in the distance suddenly burst out of mixed-blood worms holding sharp blades and giant axes, rushing towards Li Luo.

"Xiaojin, go find the worm mother, and give me these craps." Li Luo roared and rushed over.

Xiaojin immediately turned into a short golden boy and dived into a passage.

The oncoming Zerg men and women were holding laser guns, and laser beams shot over.

Although Li Luo is completely unafraid of this kind of attack, he instinctively avoided it in advance.

The laser gun's rate of fire is extremely fast, but it has a strong mental perception. Li Luo can avoid it in advance, and it is not realistic to hit him. Endpoint Novel Network

These mixed-blood worms themselves have a human blood relationship, and their initial attributes are lower than ordinary worms, and they can only attack at most once in front of a spiritual wizard.

Shenluo's big shift broke out in an instant, Li Luo instantly appeared among the many mixed-blood worms, grabbed the laser gun fiercely, and the power broke out in his hand, the laser gun deformed and became scrap metal, and slapped the wormman in front of him with a backhand slap. His head was smashed.

Immediately afterwards, a dense laser beam passed through his body in an instant, but it dissipated under a burst of bubbles. It was just an afterimage.

Immediately, these worms were instantly penetrated by their own lasers and fell down.

"Hurry up and notify the queen to evacuate!!" another young mixed-blood worm demon shouted.

It was just that as Li Luo grabbed his head and the palm of his hand made a fragile click, the call for help came to a halt.

The surrounding hybrid worms were dead, Li Luo stopped staying, and ran towards the passage where Xiaojin disappeared.

But soon, a mixed-blood worm rushed over. In the hands of these worms, there was a shiny oval object, which gradually overlapped with a pattern in Li Luo's memory.

Krypton bomb!

Li Luo's face was cold, this kind of bomb was so powerful that even if the seventh-order strong resisted it, he would suffer some injuries.

He hurriedly withdrew from the passage and fled towards another passage.

After pulling the distance away, Li Luo directly placed a landmine in the sarcoma passage, speeding up and fleeing inside.

Soon, he entered a small spawning room, only to hear a blast from the rear, and then the ground began to shake violently.

The sarcoma wall seemed very strong. Although it looked a little collapsed, it persisted in the explosion of the krypton crystal bomb.

After destroying all the eggs in the surrounding area, Li Luo returned to the direction he came in, only to find that the passage here had collapsed. At the core explosion, the sarcoma tunnel looked like a steel wall, and it collapsed in an instant.

After analyzing for a few seconds, Li Luo's face was slightly solemn, and when he flipped his hand, a hideous blocking electromagnetic gun emerged. It is the KSS blocking the electromagnetic gun.


Standing in the distance, a shot was fired, instantly turning the passage in front of him into a vacuum zone, but soon a few boulders rolled down, blocking the passage.

Abandoning this violent method of breaking the channel, Li Luo turned and walked towards the small incubator room, looking for a moment, and finally punched a hole in front of a sarcoma wall.

Soon, he drilled all the way, and gradually came to an empty cave. In the distance, there were mixed-blood worms wearing camouflage uniforms, standing there in line, with a frenzied expression on his face. In front of these mixed-blood worms, there is a fiery queen of the Zerg race, doing some indescribable exercises with the mixed-blood worms.

Li Luo took a deep breath, and the KSS blocking electromagnetic gun in his hand aimed at this moment. The two electromagnetic cannon bullets were fired almost continuously, one after the other.

Heaven and Earth Hegemony and gravity training gave Li Luo a powerful physical body that can withstand the reaction force six times at a time, and this kind of extreme speed sniper is three times more than before gravity training.

The'KSS Anti-Electromagnetic Gun' is the best among the electromagnetic guns. It is the best among the known alliance firearms. Under Li Luo's strong physical quality, the'KSS Anti-Electromagnetic Gun' is a real demonstration of its terrifying power~www .readwn.com~ With the firing of six electromagnetic cannons in a row, a huge shock wave swept across the cave, and the invisible sound wave spread in all directions, directly passing through the body of the surrounding hybrid worm.


Under a muffled sound, where the sound wave passed, these mixed-blood worms broke apart immediately. The mixed-blood worms in the distance were better, but they also vomited blood and fell to the ground.

A dark green mask appeared on the worm mother in the distance, but her complexion was also not good, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

However, at this moment, the worm mother looked at Li Luo with a touch of fanaticism and a kind of greed that seemed to treat her prey.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes, retracted the blocking electromagnetic gun, and the Thunder Dragon Sword appeared in his hand, and Shenluo's Great Shift was instantly activated, turning into a phantom and rushing towards the King of Hybrid Insects.

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