Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 742: Kill

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"Then, talk about your plan." Li Luo asked with his eyes flashing.

Several demons laughed wildly.

"Plan? There is no plan, to draw the calamity beast in the abyss and destroy everything. Then harvest the power of destruction, it's that simple." Chaos Demon sneered and said with a roar.

"A calamity beast?" Li Luo twitched, nodded, and said, "Very good. I like it very much."

After speaking, a few people walked outside. Li Luo sent a few messages on the communicator to call away the clone fighters waiting outside, and then sent a message about the retreat of the entire army, and then he followed out.

Three months later.

In the depths of the Odin continent, Li Luo and others walked slowly in the wasteland.

"Then, the insect demon here should be enough for us to sacrifice." The chaos demon grinned and said coldly.

The Abyss Lord beside him frowned slightly, and said, "I'm afraid these worms will never agree with us to do this."

"Huh. So what. These low-level creatures can still violate the will of the abyss?" The Blade Demon snorted coldly, and continued: "I'll leave this to me."

The Blade Demon quickly walked into the Worm Nest, and several people waited quietly in the distance.

After an hour, the Blade Demon walked out.

"Huh ha ha ha. The Zerg queen here is really humble, bah." The Blade Demon spit, and said with some contempt.

"What did she say?" Li Luo asked quickly.

At this time, he had found a reason to secretly put on the fel leather armor, and the whole body exuded a strong fel aura.

"What can I say. Lao Tzu just said to summon more demons, and this mounter agreed at once." The Blade Demon said with some disdain, and glanced contemptuously in the direction of Worm Nest.

Soon, the dog insects and the earth insects ran out of the insect nest and stood together honestly.

"let's start."

The dark green light flashed in the hands of the abyss demon, and countless flies and mosquitoes emerged. His arm pushed forward, and a dark green shock wave rushed away.


There was a weird scream, and all the worms fell to the ground in blood.

Soon, more insects rushed out, and they were transformed into a pile of corpses by shock waves.

Li Luo watched all this quietly, felt the **** air flow in the air, and felt a bit strange in his heart.


Seeing the **** energy spreading around, Li Luo's expression changed slightly and said, "These worms were moved by the queen inside!"

Several demons heard the words, carefully perceive them, and their complexions changed accordingly.

Soon, with a high-pitched neigh, the Zerg queen rushed out with a group of worms.

"Stupid insect demon, you have to pay for your actions!" The chaos demon narrowed his eyes, and the breath of the whole body rose steadily, breaking the limit in an instant and reaching a new level.

I saw the dark green light flashing all over him, and the turbulent evil energy surged in all directions, instantly covering the insects that ran out.

At this moment, all the worms began to go mad and killed each other.

But the flesh and blood on the chaos demon quickly dried up.

"Through the sacrifice of flesh and blood, can I temporarily gain more advanced power?" Li Luo looked at the demon in front of him, his eyes flashed, and instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the Zerg queen in the distance.

The turbulent blood-colored energy spread, and instantly enveloped Li Luo, but was immediately dispelled by a more powerful purple-red energy, Li Luo instantly appeared in front of the Zerg queen. Jiuhe Shuyuan

Without any fancy magic, Li Luo just slammed a punch.

Immediately afterwards, with a miserable howl, the Zerg Queen's chest collapsed in an instant, and her whole body flew out directly to the rear, instantly hitting a boulder.

The boulder shattered in an instant, and the Zerg queen drew a kilometer away before stopping.

The expressions of several demons who were about to do their hands changed in an instant. They never expected that Li Luo's physical strength would be so terrifying.

The Chaos Demon instantly lifted his overdraft state, and looked at Li Luo with the same solemn expression.

Soon, Li Luo's figure flashed and appeared in front of the Zerg Queen again, slamming the queen's head with a fist.

Seeing this, several demons all took a breath.

"You are very strong, bug man. Exuding the fel energy that our devil has, it seems that you are strong and there is no reason." Chaos Demon's eyes condensed and said slowly.

Li Luo turned around and walked over. At this time, the surrounding insect demons had been turned into corpses under the attack of the rotting bug swarms for several rounds.

"let's start."

Li Luo said lightly, then stood quietly and stopped talking.

"Hey hey. Hahahaha. A Zerg who has practiced the law of destruction, I remember you." He laughed in confusion, a dark green light shot out from his hand, instantly turning into countless tiny strands of evil energy. , Will cover all the insects.

Immediately afterwards.

The corpses of these worm demon began to melt quickly, rushing towards the chaos demon, and gradually turned into a gate made of white bones. Under the surging evil energy, a dark green light gate slowly emerged.


The chaos demon roared and flew up.

Li Luo and others also followed closely.

Soon, a series of calamity beasts rushed out of the light gate and rushed towards the Zerg clan den in the distance.

The calamity beast group is generally at least 10,000. Several demons fleeing in the air with Li Luofei, quietly watching these calamity beasts and insect demons start to collide.

"Feel it." The Abyss Demon grinned grimly.

"Hahaha...The Will of the Abyss is watching us!" Li Mo also laughed wildly and said.

Li Luo's eyes flickered and asked, "Abyss Will? What are you talking about?"

Several demons looked at each other when they heard the words. Among them, the Chaos Demon said, "Since you are full of evil energy, you are considered half a demon. Here our leader came and brought a small part of the star souls from the abyss world. It is to devour the star soul of this plane."

Li Mo opened the mouth and said, "When the evil energy of this world surges, it will be the day you and I are promoted!"

Li Luo nodded, looking suddenly realized.

Calamity beasts kept pouring out of the light gate, Li Luo's eyes were calm, but he was actually thinking of some other things.

Obviously, it was really inappropriate for these demons to successfully destroy the worms. There was no other reason. Li Luo wanted to see the Abyss Star Soul very much in his heart.

Fortunately, these calamity beasts are only more than 30,000, which is obviously not enough to destroy the number of worms on this continent.

Li Luo watched the calamity beast go away, his eyes flickered, and asked, "How many demons have you come here?"

"Counting us, ten ~www.readwn.com~ Chaos Demon roared and flew away with a sullen expression. After a few people followed, the Chaos Demon performed the same trick again, in the Zerg Race. On the corpse of the scourge beast, a light gate was re-summoned, and more scourge beasts poured out from it.

In this way, several people stopped and flew all the way, and finally met an opponent on a plain hundreds of kilometers away.

In front of her was a Tier 8 Zerg queen. She glanced at several demons, and finally fixed her eyes on Li Luo and Zhe Yuan behind him.

She narrowed her eyes. With a harsh neighing sound, Li Luo felt a thud in his head, as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer, and he couldn't help feeling dizzy.

When he woke up, he was shocked to find that the connection between himself and Zheyuan disappeared instantly, but Zheyuan’s arm was submerged in the heart of the abyss demon beside him, and he was instantly pumped, a beating ink. The green heart was held in her hand.

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